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What was the outcome Boris speech missed it

85 replies

eatlessmovemore · 31/10/2020 19:36

What was the outcome I missed it!! Tia x

OP posts:
eatlessmovemore · 01/11/2020 15:13

I don't think many people will be so keen to exercise In the rain 😂 do you think they'll lock the parks again ?

OP posts:
StealthPolarBear · 01/11/2020 08:05

There wasn't, you're right, but even Boris seemed to reference it. Although I can't remember what he said, I suppose he might have been talking about the rule of "only one period of exercise".
I don't think they need to do that this time as the weather will be so awful.

Oooooooooooooo · 01/11/2020 08:02

There was never a restriction of going out only for an hour even the first time.

Hobnobsandbroomstick · 01/11/2020 00:15

*you can meet one person from outside your household outside in a public place.

Hobnobsandbroomstick · 01/11/2020 00:14

Similiar to first lockdown, but no limit on exercise outdoors and you can meet one person from outside your household.

It's on BBC iPlayer if you want to watch it.

What was the outcome Boris speech missed it
Youandmeareluckytobeus · 01/11/2020 00:04

Yes I do have google but find mumsnet easier thanks for the sarcastic reply thou
Many MNers have difficulty understanding the rules/laws/guidance. Best to listen to the announcement yourself and then check out the .gov website if you want to know what was actually announced.

GlummyMcGlummerson · 31/10/2020 23:52


Sorry if it's already been asked but does anyone know about gyms?

Seriously? Look at my post from...20 MINUTES before you posted? It's literally FIVE above yours.

WTAF is with people on this site? Throwing a little tantrum because someone probably popped on, just read the OP and wanted a quick question answered. Grow up. Imagine your ego being hurt because someone didn't read your special little post
Torvean32 · 31/10/2020 23:45

No just England. We've just had a 15 day circuit breaker.

IncandescentSilver · 31/10/2020 23:16

All I took from the slides is that there are hardly any deaths in the under 70s and deaths in the over 70s and especially the over 80s are much much higher than in other groups. Yet all of society is being locked down again, facing potential poverty due job losses and inability to pay for housing as a result.

Spermysextowel · 31/10/2020 23:13

I think that the answer to the OP is that Mumsnet knows no more than she would if she went into the BBC website. It’s as yet unclear.

throwaway100000 · 31/10/2020 23:11


What about driving lessons? Can't see that mentioned anywhere

Last lockdown driving tests were suspended for everyone aside from key workers. Assume this time will be the same until further guidance is published in the coming days.
chocolatemonster · 31/10/2020 23:07

What about driving lessons? Can't see that mentioned anywhere

StealthPolarBear · 31/10/2020 22:40

Sometimes people don't just post for dry answers to factual questions. They post for a bit of discussion or chat about the specifics and the implications for them. Some people are a bit lonely. Starting a thread can help. If you feel it's a waste of your time you are not obliged to participate.

RockingMyFiftiesNot · 31/10/2020 22:28

would be the closest if they are vulnerable then you can care for them. If it's not in the government page then nobody here will know will they?

I asked only because you were telling people to read the government pages. I did. It's still not clear - as visiting elderly relative in your bubble NOT explicitly a reason to travel/ stop over. You can't make unpleasant comments about reading the info and then be equally as rude when you're called out on the info not being clear.

slashlover · 31/10/2020 22:20
NoBloodyHolly · 31/10/2020 22:18

But what about shops @slashlover? Wink

slashlover · 31/10/2020 22:17

to visit members of your support bubble or provide care for vulnerable people, or as a volunteer

would be the closest if they are vulnerable then you can care for them. If it's not in the government page then nobody here will know will they?

RockingMyFiftiesNot · 31/10/2020 22:14

Ok then @slashlover .... answer this one from the info you linked to:
What if you are in a bubble with a single person who lives a long way outside your area and to care for them, you need to travel and stop over? Info says you can still have a bubble - but the support bubble is not given as a reason to travel/ stop over. Not clear to me from the info you linked to so maybe you shouldn't be so harsh on people who are struggling to understand info

milkysmum · 31/10/2020 22:10

Well aren't you just a bundle of joy slashover....?

slashlover · 31/10/2020 22:07

Any other questions you could have easily looked for yourself or read in the whole 60 posts before you asked? RTFT has never been more needed.

RockingMyFiftiesNot · 31/10/2020 22:05


Are we allowed out for more than an hours exercise or is it just an hour ? X

It was never just an hour.....
Ellapaella · 31/10/2020 22:03

Oh F off @slashlover
Get over yourself


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slashlover · 31/10/2020 22:03

Everyone just read the guidance, If it's not on here then people won't know.

slashlover · 31/10/2020 22:01

Sorry if it's already been asked but does anyone know about gyms?

Seriously? Look at my post from...20 MINUTES before you posted? It's literally FIVE above yours.

milkysmum · 31/10/2020 21:55

I hope they make things clearer in the coming days. I am very selfishly concerned that I am meant to be getting carpets fitted on 12th November- I have no idea if this will be allowed or not!?

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