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Siegfried or Paul

58 replies

mumchkin · 30/06/2020 17:23

Hi posting on behalf o friend.... “just hoping for some closure on an argument I’m having with my DH (we are gay) I think baby should be called Siegfried (after the recently sadly deceased Siegfried, of Siegfried and Roy) He wants Paul. Who’s right?”

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

22 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
ImNotWhoYouThinkIam · 03/07/2020 01:13

Ive had relationships with 2 men called Paul. They were both abusive cunts.

So based on that I say Siegfried.

Buttercup54321 · 03/07/2020 00:56

Paul without a doubt!!

NameChange84 · 01/07/2020 11:20

I give you Siegull.

Thread’s over ladies and gentlemen. We’ve found a clear winner.

altiara · 30/06/2020 23:42

Surely you would compromise! I give you Siegull. Not a great compromise I’ll admit.

Can’t wait for someone to use Balonz.

Tartyflette · 30/06/2020 22:42

Paolo is cool but I think you should tell them to pick Siegfried, then when they have another DS they can call him Tristan.
CheshireDing and Newton -- i have just realised. I don't know any Daves. Several Johns, a few Mikes and even a Steve or two but not one Dave! This is very sad. #SaveDave indeed.

Bellabelles · 30/06/2020 22:25

I know a baby Siegfried and another almost baby Siegfried so it must be becoming more popular! Love Ziggy as a nickname though!

Bromeliads · 30/06/2020 22:15

Paul is a good name, but Paul is responsible for some of the only New Testament Bible content that is considered by some homophobic...
Siegfried is terrible.

northernbelle84 · 30/06/2020 21:57

I'm one of the 133 Paul parents from 2018.

Everyone can say it, everyone can spell it, lots of people are pleased because they have a lovely uncle or cousin called it. We haven't encountered any others at baby groups.

The only people who've been sniffy about it have had kids with Unique Spelling type names. Siegfried would presumably go down better with them!

daisypond · 30/06/2020 21:53

Probably because it’s pronounced differently - Paul is pretty dull. ‘Powell’ as in similar to ‘owl’ has a cuter ring to it.

Paul rhymes with Saul, its twin name, and that is quite trendy nowadays in the UK, so I don’t think it’s a sound issue. And cute names aren’t desirable. I don’t think the German pronunciation sounds cute to German or English ears either.

iklboo · 30/06/2020 20:39

To be honest, when DS was little we used to call him outlandish (to our area) names while out shopping. And he'd answer to them because he thought it was fun. He was variously:


Pinkblueberry · 30/06/2020 20:34

Who calls a baby Paul in this day and age?

It was the number-one name for boys in 2018 in Germany, and has been popular for years.

Probably because it’s pronounced differently - Paul is pretty dull. ‘Powell’ as in similar to ‘owl’ has a cuter ring to it.

Moonmelodies · 30/06/2020 20:28

Stand him out from the other Balonzs in nursery by spelling it Belenz.

Elphame · 30/06/2020 20:05

As a lover of Wagner it has to be Seigfried!

SparklesAllOver · 30/06/2020 20:04

Loving Balonz, who wouldn't? Or for something different, how about Fritz, Garfield, Paulo, Beelzebub, Rupert? Not necessarily in that order....Smile

CheshireDing · 30/06/2020 20:03

I agree with Newton you need to take one for the team and call it Dave (even if it’s a girl).

We CANNOT have a situation where everyone doesn’t know a Dave. 😂

AdaColeman · 30/06/2020 20:03

Go for Siegfried, fab operatic and poetic links, wonderful name.

killerofmen · 30/06/2020 19:55

Obviously Balonz is the best name, absolutely classic and so strong. However, think about popularity, you don't want him to be one of five Balonzs in nursery. So maybe stick with Paul.

x2boys · 30/06/2020 19:46

Definitely Newton I'm with you with saving the Daves ,everyone knows one😂😂,my Dh is a Paul and whilst it's a,perfectly nice name it's a bit old fashioned at the moment but I'm sure there will be A revival at some point ,I used to go to primary school with a Sieghfried .

GinDaddyRedux · 30/06/2020 19:37

Who calls a baby Paul in this day and age

All the original people who aren't calling their kid Oscar, Henry, Hugo, Jasper, Harry, Oliver, and any other names which they might have heard on Made in Chelsea

I don't have any Pauls in the family or mates called Paul. But in "this day and age" it sounds positively positively original compared to that stuff.

NewtonPulsifer · 30/06/2020 19:36

Balonz is a much more up to date version of Siegfried.

I think the baby should be called Dave. There will come a time when no Daves are being born and that will plunge the country in to crisis. Everyone knows a Dave, what will we do if there are no Daves? Who is going to replace Dave? #SaveTheDave

daisypond · 30/06/2020 19:32

Who calls a baby Paul in this day and age?

It was the number-one name for boys in 2018 in Germany, and has been popular for years.

teaflake · 30/06/2020 19:29

Paul. Good solid name.


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Stannisbaratheonsboxofmatches · 30/06/2020 19:19

The only Siegfried I know is a girl!

I’d go with Paul of the two. It’s not a bad name, although it doesn’t appeal to me personally.

CecilyP · 30/06/2020 19:16

Who calls a baby Paul in this day and age?

133 parents in 2018. It's a good short name - Jack is way too popular.

Think Siegfried is only acceptable if they also have a DD called Brünnhilde! If not, Balonz is still preferable.

Mornington30 · 30/06/2020 19:03


No having to spell it out endlessly, no anti-German comments if there are any racist families at school, that you would get with Siegfried.

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