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To be annoyed by the expression "hand-picked"?

84 replies

VickyEadieofThigh · 25/06/2020 10:31

You get this expression all over the place now, but it's found especially in holiday ads.

Cottages, hotels, "experiences" are "hand-picked". Or worse "curated".

It's taken over from "pan-fried" (what else would you fry something in if not a pan?) as a thing that makes me stabby.

I'm sure others have similar phrases that give them the rage.

(And yes, I know there are worse things in the world, etc but this is AIBU and this thing annoys me).

OP posts:
Knittedfairies · 25/06/2020 14:05

All our meals are served on a bed of the finest Derbyshire clay, a.k.a. a plate bought in the Denby outlet shop

DieSchottin93 · 25/06/2020 14:09

@exiledfromcornwall you beat me to it Grin "boutique" these days seems to mean an average hotel/B&B but they slap the word "boutique" in front and use that as an excuse to charge far too much.

tectonicplates · 25/06/2020 14:11

Ebay sellers who describe their clothes as lovely, gorgeous, stunning etc. Your photos should speak for themselves. I'll be the judge of if they're gorgeous or not.

RoseyLentil · 25/06/2020 14:37

Panna cotta
It's blancmange ffs 🤣

DestinationFkd · 25/06/2020 16:06

Many years ago I used to work in a restaurant which advertised ' locally sourced ' meat dishes on their menu.
The ' locally sourced ' was the Aldi a few minutes walk down the road.
Fair enough, they were locally sourced, but on the menu it sounded like the bangers had come from a prize pig who was kept in comfort on a lovely farm and the steak like it had come from the same place.
The ' locally sourced ' sausages were priced at £12 for ' two locally sourced succulent sausages served with creamy mashed potatoes ( think smash ) and vegetables of the day, usually a few peas and carrots, frozen. 😂

ChangeThePassword · 25/06/2020 17:30

Panna cotta
It's blancmange ffs

So you are okay with the French version, traditionally thickened with cornstarch but not with the Italian one, which is traditionally thickened using gelatine..

Are you vegetarian?

SerenDippitty · 25/06/2020 17:56


Pan fried as opposed to deep fried.
I agree about curated though!

The opposite of deep fried is shallow fried. But that doesn't sound as appetising or healthy as pan-fried I suppose!
BrigitsBigKnickers · 25/06/2020 18:03

"Hand finished"AKA someone sprinkled cheese/ put a cherry on the top!

All the poncey names they use on masterchef make me giggle too!

"Compressed vegetables?" ( how does one compress a vegetable and how exactly does this change the flavour? )Confused

"Jous/ lamb sauce" nope it's gravyGrin

"Deconstructed Elton mess"- so separate piles of fruit, cream and meringue then! Hmm

iklboo · 25/06/2020 18:12

'Sourced' - no you went to the shop and found it exactly where you expected it to be. You did not embark on an Amazonian jungle trek or undertake multi-national secret negotiations to get your avocado.

Jennifer2r · 25/06/2020 18:17

Hand cut. Why would I care.

Woodmarsh · 25/06/2020 18:20

I always think that the description home made about pub food is false advertising

Abitlikeabiscuit · 25/06/2020 20:26

Also hate "hand finished" in relation to food. Why would somebody touching my food with their hands make it more appealing?

LinemanForTheCounty · 25/06/2020 20:56

Makes me think of happy endings. 🤢

morethanafortnight · 25/06/2020 21:59

If something has been 'curated' then I want it to be in a museum, not on my plate.

1Morewineplease · 25/06/2020 22:13

‘Artisan’ seems to now be over used. Yet you look at the specifics , it usually says’ hand finished.’
Does that mean machine produced but placed in a bag by a human?

blacksax · 25/06/2020 22:14


Hand cut. Why would I care.

Dunno about you, but I use a knife.
Fudgewhizz · 25/06/2020 22:34

This thread has made me feel soooo much better - always thought it was just me Grin The red lip / wedge heel thing reeeeeally irritates me - can I also add 'tee' for t-shirt to the list?!

Crunchymum · 25/06/2020 22:51

We are a very well integrated transatlantic company now but back in the day I was CC'd into an email from someone very senior who changed their signature to include

"Only the Four Tops reach out, everyone else can contact me on xxx xxx"


CaptainCabinets · 25/06/2020 23:06

‘Home cooked meal’ or ‘cooked from scratch’, known to most as simply ‘cooked’ Angry

SuperMumTum · 25/06/2020 23:16

"Solutions" as in "shelving solutions" or shelves to everyone else. "flooring solutions" or carpet as its otherwise known.

VickyEadieofThigh · 26/06/2020 09:20

One of our house favourites is "for all your xxxx needs".

Imagine our joy the day we spotted (it was on a shop in Manchester) "For all your Irish dance needs".

I live in a coastal town and there's a cafe that also has a little shop in it. They have a sign saying "Pop in for all your beach needs".

OP posts:
OldOakTreeRibbon · 26/06/2020 10:15

Home made food in a pub....

I know of a pub that buys in its pies from a little-old lady who originally started making them to sell at a Womens’ Institute market.


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ginghamstarfish · 26/06/2020 10:22

Yes, hate all of the above, used by pretentious twats everywhere these days. I suppose as long as some are thick enough to fall for these descriptions they will continue doing it. One more I didn't see above - 'hand-dived' scallops ..... not even grammatically correct FFS!

averythinline · 26/06/2020 10:26

Artisan is my most annoying at the moment WTF ! Yes people that train in their craft can be artisans but now it's a sticker on a loaf in Tesco's is not the same...
feel sorry for those that are real artisans...

Tomanyhandbags · 26/06/2020 10:43

Newborn baby cos I have yet to meet an oldborn one.

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