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To think she's lying or brainwashed - MLM

191 replies

queenbee67 · 21/04/2021 16:57

Friend of mine has recently joined one of the big MLMs - let's call it Squash Minus.

I was surprised as she always seemed quite sensible and level headed. Suddenly she's posting inspirational quotes all over Facebook and talking about how much she's earning and how great her new 'business' is...while trying relentlessly to recruit other people. I didn't have her down as a liar so I'm wondering if it's possible that she really believes she's doing well or maybe she really is?

I don't know a lot about these companies but I tend to think they're probably not the most legitimate way to earn a crust. What do you think? Has anyone had any first hand experience?

OP posts:
Quaagars · 21/04/2021 21:11

Urgh. (At your post, that is.)
I'm a SAHM, never done an MLM scheme but I'm not about to laugh or sneer at those who do.
Sometimes you want to be able to bring a bit of extra money in, and this is a way of doing it (whether via Usborne, Body Shop, or whatever)
(Yes aware there's a whole other argument out there intertwined such as not paying enough, promises of earning shitloads etc)

Kljnmw3459 · 21/04/2021 21:19

Be mindful. These companies often have strategies that tend to target those who are unable to work full time or work outside of home so this might have sounded like a good opportunity..... it's not right but she's hardly the baddy here. Just ignore it.

MrsAvocet · 21/04/2021 21:20

I used to be fairly ambivalent about this kind of thing. Generally didn't want the stuff but would accept the invitations to Facebook groups that friends set up but then usually mute them. Occasionally I'd buy something as I thought I was helping a friend.
Then one evening I read a thread on here and ended up down a derp rabbit hole, reading all kids of blogs and articles on MLMs until about 3am. Then and there I left all the groups I was in and I now refuse all such invitations. I realised I wasn't "helping" at all - I was enabling by friends' abuse by these companies and contributing to more people getting sucked in. I have concluded that the very best thing that can happen to anyone who is involved in any MLM is that they "fail" as soon as possible. I believe that there is generally no point in trying to reason with people when they are fully involved as they are brainwashed into thinking that anyone who is against the idea is jealous, not a real friend - they don't need that negativity in their lives 🙄 etc. I just politely and repeatedly decline to get involved and hope that they see the light sooner rather than later!

TheRogueApostrophe · 21/04/2021 21:20

At least they can't push the "making money while I'm still in my pyjamas" thing anymore seeing as half of the country have been doing that for the past year 🤣 Or pictures of them sitting in the garden in their laptop "who needs to be stuck in a stuffy office? This is the life!". Yep, me too, and I'm.being legitimately paid for every minute of it! The pandemic must have knocked the wind out of their sails.

Fieldsofstars · 21/04/2021 21:41

There’s a tiktoker called ‘Hattie.louise’ who has started exposing these companies and the people that work under them.
It’s interesting.

Of course your friend isn’t doing well.

Neotraditional · 21/04/2021 21:43

Squash Minus - GrinGrinGrin

Turkishangora · 21/04/2021 21:48

Occasionally Dead..Grin

Cipot · 21/04/2021 21:50

I've had friends do them. I think the only ones that seemed to be worth it were the book ones. They have brainwashing conferences where they tell them their lack of success is from not trying hard enough. It is odd how people get sucked in but I'd say friends who had didn't have other options. No childcare and didn't earn enough to pay for childcare. It's a trap quite a few find themselves in sadly.

Turkishangora · 21/04/2021 21:51

One friend was sucked into 2 of the dastardly things. The other one let's call it "uneven". She's seemingly an intelligent individual with some semblance of critical thinking skills but it's like she was possessed. Some seem worse than others, Tropic and body shop at home don't seem as bad. Lots of the yoga community do the vital oils one...

Mreggsworth · 21/04/2021 21:53

The one I see the most of at the moment is the inteletravel.

Many people claiming to have replaced their full time income, are independent travel agents (after taking a very short online course) and their business is taking off because of the 'travel boom'. Honestly not sure how they haven't thought it's a tad suspicious that a travel business would be taking off right now, you know with the travel bans and pandemic stuffs going on. Makes me think that perhaps the 'travel' isnt the product they are selling...Hmm

TableFlowerss · 21/04/2021 22:04

Happened to me a couple of times now I can see the signs. They send you a random message out the blue so you think they’re just being friendly- then comes the ‘so how’s work’ (to put the feelers out) then they start.


queenbee67 · 21/04/2021 22:07

It's absolutely not about laughing, judging and sneering at her. I'm concerned. But also shocked and mildly annoyed if she's lying. I can see how these things could've easy to get sucked into for vulnerable people which is why there probably should be more awareness and discussion around it. Doesn't seem fair to try to lure others into the same shit storm with lies and false promises does it?

It sounds like it can be incredibly damaging financially and for peoples reputation too.

OP posts:
ImInStealthMode · 21/04/2021 22:09

@Mreggsworth Inteletravel absolutely boils my blood.

I'm a member of a few private groups for the travel industry and none will allow Inteletravel 'agents' in. To even suggest the industry is 'thriving' and there's any kind of 'boom' is an insult to the long established companies only barely keeping their heads above the water at present, and downright misleading to their clients.

If any of my friends or acquaintances started with that nonsense I don't think I'd be able to hold back Angry

Hyacinth88 · 21/04/2021 22:10

My cousins wife sells something that's one of these schemes.
Let's say it's called airborne.. But it's not
She persuaded my elderly mum that it would cure my sons chronic incurable illness.
I had to talk my mum into not buying.

Febo24 · 21/04/2021 22:15

I have a couple of friends into squash minus, it's the vague 'science' sounding crap they spout which does seem to be scripted. There's a lot of wellness jargon which I find particularly awful. Whimsy, not facts. I also noticed certain people responding, who I assume are in the group.

It's sad, the demographic is certainly women who have lost income streams one way or another.

Dashel · 21/04/2021 22:17

I have a male friend who does spicy death and he his wife and other friends and family members selling this nutritional products.

It’s all about being healthy and the amazingly nutritional products full of herbs etc 🤮

All their friends are now converts, it feels like a cult

Haffiana · 21/04/2021 22:20


Urgh. (At your post, that is.)
I'm a SAHM, never done an MLM scheme but I'm not about to laugh or sneer at those who do.
Sometimes you want to be able to bring a bit of extra money in, and this is a way of doing it (whether via Usborne, Body Shop, or whatever)
(Yes aware there's a whole other argument out there intertwined such as not paying enough, promises of earning shitloads etc)

No-one is laughing or sneering. They are straight out fucking WARNING people to stay away from something that deliberately and cynically targets SAHMs and low-earning, desperate women who NEED extra income and who are going to end up spending what little they have buying products in order to just stay in the scheme. And that is before they lose their friends, self-esteem and - did I mention? - their money.

Sometimes you have to stand up against what is wrong, and not be so concerned with being nice and understanding about everything.
Thepennyhasdroppedq · 21/04/2021 22:22

Avoid! I've never been suckered in to the hard sell of these businesses. About 80% of my friends have tried these businesses and failed. I think they feel unsupportive when I don't buy their products, I can't buy something I won't use at overly expensive prices.

BillMasheen · 21/04/2021 22:36

Sometimes you have to stand up against what is wrong, and not be so concerned with being nice and understanding about everything

This should be on a T Shirt, or a banner at the top of MN.

acatcalledjohn · 21/04/2021 22:40

You've made my day with Squash Minus Grin

Why anyone would choose to consume Squash Minus is beyond me. The money is in recruitment, the products are sugar laden and so incredibly dehydrated that the vitamins and minerals have to be added back in artificially.

Give me an orange any day.

Febo24 · 21/04/2021 22:46

@acatcalledjohn but they're grown a quality contol level higher than organic!

igotdemons · 21/04/2021 22:52

I’ve got a FB friend who recently signed up to one of the ‘beauty/skincare/makeup MLM’s out there. She is now endlessly posting about how much she loooooooves all their products etc. She makes wild claims about products she has just started using, when in reality she hasn’t been using them long enough for them to even start having an effect yet (if at all)... I just roll my eyes every time she posts now and scroll on by 🙄


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VegCheeseandCrackers · 21/04/2021 22:58

I absolutely hate squash minus (took me a few mins but I worked it out). Their marketing is all about making women hate their bodies and feel uncomfortable and I have nothing but contempt for that. Can't stand it.

tillytoodles1 · 21/04/2021 23:00

A friend has started doing a skincare range via MLM, she talks about it all the time and says her skin has never looked better. She's 60 and looks just the same.

MindGrapes · 21/04/2021 23:04


At least they can't push the "making money while I'm still in my pyjamas" thing anymore seeing as half of the country have been doing that for the past year 🤣 Or pictures of them sitting in the garden in their laptop "who needs to be stuck in a stuffy office? This is the life!". Yep, me too, and I'm.being legitimately paid for every minute of it! The pandemic must have knocked the wind out of their sails.

Haha, good point!
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