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Three weekly black bin collection

148 replies

ivykaty44 · 20/11/2020 07:06

Our local council is going to change the black bin collection to 3 weekly, green and recycling 2 weekly the same BUT they will collect food waste weekly

When black bin collection changed from weekly to two weekly there was an outcry, but slowly people got used to recycling more

so is it ok to change to 3 weekly black bin collection now? and everyone will just adjust again

or will it make life difficult for some

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Am I being unreasonable?

94 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
helpwithhouse · 20/11/2020 07:54

Ours is every 3 weeks. For the first 10 months of DDs life we used reusables which helped.
Now (a year later) we are just used to the 3 weekly. Some neighbours have been given bigger bins, but we have been fine (just the 3 of us)

Pipandmum · 20/11/2020 07:54

It's alternate weeks recycling/black bin. Limit is one bin per family for waste but you can put extra recycling out.
I recycle everything they allow yet my rubbish bin is full every other week and usually more and we are just a family of three. I'm impressed with those who only produce half a bin bag every three weeks.

Hugosmugo · 20/11/2020 07:55

i don't know how to vote because it wasn't fully clear which side you were on. But I think 3 weekly isn't great. 2 weekly is doable.

ExclamationPerfume · 20/11/2020 07:57

Ours is fortnightly for all waste. We don't have a separate food collection. In the summer the smell is awful. This changed from weekly about two years ago. There has definitely been a huge increase in flytipping.

WishMyNameWasWittyNotShitty · 20/11/2020 07:58

We are 3 weeks, at one point we had 2 children in nappies and a dog to pick up after....🤢!

We make sure we bag all non recycling rubbish in either carrier bags/small bin liners, including nappies, nothing goes in the bin without being put in a bag first!

In summer we also use Bin Buddy, that helps to deter flies, but we have still had them and maggots, despite our efforts and dettolling regularly.

In all it is grim, and we have on occasion taken rubbish that we can't physically fit in to the tip, or paid a private company for an extra empty (God send during the first lockdown, all of us at home, no tips and a bloody surprised we didn't get any other illnesses circulating due to the filth).

dementedpixie · 20/11/2020 07:58

We have 3 bins on a 3 weekly cycle - general waste, cardboard and paper, mixed recycling. The food/garden waste bin is collected fortnightly. It seems to work OK but in summer we do sometimes get maggots in the food/garden bin

notheragain41 · 20/11/2020 08:02

Our bins is always full to the brim by 2 weeks, would hate that. We recycle and do food waste.

Nottherealslimshady · 20/11/2020 08:07

We would probably manage. Sometimes I miss bin days and we still manage with the 4 weeks and ours are pink bins and they're smaller than our black bin that used to be the general waste bin. We dont have a food waste bin though.

Mindymomo · 20/11/2020 08:09

As a household of 4 adults, we could fill our recycling bin every week and have the household waste collected every 3 weeks.

BashfulClam · 20/11/2020 08:19

Our general waste is three weekly, food and garden two weekly, paper and cardboard 4 weekly as it alternates with glass, plastic , metals all other recyclable stuff. It’s a push even with recycling everything. My neighbour has two bins as she has two babies in nappies. With two lots of nappies and a dog I’d hate to be too close to her bin.

user1493494961 · 20/11/2020 08:21

Ours has been 3 weekly for years and recycling every week. We recycle loads and the big bin is sometimes only a quarter full when emptied every 3 weeks. There is a weekly nappy and hazardous waste collection I believe. It's something you just get used to.

woodhill · 20/11/2020 08:29

We are very fortunate as we have weekly collections. I use the food caddy and recycle as much as I can, it works well

Bwlch · 20/11/2020 08:37

Ours is three weekly and we rarely fill it. Sometimes it isn't worth putting it out. They had been fortnightly for years before that.

Oblomov20 · 20/11/2020 08:45

Goodness, I had no idea so many places were 3 weekly already.
I don't think we could cope with it.

Our big blue recycling bin is filled to the brim and I need to get one of the ds's to jump on it, so I can fill it more, every other week.

And the black bin emptied every other week, is also full.

So how could I stretch it to every 3 weeks?

EnglishRain · 20/11/2020 08:48

We would be buggered. Recycling and black bin and garden bin fortnightly here. Have to take glass to a bottle bank. No food recycling. We have chickens and gerbils, and all their bedding has to go in the black bin. Also have a four month old baby! Fortuitously we actually have two black bins and both get collected. One is 2/3 the size of a normal one. Most fortnights we only put the small black one out (use reusable nappies, gerbils cleaned out once a month, chickens about every 2-3 weeks), but the times where the pets are cleaned out in the same bin collection we do have to put both bins out.

user1471530109 · 20/11/2020 08:52

I've never lived in an area that does a food waste collection. I'm assuming that's another wheelie bin?
Our council has also said we will move to 3 weekly collections for the black bin. But we don't have a food waste collection at all and there has been no mention of adding one. The thought of that waste sitting in the black bin for 3 weeks in the summer...
How common are food waste collections? It's not like I've lived in the same area! 7 different councils over the years and not once have I seen a food waste bin. Surely this needs to be enforced across the UK for this to be successful?

EnglishRain · 20/11/2020 08:52

We also have three dogs! So lots of dog poo.

We end up having to go to the tip because we have too much recycling for fortnightly bin collections quite often.

MaidenMotherCrone · 20/11/2020 09:00

Think yourselves lucky all of you with your 2/3 weekly bin collections. Ours is every 4 weeks. Recycling and food waste is weekly though. It is doable.

DollyD65 · 20/11/2020 09:03

We have had 3 weekly black bin collection for a few years. Weekly food, plastic, glass and paper collection. Garden bin is fortnightly ( extra payment subscription for this one) It works fine. Anything that encourages more recycling is a good thing. I do object to paying extra for a garden bin, used to be free via community garden bins. We can use the local tip for garden waste, but we are a rural county, all those individual vehicles travelling to the tip is contradictory to green principles, it's purely a cost saving/income generating scheme for the council.

Bargebill19 · 20/11/2020 09:08

We are three weeks for black bin and fortnightly for recycling. Bins were also made smaller. It is a nightmare. Most people burn their rubbish now or fly tip. As a result the council are out collecting fly tipping daily - whereas before it was maybe once a month if that. We have to apply for a pass for the tip - cara only and one person. Shortened hours at weekends and proof of council tax needed. Some mpv are classed as vans and are charged to use the tip.
If anyone gets a skip - you can guess what happens. Rats are rife in the village.

Bargebill19 · 20/11/2020 09:10


Food waste bins are small caddy with a handle - about the size of a largish handbag! Food waste /tea bags can be put in a composting liner or the caddy can be lined with newspaper. They honk.

LizzieMacQueen · 20/11/2020 09:11

We're moving to a 4 week collection for both general and recyclables. It's madness. But i'm in an SNP area and finances are fucked.

Food waste collected fortnightly.

I'm really dreading it.

There's talk of a separate hygiene bin but I'm not thrilled with that idea.


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Bargebill19 · 20/11/2020 09:11

Apologies that should have been for @user1471530109. !

halcyondays · 20/11/2020 09:14


I've never lived in an area that does a food waste collection. I'm assuming that's another wheelie bin?
Our council has also said we will move to 3 weekly collections for the black bin. But we don't have a food waste collection at all and there has been no mention of adding one. The thought of that waste sitting in the black bin for 3 weeks in the summer...
How common are food waste collections? It's not like I've lived in the same area! 7 different councils over the years and not once have I seen a food waste bin. Surely this needs to be enforced across the UK for this to be successful?

Our food waste goes in the green bin along with garden waste. The council gives you a food caddy and biodegradable liners. It’s collected fortnightly along with recycling. General waste is also fortnightly and is usually fairly full even though we recycle as much as possible.
Cuppaand2biscuits · 20/11/2020 09:16

At the beginning of the first lockdown our council didn't have enough staff to manage the garden bin collection so we started using a compost bin for our grass cuttings and fruit/veg waste and peeling. It made a difference to how much rubbish was going in our general waste and wasn't smelly at all, even with the hot summer we had.

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