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DH really embarrassed me earlier

102 replies

LeatherOnLeather · 05/02/2009 22:23

We were invited around to friends for dinner tonight. They got the wii out and we had a play around on some of their party games. We were having a really good laugh. Then when it was my turn I was doing this ski jump thing where you have to bend down and DH shouted "OPEN YOUR LEGS!" but in a really rough 'docker' type voice. Everyone was in hysterics, one was actually having trouble beathing and had to leave the room she was laughing so much and DH just kept repeating it over and over again. I tried to ignore him, laugh along and carry on with the game but I felt like everyone was laughing at me.

I didn't cause a scene there but I'm really annoyed with him. he says I'm being unreasonable and childish. Wouldn't you lot react the same way or am I making a big deal out of nothing?

OP posts:
BitOfsexyFunbutnotupthebum · 05/02/2009 23:43

Just wallop him and take it as a joke

Ashantai · 06/02/2009 00:00

Cripes, some peeps have had a humour bypass tonight! This is so not a big deal imo. I'd have laughed it off and given my oh a slap

Oh and for some of us poor bastards, virtual skiing is the nearest we will get to the real thing!

Tortington · 06/02/2009 00:18

lordy! what a sour puss, barrel of laughs to be around

JodieO · 06/02/2009 02:06

I wouldn't find it funny tbh.

roselle · 06/02/2009 02:29

Don't think I'd be bothered by it but that's not really the point, you were bothered by it and so he shouldn't do it. If you are not laughing with him he is having a joke at your expense. Tell him.

Wizzska · 06/02/2009 16:07

Oh my goodness some people on here are soooo superior. Personally I see nothing wrong with cow racing, or ski jumping, or Wii boxing and have never thought of slitting my wrists. Lighten up fgs!

The open legs comment sounds a bit dumb to be honest, as you wouldn't so that to ski jump. It was just a comment though, I'd not take it as a personal attack. They were probably all laughing at him rather than you though.

Ashantai - well said.

becstarlitsea · 06/02/2009 16:44

ScottishMummy - are you aware that Extreme Ironing is a real sport. Well "real" enough to be on telly. Wiki it, and risk losing the will to live...

OP - I have no clue, probably just a joke. Doesn't sound like my sort of evening must admit.

Wigglesworth · 06/02/2009 16:57

I would have said "I wouldn't have to open them very far, you're hardly a girth monster". It sounded like he was joking to me, although a crude one, stay one step ahead with the humiliation would be my advice.

Wigglesworth · 06/02/2009 17:00

When we go round to our friends we all play x-box live, I love abusing people online when they start taunting me after being shot on COD 4.

doggiesayswoof · 06/02/2009 17:06

LOL @ moondog

I'd slit mine too

pointydog · 06/02/2009 17:09

Mmm. I quite fancy dh speaking to me in a rough docker type voice tonight. I think I'll request it.

claw3 · 06/02/2009 17:11

Is this a wind up, youre asking are you being childish while playing on a wii?

pointydog · 06/02/2009 17:11

this is one of the funniest ops I've read in a long time.

moondog · 06/02/2009 17:13

Aye, me too PD.
Much better than a bleating-in-a-fleece-while-heating-up-a-readymeal type of way.

I love a bit of rough (well quite a lot come to think of it), me.

LynetteScavo · 06/02/2009 17:14

I take it he was drinking and you were driving.

moondog · 06/02/2009 17:15

Sounds like he wanted to do the driving.
If you get my drift.

dollius · 06/02/2009 17:16

This is the funniest thread I've read in ages

pointydog · 06/02/2009 17:22

Tonight, why not trying virtual pool in teh front room and wear a low cut top to flash some cleavage. Then, the docker voice and you're laughing.

bangandthedirtisgone · 06/02/2009 17:27

This OP is hilarious, like something out of the Mrs Mills column in the Sunday Times.

ScottishMummy · 06/02/2009 17:35

extreme ironing- well slap my arse and call me Tallulah (in a deep docker voice)as i do a ski jump

the bon viveur in me favours the old fashioned come over,eat,drink.
what is fun about pretending to ski jump in front of my friends?maybe i could lie on the carpet and pretend swim?

DandyLioness · 06/02/2009 17:40

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claw3 · 06/02/2009 17:49

Im seriously considering wii'ing in my friends living room, next time i have a drink


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ScottishMummy · 06/02/2009 17:54

DandyLioness,of course you are right i should get the speedos out the cupboard,get goggled up after wine.

i am indeed a suck ass to have never swam the lounge carpet,i shall herewith amend my ways. pah all that chatting about work and the like,when i could be having fun

DandyLioness · 06/02/2009 17:57

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FairLadyRantALot · 06/02/2009 18:09

rofl at this thread...glad people recovered their humour

to Op...well...unless he is doing this all the time and has some different agenda...I would take it as a joke and as he got laughs he just thought he milk it some more...

as for Wii's...well...part of me wants one and part of me thinks it would be a crap non-investment...hohum...

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