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To think she's lying or brainwashed - MLM

191 replies

queenbee67 · 21/04/2021 16:57

Friend of mine has recently joined one of the big MLMs - let's call it Squash Minus.

I was surprised as she always seemed quite sensible and level headed. Suddenly she's posting inspirational quotes all over Facebook and talking about how much she's earning and how great her new 'business' is...while trying relentlessly to recruit other people. I didn't have her down as a liar so I'm wondering if it's possible that she really believes she's doing well or maybe she really is?

I don't know a lot about these companies but I tend to think they're probably not the most legitimate way to earn a crust. What do you think? Has anyone had any first hand experience?

OP posts:
SunsetBeetch · 21/04/2021 18:32


let's call it Squash Minus.


This will be its name in my head from now on!

It's a good username too!
WarwickHunt · 21/04/2021 18:35


Funny how it's so lucrative but no men do it

Has anyone got any idea why not? Why are there none of these operations aimed at men? It's not like there aren't hard-up men who'd like to make some easy money. And if men were susceptible someone would devise an MLM product to exploit them. What is it about women that makes us fall for this?
slashlover · 21/04/2021 18:38
kazillionaire · 21/04/2021 18:41

I sell Avon and I just don't think of it as an MLM, yes I paid £20 to sign up but I got a box full of products for that money, I haven't been asked to recruit anyone and I make a good commission. I think the difference is that 90% of MLM don't actually want to sell their products, which is why the prices are never advertised, they want sign ups to purchase their overpriced starter kits which they can't shift so they sign up their mates to recoup the cost of it.

Dizzy1234 · 21/04/2021 18:43

OK I give up, what's squash minus 😂

SunsetBeetch · 21/04/2021 18:44

Men tend more towards the financy ones, like crypto currency.

UhtredRagnarson · 21/04/2021 18:44


OK I give up, what's squash minus 😂

Juice plus! Grin
Steph64 · 21/04/2021 18:48

These long standing MLM threads are sad and hilarious at the same time.

EscapeDragon · 21/04/2021 18:49

Meanwhile, in the real world...

If you started your own business and it really took off, so much so that you were raking in £££££, then the last thing you'd do is tell everyone so they can do the same and take your customers away from you, thus reducing your own income.

Therefore, if someone is madly trying to recruit others into their business, then clearly it is the recruiting of others that earns them the money.

Howmercurialislife · 21/04/2021 18:51

I have a friend who has also sells squash minus.

She is the nicest person but has become completely convinced that it will solve everyone's problems, weight loss, hair loss, bad skin, lack of energy, you name it, it will fix it.

Constant posts about their side hustle and how much they make from it and trying to get others to sign up.

I had a Google and straight away you can see nutritionists saying one of these wonder vegetable capsules contain 0.03 of a carrot or 0.02 of a green bean.

I do wonder what she is thinking when it just looks like a load of old rubbish.

MrsCalypsoGrant · 21/04/2021 18:51

I had no idea what these schemes were, I used to see them referenced on Mumsnet & had no idea what an MLM was or what was being discussed!

I've recently reconnected with a woman I was at school with 25 years ago, her social media is full of this. She is with Tropic, she likes to talk about how it's all about female empowerment, how the company funds resources for disadvantaged children in developing nations, its carbon neutral etc. She was quite a well paid professional & seems to have left her career & now just does Tropic, I'm wondering if she was in on the ground floor & so actually makes money from it?

She sticks out like a sore thumb among our friendship circle now, we are all having quite normal conversations about work, kids, life etc & her only interventions are things like: "Would you like to try some new goodies, why not make this weekend #selfcareSunday "

I'm not sure how much more we can all take Confused

Pinkyavocado · 21/04/2021 18:55

I have a couple of friends that sell various stuff. It’s relentless, they literally use every single post to push their products.

cakecakecheese · 21/04/2021 18:59

My ex husband's friend's wife was a Squash Minus peddler and I wouldn't have thought she was the dishonest type either but she was all over Facebook with her 'wonder products' and 'successful business' when her husband told my ex it was nothing of the sort and she wasn't making any money.

Nocaloriesinchocolate · 21/04/2021 19:13

Here’s a thought - if OP’s friend is making as much money as she claimed, wouldn’t HMRC be interested?

Katiejanej · 21/04/2021 19:22

I run a social media business, and the whole reason I run my own business is that I don’t have to report to people. An MLM seems like a direct sales job with horrific bosses that you don’t get paid for? And actually costs you to do. And you alienate friends and family, leave your self respect at the door. It’s got all the negatives of a job, and none of the benefits, and all the downsides of self employment with none of the benefits. It’s sad that people, mainly women get caught up in them.

VodselForDinner · 21/04/2021 19:27


Funny how it's so lucrative but no men do it

That is such a fantastic point.
Turkishangora · 21/04/2021 19:33


A close relative of mine was vag-deep in ShARt-Bonne a few years ago. Would not accept it was a pyramid and was extremely cagey when questioned over her earnings. She truly couldn’t afford to lose what she did. We were all shocked at how brainwashed she was with it, even selling it as an amazing opportunity that’s she was going to Vegas on a conference...until we dragged it out of her that it actually COST her £1000 to go And she had to pay for the ticket into it 😂🤣 She no longer does it and it’s a weird thing we’re not allowed to talk about...

I wonder if we know the same person! My friend advanced as far as the white mercedes thing that she ended up putting loads of cash towards. I didn't go to the presentation as I couldn't bear it.
thecatsthecats · 21/04/2021 19:40

Has anyone got any idea why not? Why are there none of these operations aimed at men? It's not like there aren't hard-up men who'd like to make some easy money. And if men were susceptible someone would devise an MLM product to exploit them. What is it about women that makes us fall for this?

I would guess two things. 1) More women in financially vulnerable positions who need to work around their children and 2) the recruitment model.

Since it's not really about the products, it relies on people using their social networks to recruit. I can't see men having the same reach as women in that regard.

BakewellGin1 · 21/04/2021 19:49

I've been told by several brainwashed friends that squash minus is an excellent weight loss tool, clears acne, increases children's immunity and funnily enough would clear all issues I had with bladder and bowels caused by a traumatic birth... I'm sure if that was all it took I'd of been prescribed this miracle instead of medication, physio and repair Confused but what do specialise consultants know anyway ha ha

JokeTheCoalman · 21/04/2021 19:50


Drinking Aloe Vera will cure my MS I was told 🙄🙄. These people are ruthless 😡

I don't know how they can say these things with a straight face. Do they not think the NHS would be using it if it was a cure 😆🤔
starfro · 21/04/2021 20:03

Some men do/did Herbalife.

It's all bollocks. Almost no-one makes money, and the only possible way they do is by recruiting hundreds of others.

BSintolerant · 21/04/2021 20:27


^Funny how it's so lucrative but no men do it
Has anyone got any idea why not? Why are there none of these operations aimed at men? It's not like there aren't hard-up men who'd like to make some easy money. And if men were susceptible someone would devise an MLM product to exploit them. What is it about women that makes us fall for this?^

There are a plenty of manhuns involved in MLM and the really big earners (the CEOs and directors of the actual companies) are more likely to be men. A lot of MLMs were started by Mormons (Utah is an MLM hotspot) and are aimed at women to keep them at home with their children which is more acceptable to the teachings of the church than going out to work.

This is an excellent piece of undercover journalism which explores MLMs / network marketing / social selling (call it what you like: of it smells of BS is probably is).

Squash Minus is a wonderful way of describing Jizz Plus. Grin


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Hottubtimemachine · 21/04/2021 20:40

Squash minus 😂😂

ImInStealthMode · 21/04/2021 20:45

Without having RTFT you're not being unreasonable about anything to do with MLM's being bullshit.

I was most put out to get up early and attend a pre-work breakfast networking meeting this morning (not UK so things are more normal work-wise here) only to find one of the presentations was a regular attendee talking about her 'new business' HmmHmmHmm

Just what we all wanted at 7.45am.

Cottonheadedninymuggins · 21/04/2021 21:03


I recently read an MLM blog by someone who did Poonique (I may have amended the spelling there) and tells the gory story. Fascinating

It's amazing just what it's like isn't it! I had a friend who did Occasionally Dead (ahem) and she asked for help creating a website. She's a close friend so I did help her out as much as I hate MLM and I got to see her log in details as you have to use official OD pictures/meme like pictures etc and you HAVE to have an 'OMG MY LIFE IS PERFECT!!!' facebook profile that is actually checked by OD people. They also have to okay your website and what you've written before you're allowed to sell anything.

There's actual things and 'facts' to post in this website of files and things to answer your friends/families questions with when they're not sure about purchasing.

It couldn't be more fake if it had 'THIS STUFF IS FAKE!!!' written all over the packaging.
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