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AIBU? expect people to wear a mask on the bus or have I misinterpreted 'mandatory'?

186 replies

RingPiece · 19/06/2020 00:59

Got the bus home from work today. I was under the impression that face coverings were now mandatory but out of 13 people on the lower deck, only five were wearing a mask. Also, the bus was pretty crowded and whilst no one was sitting next to each other (unless they were traveling together), the people standing were very close together. I passed countless other buses, both single and double decker, and saw at least half of the passengers not wearing any form of face covering.

I thought it was compulsory. Whose responsibility is it to ensure this is happening? I know some people are exempt but surely there can't be that many. What does mandatory mean? Will this only be enforced by random infrequent checks such as ticket officers boarding? If so, this only happens once in a blue moon so what's the point?

Lots of questions there!

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BrightYellowDaffodil · 19/06/2020 07:26

There was ONE person in Aldi yesterday wearing a mask.

Masks aren’t mandatory in shops.

NotTerfNorCis · 19/06/2020 07:26

I'm about to go on public transport today for the first time since March. I bought masks specially.

I have heard there is a problem with trams where I live. People won't wear masks (quite a few didn't used to bother with buying tickets either) and the staff don't want to go near them.

VashtaNerada · 19/06/2020 07:29

While I appreciate the medical exemptions I do feel very cross with people who refuse. Coronavirus can be nasty and you don’t know you have it at first. I really don’t understand how you could put others at potential risk like that. In London I’ve found most people are pretty good. Much better on the tube than the bus though.

ineedaholidaynow · 19/06/2020 07:29

I’m wondering if we reduce SD down to 1m there will be more rules about wearing masks, it will be a trade off

wanderings · 19/06/2020 07:31

Mandatory masks was clearly a token gesture (like so many other bright ideas from the government). As others have said, the government imposed it knowing that many people wouldn't comply, and that realistically, it's difficult to enforce. Have we yet seen photos of station entrances and bus stops littered with discarded masks, or of MPs not wearing them, if they dare to take the tube? I expect we will soon. I think one reason the government brought it in was to try to unscare people enough to travel again, having spent the last three months scaring everybody shitless, and the earlier message of "avoid public transport".

Bluegrass · 19/06/2020 07:35

As others have said, we’re going to have to find ways to get the world going again that don’t rely on us basically staying at home all the time. We’re also very lucky that it is summer, a time of year when transmission rates generally drop regardless (which is great but can easily lull us into a false sense of security).

What will happen as we move into autumn and winter is a real concern. The idea of going into lockdown again in the depths of winter and over Christmas feels profoundly depressing, but it is a very real risk. In the meantime if people can adopt behaviours that may help reduce risk, including wearing masks, then that may just help.

No one really enjoys wearing a mask but isn’t this what our much spoken about “Blitz Spirit” is supposed to be about? Accepting a bit of hardship and discomfort in order to carry on for the greater good.

DappledThings · 19/06/2020 07:46

Mandatory masks was clearly a token gesture (like so many other bright ideas from the government)

I agree with this. I'm getting a train for the first time since lockdown in a week and I've made a mask. I'm happy to comply because I'm quite an rule follower and there may be a small chance of it reducing transmission but I'll be doing it with an eye roll.

HandsDownRoundTheTown · 19/06/2020 07:47

@wanderings - this isn’t about scaring people or unscaring people.

The situation has changed.

We were told to Stay at Home, avoid public transport. Now it’s back to to work and back to school for some (hopefully more soon especially school) so the message is use public transport safely and wearing a mask helps that.

HandsDownRoundTheTown · 19/06/2020 07:49

If it’s a token gesture that builds confidence, makes transport safer (even minimally), and generally moves us forward, it’s a token gesture I’m prepared to get behind.

BashStreetKid · 19/06/2020 07:49


Bus company here is giving people 14 days grace, after which they'll be refusing travel to anyone who hasn't got a pass they are dishing out to folks who can prove they are exempt (or anyone who has a disabled bus pass)

But how do they provide proof? It's not that easy to get to a doctor's at the moment. And the reality is that "proof" may well ultimately be letters that say"X tells me the wearing a mask makes her very anxious" which isn't exactly conclusive proof.
AnneBullen · 19/06/2020 07:51

@BrightYellowDaffodil I know. I was just illustrating the point about how much mask wearing has decreased in one sector in my observation.

JacobReesMogadishu · 19/06/2020 07:51


Exactly *@runbummyrun* so at this point I'm taking my guidance from countries that have this under control.

Like China? Where everyone wears a mask, no exceptions!
JacobReesMogadishu · 19/06/2020 07:55

I guess it’s possible that the science behind it isn’t true/robust but there was a case of a bus I think in South Korea or maybe Singapore. Half the passengers were wearing masks and the others weren’t. Someone got on the bus who unknowingly had covid. Everyone on the bus wearing a mask didn’t get it inc the guy sitting next to the covid person, the non mask Wearers all got it even those further away.

Maybe it’s all bullshit propaganda though I can’t see why the state would make it up. For the sake of wearing a mask if I had to go on Public transport I’d certainly wear a mask.

Blankiefan · 19/06/2020 07:57

We've never had to wear masks before and death rates are falling. The rule doesn't make any sence.

As lockdown is relaxed and more people are out and about/ on public transport, our ability to keep 2m apart is compromised so face coverings should help go offset the increased risk. Earlier, when lockdown was stricter, fewer people meant more space so less need for face coverings. You might not like it but there's a logic to it.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 19/06/2020 08:00

It's not a new problem. I find these pictures from the 1918 flu pandemic fascinating. expect people to wear a mask on the bus or have I misinterpreted 'mandatory'?
user1494050295 · 19/06/2020 08:01

I admit I forgot when I got the bus this week but I did use the scarf I was wearing when I realised. Not totally effective but at least it was something.

DippyAvocado · 19/06/2020 08:01

With a few genuine exceptions, I really don't get the UK's problem with face masks. They have been proven to be the most effective form of reducing transmission of the virus. We should be wearing them in more places than just public transport as they have started to do in many other countries. What is it about British people that makes them feel we don't need them? Is it fear of looking stupid or just that it is a collective benefit rather than an individual benefit so we are all too selfish? We could probably open many more indoor venues like theatres/cinemas and even hold public events if people would just get over themselves.

CharmingB · 19/06/2020 08:05

The problem with london buses is that it's practically impossible for the driver to manage now.

The front doors of the bus are shut and you have to get on in the middle so unless the bus driver gets out of his seat and supervises everyone getting on and off (which then counteracts the reason the front door is shut in the first place) there's not much they can do about it.

I saw a man on the bus the other day. He was wearing a mask. On his forehead... 🤦🏽‍♀️

SusieOwl4 · 19/06/2020 08:09

it was WHO. That said masks should be used by health workers only . Then they changed their minds only very recently. . Italy are in front of us time wise and we should listen to them and they have said don’t open up until people get used to covering their faces more in MOST situations.

There are many other reasons why other countries have lower death rates than us including some of the vaccines that they have they they think may be effective .. it is not a simp0r as people make out .

WeAllHaveWings · 19/06/2020 08:10

This was just announced in Scotland yesterday. The announcement said buses, trains, taxis and trams will be included in the rule, with only children under five, those with breathing problems or other physical conditions which make it difficult to wear a mask, being exempt.

Not sure if that makes autism etc exempt. The message should be clear that whoever can wear a mask, uncomfortable or not, must.

SusieOwl4 · 19/06/2020 08:11


I agree . In lockdown people were not out much or in smaller groups . Now IS the time to be wearing them .

TopLipTash · 19/06/2020 08:12

I get buses regularly in Central Manchester and adopted the mask even before it became mandatory due to the sheer numbers taking the bus.

I understand people will have conditions that means this new rule doesn't apply. They're the minority.

I asked the driver of the bus I was on just before this rule was implemented what would happen if, on my way to work, I happened to forget my mask, he said he personally would still let me on but couldn't guarantee other drivers would.

If you're perfectly healthy and refuse to wear a face covering on public transport where people can often be too close together for comfort then I can't help but think you're intrinsically selfish.


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TopLipTash · 19/06/2020 08:13


Xenia · 19/06/2020 08:14

People need to read the law for example if it causes you extreme distress even if you have no medical condition you do not have to cover your mouth and nose. Also it is not a mask that is required but to cover the mouth and nose so in my view a plastic visor does it.

Everyone can also take it off if they need to eat or drink.

ImInYourMindFuzz · 19/06/2020 08:16

From looking at Facebook pages I’ve seen bus drivers saying they can’t really enforce the masks thing. Unless you have a medical condition preventing your from wearing a mask it’s just plain selfish imo. I have anxiety, and asthma and absolutely hate anything covering my nose (I can’t even have the bedsheets too close to my face). It’ll be hell and I’ll feel like crying my entire bus journey, but will I be wearing one, absolutely! For my own safety and others. It saddens me people have the flippant attitude of “but what about ME!!” If we all cared a little more about our fellow people it would really change things.

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