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101 replies

pollyglot · 22/10/2023 22:46

write a book, at almost 74? It will require travel to the other side of the world and lots of resources for the research. Probably no-one will publish it, and no-one will read it. Am I wasting the few years I have left and should I just play bridge and walk the dog? Cheers.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

44 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
TiredMamOfTwo · 22/10/2023 22:46

Never to old! Go for it. Grin

Wonkasworld · 22/10/2023 22:46

pollyglot · 22/10/2023 22:46

write a book, at almost 74? It will require travel to the other side of the world and lots of resources for the research. Probably no-one will publish it, and no-one will read it. Am I wasting the few years I have left and should I just play bridge and walk the dog? Cheers.

Go for it! Good luck.

Wonkasworld · 22/10/2023 22:47

Publish it yourself.

AbsolutelyFemale · 22/10/2023 22:48

Mary Wesley, one of my favourite writers, only started writing novels at the age of 70. So go for it.

Fionaville · 22/10/2023 22:49

Go for it!

coffeorbust · 22/10/2023 22:50

Absolutely go for it ❤️

pollyglot · 22/10/2023 22:52

Wonkasworld · Today 22:47

Publish it yourself.

Sorry to be so ignorant, Wonka, but how do I do that?

Thank you, everyone for your encouragement.

OP posts:
Frazzledmummy123 · 22/10/2023 22:53

Go for it! Why not? It will be an exciting project. You can self publish and still have your books in waterstones and local independent book stores.

I wrote and self published 2 childrens books and it is the best thing I ever did for a sense of achievement, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Redshoeblueshoe · 22/10/2023 22:54

Go for it.

Wonkasworld · 22/10/2023 22:54

pollyglot · 22/10/2023 22:52

Wonkasworld · Today 22:47

Publish it yourself.

Sorry to be so ignorant, Wonka, but how do I do that?

Thank you, everyone for your encouragement.

Will leave @Frazzledmummy123 to answer x

WhileMyGuitarGentlyWeeps · 22/10/2023 22:57

DO IT BABY!!! Grin

Catsmere · 22/10/2023 22:59

Can you afford the travel and not leave yourself potentially out of money at the end of it? I presume the answer is yes.

Even if you don't publish, ime researching was as much fun as writing, so why not?

Boomboom22 · 22/10/2023 23:01

Def do it, put to publishers and if none bite self publish.

pollyglot · 22/10/2023 23:02

Wow...thank you so much, everyone! D'oh, why didn't I just google it?? Sorry...

Frazzled - You are awesome!

OP posts:
Wonkasworld · 22/10/2023 23:04

pollyglot · 22/10/2023 23:02

Wow...thank you so much, everyone! D'oh, why didn't I just google it?? Sorry...

Frazzled - You are awesome!

That was @WhileMyGuitarGentlyWeeps who provided the link.

RicherThanYews · 22/10/2023 23:04

I voted YABU because you think a specific age is a barrier. If you have the means and the enthusiasm you should bloody do it. Bon voyage!

RubyRubyRubyRubay · 22/10/2023 23:05

Sounds like the perfect adventure!

theduchessofspork · 22/10/2023 23:06

Go for it.

But you know that.

MissMillyFluff · 22/10/2023 23:07

Go for it! It will exorcise a lot of demons or help you relive amazing memories. Best of luck! x

commonground · 22/10/2023 23:10

But who will look after the dog? (Genuine question).

ACGTHelix · 22/10/2023 23:16

if you don't write it, then its a certain that no one will read it. besides if Catherine Langford can research and recruit individuals to run and operate the stargate for the military, then why not write a book ?


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WhileMyGuitarGentlyWeeps · 22/10/2023 23:16

Wonkasworld · 22/10/2023 23:04

That was @WhileMyGuitarGentlyWeeps who provided the link.

I think Pollyglot was thanking me for suggesting the googling, and saying frazzled was awesome for writing and self publishing 2 books. Smile Flowers

Wonkasworld · 22/10/2023 23:18

WhileMyGuitarGentlyWeeps · 22/10/2023 23:16

I think Pollyglot was thanking me for suggesting the googling, and saying frazzled was awesome for writing and self publishing 2 books. Smile Flowers

Oh got you, oops 😍

pollyglot · 22/10/2023 23:19

WhileMyGuitarGentlyWeeps · Today 23:16

Wonkasworld · Today 23:04

That was @WhileMyGuitarGentlyWeeps who provided the link.
Show quote history
I think Pollyglot was thanking me for suggesting the googling, and saying frazzled was awesome for writing and self publishing 2 books.  

You're all amazing! I'll let you know when I'm an acclaimed author and winner of the Booker (coughcough)...

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