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To think £17 is too much...

134 replies

EasterEggBelly · 16/04/2021 11:45

... to charge to cut a 3yr old boy’s hair?

I try to support small, local business. I understand why sometimes this means paying more. But this is a trim/tidy up for a child with short hair.

I went to a chain of barbers instead. Paid £7 and it took no longer then 10 minutes. As it happens I have 2 DC so the saving was actually £20.

What do others think?

YABU - pay more to support local if you can afford it.
YANBU - not many people would pay that.

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notacooldad · 16/04/2021 13:08

I appreciate context is everything and we do live in a London borough but it’s not one of the more affluent ones by any stretch The context comment wasn't aimed at you Op. Some people were saying the haircuts are a fiver some are saying 30 quid. Both could be seen as good value depending on where you are in the country.
Theres a world of difference between getting a haircut in Mayfair or a small northern town. Just saying how much a kids haircut in your town doesn't mean anything if you don't know where the town is!

I took a 12 year old to get his haircut ( not my child but for work) on Tuesday and it was £9 in Preston.

Frazzled2207 · 16/04/2021 13:09

I take my boys (8 and 6) to a local barbers and they charge £8 each which I think is entirely reasonable.

BreatheAndFocus · 16/04/2021 13:11

£8 here. I get DS’s hair cut in the same hairdressers I use - ie not a barbers. But I doubt the barbers charge any more.

Woodlandbelle · 16/04/2021 13:12

That's crazy. We pay that for two but since lockdown we bought a kit and we do it ourselves. It's a lot of money as boys need it cut so often.

Butternutsqoosh · 16/04/2021 13:13

£10 for my DS this week - my DTDs though ... £110 😱 I nearly bloody cried!! They are both 16 ... that was my Botox money gone!!

Rustygriswold · 16/04/2021 13:15

£8.50 here at the local Turkish barber.

Hairdressing salons will charge much higher for children.

justasking111 · 16/04/2021 13:16

After last lockdown I finally got in to hairdresser by saying I would settle for a dry trim on long hair £25. No idea if that is reasonable or not to be honest.

MrsPnut · 16/04/2021 13:16

I've just looked it up, Gents cut is £15, under 16 is £12 and Under 6 is £9.

It does say of you want zero fades then you need to pay the gents price. Village in Lincolnshire.

My husband has his hair and beard done there and pays £21.

LeviAckerman · 16/04/2021 13:20

£17 Shock

Here the barbers we use do Pay Your Age for primary school (and under) kids. So your DS would have been the pricely sum of £3. Grin

Hallyup5 · 16/04/2021 13:21

I pay £12 but that's for a three year old girl with long hair. £17 seems steep for a boy's cut.

goldhoops · 16/04/2021 13:30

The thing is I went to a children's hairdresser and with young children you would expect time off and space it out a bit more and not expect them to sit through the whole thing. You would expect them to wonder off like mine would do and bring them back and forth for a couple of snips at a time.

The hairdresser I went to I found on google as everywhere was pretty much booked. It had decent reviews so I went ahead with it but didn't check price. Trotters is where I normally take my ds and they of course have the play frame etc but my son was busy counting the fish in the Aquarium last time and the hairdresser was doing everything to entertain my son and my only job was to help her keep his head still.

Sorry op, @EasterEggBelly I'm not trying to hijack your thread but the price we are paying should actually reflect the service they provide and time they spend. My son would have had his full hair cut if they actually dedicated the whole 35 mins being patient, finding ways to entertain him and be patient if he wonders off going back and forth and do couple of snips here and there following him. We were in the there for for literally 5 mins and paid for the whole 35 mins.

Frazzled2207 · 16/04/2021 13:31


£10 for my DS this week - my DTDs though ... £110 😱 I nearly bloody cried!! They are both 16 ... that was my Botox money gone!!

Whippet · 16/04/2021 13:37

Buy clippers/ cut it yourself and spend the saving at a different local shop!

LadyHedgehog · 16/04/2021 13:43

Maybe the hairdresser doesn't doesn't like doing children's hair and prices accordingly?

ShurImGrand123 · 16/04/2021 13:59

I expect all hairdressers and barbers to have increased their prices due to extra PPE and time required for cleaning the chair/equipment between appointments.

1forAll74 · 16/04/2021 14:14

No way, I would cut the child's hair myself. Its easy if you have the right grooming aids.

Noideawhatnametotype · 16/04/2021 14:19

£17 is expensive for a young child in my opinion. I'm in the Midlands and it's around £8-10 for my son , depending on which we go to. I wouldn't pay more than £10!

Camomila · 16/04/2021 14:23

£8 at the barbers here but I round up to £10 as DS1 hates it/wriggles etc.

Going to try a children's hairdresser for DS2 - I think that's £15.

Devlesko · 16/04/2021 14:27

Kids are free here if they go with their dad, up to end of primary age.
As long as it's a simple trim, rather than patterns.

Welshwabbit · 16/04/2021 14:40

London zone 2 and our local one charges £12 Monday - Thursday but more at weekends. My eldest used to absolutely hate having his haircut so we bribed him by taking him to Trotters in Westfield (Lego shop next door). I think it was £16 there, but we were paying for a whole experience to stop him screaming his head off.

warmandtoasty2day · 16/04/2021 15:06

i had 4ds all had long clipper cuts from the start, all in 20's now and none of them have ever set foot inside a barbers.

EverythingRuined · 16/04/2021 15:08

There are different types of hairdressers for different clientele. A hairdresser that charges £17 for a child’s cut is going to be very different to one that charges £5.
It’s like complaining about the cost of taking the kids to eat in a Michelin starred restaurant and saying you could get them a great meal somewhere else for a few quid.

There is a huge difference in the skills and qualifications of hairdressers. My Hairdresses constantly train apprentices to level 3. It’s a big commitment for everyone involved. Many barbers have no official training at all.

You AIBU should be ‘Why isn’t there a cheap barbers close to where I live’


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Ireolu · 16/04/2021 15:09

Too expensive YANBU. DH just paid 30 quid to have our small car washed and cleaned on the inside. Daylight robbery and people taking the piss post release from lockdown.

MrsWombat · 16/04/2021 15:15

My London borough it's £10 for a teen and £9 for my 6 year old at the barbers. Think a 3 year old is £7? The fancy children's hairdressers with cars and ipads in the next town along charges £10 for an under five.

I would also have to guess that they don't want to do children's hair and have priced accordingly.

Passenger42 · 17/04/2021 17:35

£17 to cut a 3 yr old hair, get the f**k out of town. Note to self buy some hairdressers scissors and job done.

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