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Covid newborn

35 replies

Stars92 · 06/11/2020 10:34

I'm due with my first baby in May. I'm already feeling anxious about visitors after newborn is born. My mil has already said she really hope's everything is back to normal by may. This is her first grandchildren and is overbearing. She doesnt follow the covid rules and expects me and my husband to sit in their house etc I know she will expect her friends and extended family to visit baby. What is everyone else doing for visitors when newborn arrives? I know I'm worrying about something that is ages away and need to stop thinking about it and see what it's like closer to the time.

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

61 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Ginfordinner · 22/11/2020 09:20

Don't let her guilt trip you into doing anything you don't want to. And make sure you get your partner on side.

You will be your baby's advocate so be strong.

ftm202020 · 22/11/2020 11:37

You baby your rules. I had a baby in September and we have had our family to see the baby as that is what we wanted. We are already more than 6 so in theory couldn't have anyone meet the new baby, but glad we broke the rules now things have locked down further. But, you can do want suits you with your baby.

Joswis · 22/11/2020 11:46

We can't rely on covid being under control by then.

Just make sure that whenever you see your health visitor or midwife, they explain the rules about no visits due to covid, with your husband present.

Maybe even find a leaflet or website with the advice on it to give to her.

Once that baby is born, you are its protection.

Funkypolar · 22/11/2020 12:11

Due in April. The grandparents will be seeing baby. No face masks needed.

GlennRheeismyfavourite · 22/11/2020 12:15

I'm 38 weeks - my parents are isolating so they can look after my toddler when I'm in labour so we're just going to continue to bubble as a family. Will probably meet brother in law and his family at the park but not let them hold the baby

Mommabear20 · 22/11/2020 12:19

Had my first baby in June 2020, we said, our parents and siblings could visit as we had contact with them during lockdown (support bubbles) but no one else! Even my best friend had to wait 2 months before we'd let her step foot in the house. Family and friends are great but priority is to protect your children.

Beentherefonethat · 22/11/2020 12:22

What does your husband say?

Surely you can’t stop his mum from visiting the baby if she were to self isolate before the birth.

1stTimeMama · 22/11/2020 12:29

May is so far away it's not worth troubling yourself now, who knows what the world will be like then.
I had a baby in May and we all isolated for 2 weeks prior to the birth, including my parents who live hours away, so they could be here and stay for a while afterwards. We all took the precautions we felt were necessary.

MaryShelley1818 · 22/11/2020 12:58

May is ages away! Honestly, see where things are then and make a decision the week before.

I'm being induced around the 20th January and it hasn't crossed my mind yet (and I'm high risk due to insulin use). Your family could all be vaccinated by then hopefully. And tbh it's you who poses the risk to your older relatives rather than the other way round. We are sensible but my toddler attends nursery and I've no intention of our new baby growing up in a sterile bubble with no access to people who love her. Covid presents a ridiculously small risk to a baby/child. There are far more riskier illnesses about for children tbh. I think people have lost all perspective with this Pandemic sometimes.

Doughnut100 · 28/03/2021 10:45

Hey I was wondering where you are at with this now, OP? I am due end of April and now seems like the time to make a plan. All the guidance just says go by social distancing rules. But I want to work out what the actual risk is.

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