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AIBU? think people are over-pedantic here about spelling and grammar?

80 replies

furrycat · 27/09/2007 15:50

I am normally fairly pedantic myself about this (in books, newspapers etc) but this is where people come for a quick chat for heaven's (or is that heavens?) sake! If you have something to say, you should be able to say it without other people picking you up on your mistakes, or feeling you have to post again with a spelling correction.

OP posts:
Lorayn · 27/09/2007 22:30

I think my first ever post was on a thread where a discussion had been taking place, one person, granted did not know very much on the subject, but rather than being told about the facts she was picked on for using textspeak, even after explaining she was dyslexic, being more used to mumsnet now I can see that most of the time it is tongue-in-cheek, but there are definitely times when it is inappropriate.

talulasmum · 27/09/2007 22:43

i think paranoia was setting in with me though. but your right, when your new not
really sure.

chipmonkey · 27/09/2007 23:18

I irritated my sister so much when she was growing up, always correcting her grammar that she bought me the "Eats, shoots and leaves" book as soon as it was published.
I do find bad grammar and spelling intensely irritating but feel that it's bad manners to point it out to someone unless you are that person's English teacher.

NicknameRemovedByMN · 28/09/2007 08:28

The Times has a classic in it today. "Rub the injection sight"

I'm not bothered about people on MN having correct grammar and spelling, but The Times......

StealthPolarBear · 28/09/2007 08:41

makes me think of being injected in the eye. urgh

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