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AIBU? expect people to wear a mask on the bus or have I misinterpreted 'mandatory'?

186 replies

RingPiece · 19/06/2020 00:59

Got the bus home from work today. I was under the impression that face coverings were now mandatory but out of 13 people on the lower deck, only five were wearing a mask. Also, the bus was pretty crowded and whilst no one was sitting next to each other (unless they were traveling together), the people standing were very close together. I passed countless other buses, both single and double decker, and saw at least half of the passengers not wearing any form of face covering.

I thought it was compulsory. Whose responsibility is it to ensure this is happening? I know some people are exempt but surely there can't be that many. What does mandatory mean? Will this only be enforced by random infrequent checks such as ticket officers boarding? If so, this only happens once in a blue moon so what's the point?

Lots of questions there!

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phoenixrosehere · 04/07/2020 18:01

Lovely, we're down to 'challenging' people to reveal their personal medical conditions, disabilities and past traumatic experiences to total strangers who can't mind their own business and keep their traps shut hmm.

Had this today. I was motion sick and had taken off my mask, popped it in a coat pocket with my pack of masks while rushing not to miss my transfer and got on with no issue. Social distanced and sat near an open window to take in some air because I felt I was going to vomit. As I was trying to get my bearings and had a new one in hand, I looked up and noticed a woman pointing at me and the bus driver shouted at me about my mask. I apologised and explained I was motion sick and held it up and put it on which made it worse because it was harder to breathe so I pulled it down off my nose so I could take the air from the open window in. She then sat near me on the other side so wasn’t exactly social distanced. Should have yanked the mask off and vomited on her.

wanderings · 05/07/2020 08:43

@DisobedientHamster fuck the environment and climate change, Covid is King.

Greta's silence on this is deafening, isn't it? All those disposable masks, or washing them at high temperatures.

EveryDayIsADuvetDay · 05/07/2020 09:14

Used a bus yesterday - only passenger on the bus, hsd my mask on.
Old couple get on, both wearing masks - shuffle along, cram on to the seat NEXT to me; about 18 inches away across the aisle
WTF? they had an entire bloody bus to choose from.

phoenixrosehere · 05/07/2020 09:52


Agree! Woman moaned about me not having it on yet chose to sit near me when there were other seats. I guess she wanted to monitor me through her trip. I don’t understand the thought process or makes people think they can wear a mask but not social distance. On the bus I was on before, they had labels in the windows on where they wanted people to sit.

Mrsfrumble · 05/07/2020 20:48

We went on a bus today (with our masks on) and I noticed that Transport for London have added a bit to their prerecorded announcement to remind people that some passengers are exempt from wearing a mask. Good!

ArgumentativeAardvaark · 05/07/2020 20:56


It's not mandatory in Wales. We have the ridiculous situation where I live of bus journeys suddenly requiring a face mask half way through the journey once the border is crossed.

On an aircraft they become mandatory only when the aircraft enters English airspace.
BigChocFrenzy · 05/07/2020 21:11

"Greta's silence on this is deafening, isn't it?"

If she contradicted public health experts during a pandemic, I hope people would ignore her.

Fortunately, it seems she has more sense than to do so

It's a question of priorities

BigChocFrenzy · 05/07/2020 21:19

I don't understand why so many in the Uk - and the Trumpers in the USA - have such visceral objections to wearing masks

Many other countries in Europe and elsewhere now wear them,
without all this drama.

It's one of the important meaures that have enabled other countries to come out of lockdown without cases rising significantly

goose1964 · 05/07/2020 21:24

If you're exempt you can get a sunflower lanyard to indicate you're exempt..

Regularsizedrudy · 05/07/2020 21:54

The huge unreasonable resistance to masks in the U.K. really fucks me off. I get that a small number of people will be medically exempt but I think the main reason people won’t do it is this pompous British “lets just make do everything’s fine keep calm and carry on blah blah” attitude. Just put a fucking mask on it’s really not that inconvenient, christ.

Skysblue · 05/07/2020 23:42

It’s a culture thing. In china, people who didn’t wear masks got abuse hurled at them by basically everyone. In britain, apparently it is cool to ignore instructions from authorities even when those instructions are trying to save lives.

I wear a mask in shops but I feel huge pressure not to from the other shoppers... So weird...

Also there is a thing that literally everyone who had any kind of cough in the last year thinks “I’ve had it I’m immune now.” Optimism at its least helpful...

I don’t think we can avoid a massive second peak this autumn unless we somehow already have huge herd immunity which seems very unlikely.

So get your panic buying done now 🤦‍♀️

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