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AIBU? think people are over-pedantic here about spelling and grammar?

80 replies

furrycat · 27/09/2007 15:50

I am normally fairly pedantic myself about this (in books, newspapers etc) but this is where people come for a quick chat for heaven's (or is that heavens?) sake! If you have something to say, you should be able to say it without other people picking you up on your mistakes, or feeling you have to post again with a spelling correction.

OP posts:
StealthPolarBear · 27/09/2007 16:34

ooh heads will roll!!

haychee · 27/09/2007 16:35

Did i say it was all about me?? ffs??

SenoraPostrophe · 27/09/2007 16:37

In our copy of Angelina Ballerina's little sister it has draws for drawers. not as funny as whores, but thought I'd mention it.

MrsBadger -

it was a joke.

I can't believe it's in the dictionary though.

SenoraPostrophe · 27/09/2007 16:38

haychee, go on then, do us a link.

CountessDracula · 27/09/2007 16:38

Surely there are loads of websites that welcome illiterate people without trying to help them learn. Why do we have to be one of them though? I can't see what is wrong with correcting bad grammar and spelling and punctuation. How else are people going to learn?

motherinferior · 27/09/2007 16:39

I love the pedantry threads. MN is probably the only forum in the entire universe where I could share the very special day that I explained the Apostrophe Rule to DD1.

haychee · 27/09/2007 16:39

Im not too good at links. Will have a go, whilst trying to cook pasta for dc.

TwoThumbsDon · 27/09/2007 16:40

Come on, how else can people be judgmental on here? People are just names and words, you can't look at them like in real life and unlike the majority of other places you can't form opinions on people due to the colour or type of text/avatar/signature etc. so it's distilled down to spelling.

I think it's delightfully eccentric!

RustyBear · 27/09/2007 16:43

Be careful haychee, in our house we have a special name for burnt pasta. It's known as mumsnet pasta.

3andnomore · 27/09/2007 17:02

hm...whilst I have no problems with teh pedantics...and am always happy to does get to me if people are pulled up for their spelling/grammar, and I believe haychee is right....the message within a message can be devalued by some people, just because it isn't up to grammatical/spelling standard....and that is a shame, imo...

3andnomore · 27/09/2007 17:07

senora, this was probably one of the threads that Haychee meant

haychee · 27/09/2007 17:08

Thanks 3&more
And the shrek mmc debate was very hostile too.

3andnomore · 27/09/2007 17:16

lol haychee...there are many hostile ones...but of course there are even more lovely debates...

sugarmatches · 27/09/2007 17:19

Sometimes I just see posts without any breaks or full stops and it does my head in and I usually don't even end up reading it because it is too much work for my brain.

But's true!

HappyDaddy · 27/09/2007 17:20

I quite like all the pedants. They remind me of my ignorance and help me correct my friends!

fryalot · 27/09/2007 17:21

I don't normally pop on these threads nowadays, but I am SO GLAD I did, wheelsonthebus, that was fantastic.

Thank you for sharing that with us, I shall cut & paste it and print it out.

Lorayn · 27/09/2007 17:34

I think sometimes it is easy to understand what others are saying and not to need to pick up on it, other times, especially with a certain poster recently, I have to sit on my hands to stop myself correcting them!

I think it is probably perfectly fine as a joke amongst friends, especially with a little after it to show no offence meant, but I still find it unfair to use as an argument against someone's point if their point itself is not spelling/grammar.

SenoraPostrophe · 27/09/2007 17:37

ok, I'll rephrase my point: people don't nitpick at grammar as a rule, but they do if the grammar in question is potentially offensive - the people on the emetopohbes thread thought you were calling them liars, haychee, hence picking apart your phraseology. they didn't actually criticise though.

Roobie · 27/09/2007 17:42

Not too bothered. I guess those that continually harp on about being grammar pedants do so to achieve an added 'edge' to their online persona.

EmsMum · 27/09/2007 17:44

There are a lot of pendants hanging around here.

NomDePlume · 27/09/2007 17:52

lol @ 'pendants hanging around'

SenoraPostrophe · 27/09/2007 17:55

actually I take it all back. I'm joining the pedantry club.

then I can hang out too, and be on the receiving end of unneccessarily snide remarks.

actually i get that anyway.


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NomDePlume · 27/09/2007 17:57

join the pendant club instead, SP

NomDePlume · 27/09/2007 17:57
SenoraPostrophe · 27/09/2007 17:58

I never could stand pendants. in fact I don't really do jewelery these days.

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