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Does anybody here suffer from TMD (also known as TMJD)

133 replies

Fxckingpain · 26/06/2020 21:12

Sorry I know it's not an AIBU, the health boards are quiet and I'm desperate Sad

I've had this for well over a year now and suffer on a daily basis. My diagnosis is acute myofascial TMD, and I also have a 'disc issue' on one side, whatever that means.

I've tried:
Silicone dental guard perscribed by dentist
And I'm currently on a prescription for baclofen

I was due to have physiotherapy and acupuncture through Guys hospital but since coronavirus all non essential appointments were cancelled and I've no idea when they'll be able to see me or if I'll be seen this year at all.

Does anybody have any experience of this condition and is able to share what helped bring some relief? I'm getting desperate, the chronic pain is relentless.

My face hurts, my ears, my temples, I have constant tension headaches at the base of my skull, sporadic tinnitus and vertigo.

OP posts:
PeppersYellow · 04/07/2020 00:09

I get similar symptoms but diagnosed with migraine. I also grind my teeth and declined amytriptilene (the mouth guard from dentist I found too uncomfortable) In short what works for me when I'm desperate is ibuprofen with an expresso. Ibuprofen/paracetamol don't work for me on their own. Takes a couple of hours to kick in. I came across it when I looked online. Works for me but I don't get them as frequently now. It's miserable though and you have my sympathy. Relaxation techniques are meant to help too so might be worth a try. Good luck.

Fxckingpain · 04/07/2020 00:24

I haven't had x-rays no, but the consultant I saw at the oral surgery department said I definitely had a disc issue on my right side aswell as all the muscular stuff going on. It feels like a double whammy, lucky me Blush

She did a thorough physical exam and my right disc isn't in sync with my left. When I open and close my mouth - one side is always playing catch up.

My massater muscle on both sides feels as though it is in constant spasm, then I have tender temples and general pain both sides of my face. My ears are also affected whereby it feels as though i have an ear infection every so often (but never do)

Every morning my jaw feels seized up and whilst it isn't locked shut and I can open it, it requires me to do it gradually and the cracking/grinding is loud af.

I think the base of the skull problem I'm having is migraines but is a direct result of the TMD somehow. It only happens during a flare up and comes hand in hand with the sore massater muscles and face pain.

I think an X-ray would be a good idea. If/when I'm finally able to be seen at the hospital again I will mention it.

Ibuprofen with an espresso sounds really interesting, I haven't come across that before. I could definitely give it a go. I'm not a coffee drinker in general but I could tolerate it if it means getting some much needed relief Smile

I'm so pleased I started the thread I can't tell you how nice it is to speak to people who get it. I must mention it at least once every day at home and whilst DH is sympathetic he's probably a bit bored of hearing about it now.

OP posts:
IsFuzzyBeagMise · 04/07/2020 00:30

Hi Fxckingpain, I'm sorry you are in so much pain with it; it sounds awful. I have TMJ resulting from a tumble down the stairs around twenty years ago. My jaw started clicking straight away. I had my wisdom teeth taken out when in retrospect it was probably pain from my jaw that I was experiencing. My jaw stopped clicking a long time ago. My dentist says that this is the jaw bone trying to get back onto the disc. Mine has given up!

Nowadays I wear a mouth guard and it is much better. Occasionally I get a dull ache and I get tinnitus in the ear on the same side. It usually doesn't act up. The last time was when I had a filling and had to have my mouth open for a long time, putting pressure on the joint. If I feel it coming on, I take some pain relief and wear my mouth guard. I clench rather than grind and once I cracked my mouth guard in my sleep.

I'm lucky to have a good dentist. I do yoga regularly, don't overdo it with alcohol and never try to eat a whole apple without slicing it :)

I hope you find something that works for you.

healththrowawayx · 04/07/2020 00:34

TMD can definitely cause migraines, I had shooting ear pain too (no ear inflammation present either). I definitely sympathise - tmd is so unpleasant at it’s worst. When you have a lot going on, having a painful jaw to the extent that it locks shut is the last thing you need.

I think if you have a physical issue with your discs you might be suited to having surgery. But from my understanding surgery is a last resort as it’s an outdated procedure (but then again my issue is muscular and yours may not be). Definitely mention x rays and Botox to your consultant.

I’d advise against overdoing ibuprofen as it can cause other issues like acid reflux or stomach ulcers if you use it too frequently. If anything, try ibuprofen gel? You apply it directly to the area, there’s a lower chance of side effects

So sorry to hear about your abusive ex btwFlowers

healththrowawayx · 04/07/2020 00:39

Also this link might be useful. Arthrocentesis could be an option for you perhaps

lemontova · 04/07/2020 00:42

Mine came on after a root canal, stabbing unbearable pain for 2 months solid while I was abroad far from dental access. I didn’t speak or eat solid food for almost 10 days and that seemed to ease it. Then when I next saw the dentist he filed down a crown or filling that had changed the alignment and it’s been ok since, although still have a clicky jaw but have always had that

introv3rt · 04/07/2020 01:14

Mine comes and goes, I think I clench when stressed without realising, it usually lasts a couple of months when it happens.
Have you ever tried yoga? I think this helped my last flare up go away, it helps with posture and relaxation! Lots of free yoga videos on youtube :)

Imissmoominmama · 04/07/2020 01:18

I’m so glad I clicked onto this thread. I had a head injury in November and have had all these symptoms since then. I’ve just looked up TMJ and it’s definitely that: vertigo, tinnitus, neck and lower back pain, temple headache and the feeling of lockjaw, with lots of pain and clicking. I have been trying to keep my mouth slightly open because my teeth clamp together and it makes the pain worse, and also try to stop my head from lolling back.

I have a physio appointment (by phone Confused) in two weeks time- I am now armed with a possible diagnosis. Thank you!

Concestor · 04/07/2020 10:18

Hi OP, no mine always feel so much better after an osteo session, she works in the mouth and on the outer jaw and the masseter muscle too and it makes such a difference. I haven't been since march and my jaw is really crunchy and clicky right now, I really need to go back just not sure if it's safe.

MrsPerfect12 · 04/07/2020 10:40

I'm sorry I haven't read everything g so forgive me if this has been mentioned.
I was a big sufferer even to the point I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to fit my toothbrush in. My was caused first by grinding and then clenching my jaw. I did relaxation therapy with the NHS and was nearly at the point of having Botox injected into the muscle to stop my grinding/clenching but ultimately it all calmed down when I quit my very stressful job. I'm not saying do that but defo look at your lifestyle and stress factors as that's what caused all mine. Hope you find some relief. I'm not completely sorted but I can feel it flare up and I'm aware when I start clenching when I wouldn't realise until I had pain before.
When going through treatment I wasn't allowed to bite into apples or corn on the cob (couldn't open my mouth for that anyway) chewing gum, crusty bread and steak. Anything that required major chewing was a no no.

AstridAv · 08/07/2020 18:11

Can i join?! Literwlly been diagnosed with this this afternoon by a dentist. Been having terrible ear pain, pain in my forehead, headaches, dizziness and issues with my vision.

Anyone else get visual issues with this?

Dentist put fingers in my ears and kind of pushed forwards and got me to open my mouth wide. I nearly cried. Said its TMD and fitted me for s mouth guard for nighttime but said there isn't much that can be done except a referal to specialist when normality resumes.

Any tips and tricks? Its agony. Ive actually just vomited due to the pain :( especially since I've just been prodded and poked.

granadagirl · 09/07/2020 21:25

The pain at the back uff your neck, it’s made me think

If I wake up in the night sometimes , I’m usually on my back.
If I go to move my head it feels really heavy like it’s locked and I’m scared to move itShock
I have to move it really slowly, told gp sent me for mri scan just said degenerative wear & tear !

I’ve tried to try and take note of position etc
I noticed when I woke the other night
I was on my back but my head was turned to the left !!?

Yesterday I was out shopping (anxiety sufferer) didn’t think I was stressed if anything adrenaline. Anyway on the way home headache started! So I took 2 paracetamol when I got home 4pm By 6pm my teeth aghh aching all of them. Another 2 paracetamol 8pm the aching was an 8 easy. It took me a while to drop off, actually holding my jaw.

I’m so confused dental say tmj
I think is it stress related that brings it on.
As if the pain isn’t enough, the thought of why and what can you do is stressful
I don’t even know how it started
I know it was aching teeth first
Then I noticed the pain when I tried to turn over the pain/lock in neck would wake me up.

Do you find after the exercise’s your mouth/teeth ache?

Thisisworsethananticpated · 22/07/2020 18:46

Sorry just bumping as also have this
Whole jaw aches and painkillers not even touching the side
Will read all Flowers

AstridAv · 22/07/2020 19:39

@Thisisworsethananticpated I find a hot water bottle helps when it flares. Was also given a mouthguard that was made by my dentist and its actually helped lots. I also make a conscious effort throughout the day not to tense it and thats helped too. Im sorry I know its awful

Thisisworsethananticpated · 22/07/2020 21:04

As thanks ! I’m also feverish 🥵 is that usual
God it’s painful , painkillers not even touching it
I’m 99% sure this is it but just shocked how bad it’s got

Thisisworsethananticpated · 23/07/2020 11:39

Op sorry to bump your thread Flowers
I’m a bit worried this end
Can I check of these are normal

Headaches Like I’ve never known
Terrible Sensitive pain if I eat or drink anything , the sensitivity is OFF the scale throbbing agony
Plus the usual jaw ache

Have osteo sat am and a cal with GP later
What drugs shall I beg for ?

Sorry ! I’m home alone so any advice this is normal appreciated

GnomeoNameo · 20/08/2020 16:37

Thank goodness for this thread - I started with a left-hand-side pressure headache two weeks ago, which mostly resolved but subsided into dull aching in the temples, dizziness, full pressured sensation in the ear. Then gradually focused itself as pain in tempero-mandibular joint, fizzing numb sensation along the edge of my left cheek to my temple (and prickly left-hand-side scalp), pain generally in the teeth around there and slight lumpiness in my throat on the l.h.s.

Most days I wake with a thick "sick" head, aching ear region, tingly numb along my left cheek and dull pain sometimes in my left temple. Also direct pain in left jaw when I eat and aching down into my left shoulder/neck area.

I have spent three weeks panicking about it but the dentist has said it's almost certainly TMJ. My doctor has given me antibiotics as well.

No bruxism as far as I am aware but I may clench my jaw without realising, and I am stressed (not least about this!) - will try the jaw-dropping thing. If pushed, I will try to get a mouthguard but worried about cost.

botswanabanana · 20/08/2020 16:53

Sorry haven't rt whole thread but has anyone mentioned botox. Google it for tmd, has been great for me

ChestyNut · 20/08/2020 17:19

Checking in!
I clench in my sleep, it’s so bad at the minute.
I have an upper silicone guard which isnt doing much!

I wake up with a terrible headache every day.
Dental pain in one side that comes and goes and general achey cheeks.

@GingerLemonTea** I am in an SSRI, could it be that? Darent stop it as will exacerbate stress/anxiety.

Any tips?

Nets888 · 27/11/2020 17:32

Do you also get toothache if you clench your teeth? I think I might be clenching in my sleep. No other pains apart from discomfort in a few bottom teeth.

AwkwardPaws27 · 27/11/2020 17:41

I've struggled with TMJD on and off for a number of years, I get it on and off, sometimes the pain / discomfort just happens, sometimes precipitated by me overextending/eating something chewy.
I recently saw a new dentist who had a plastic mouth guard made (not silicone - he advised me against that as he said that soft materials can encourage more chewing/grinding for some people. This is a firm plastic, upper and lower, with a small block where the upper and lower front teeth meet, so I can't clench the back teeth).
I've had it for a fortnight and it seems to be helping - my jaw doesn't feel as tight, and I haven't had any episodes of pain so far.

MatildaTheCat · 27/11/2020 17:47

I had persistent popping and crunching for months and months but it finally settled. Then a couple of months ago I had a big dental repair and a couple of days later my jaw locked up and was really sore and restricted for weeks. It has just about settled.

Google facial massage as you can do this on yourself and it’s quite soothing. Don’t give up hope it really can get better.


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BoggiesBonnieBelle · 27/11/2020 18:13

I had bilateral TMJ arthroplasty on the NHS in 2008 - it worked a treat. I was told I'd end up with two 8 inch scars, but they run up the side of my ears and into my hair, so they are completely undetectable.

My TMJ problems started when I had mumps in 2006. About 6 weeks later I went to the doctor with pain on one side and he thought that I had some residual trapped infection from the mumps. So he prescribed anti-biotics, then stronger anti-biotics, then a longer course of anti-biotics. It didn't help, and the pain grew worse.

My dentist then diagnosed TMJD, and I went on the waiting list for NHS physio, but when I got my first physio appointment it had deteriorated further and I was referred for minor surgery. By the time I got to the top of that waiting list it had deteriorated further and I need major surgery. I had an MRI - I can't remember at which point in the saga. By this time I had surgery I was on a soft diet of scrambled egg, yogurt, chocolate digestives dunked in coffee etc. There was only 18mm between my teeth to push food through. Annoyingly, despite it being very difficult to eat I actually gained weight (too much chocolate mousse!)

The surgery was brilliant. I was off work for a month, and then part time for a fortnight afterwards, but I haven't looked back since.

boppit23 · 13/12/2020 16:03

Hi did you get this sorted? I am currently
Going through the same. I haven’t been diagnosed but I know it is this as I clench my teeth every night flr past like
Couple of
Months and ever since I have a pain on one side all over my face and my ears feel full and jaw clicks. This actually feels like iv
Been punched in the face.. one side of
My face feels heavy I don’t know hard to
Explain to those who haven’t got it. Don’t really suffer from headaches
From it but just feels achy on one side and can tell it does make me feel dizzy sometimes and makes one side of my eye feel tired.. it was
On the right side last
Month now it’s switched to the left. Does acupuncture work.

ittakes2 · 13/12/2020 17:13

Can I recommend you look for a cranial Oesto? They are brilliant with issues in the head and have even further training than oestos.

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