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To have given myself a fringe

58 replies

Ijustwantedafringe36 · 14/06/2020 21:34

It started just around fifteen minutes ago.
I was laying awake, too early to sleep, yet to late to be up at this hour - So, I did what anybody would do...
I listened to some fleetwood mac.
As I heard the beautiful voice of Stevie Nicks, I dreamt about my teenagehood for a moment, remembering how I always wanted such beautiful hair like hers - her fringe always seemed so effortless, yet I was never allowed to have it, kept from my cruel, cold hearted mother from ever expressing my inner-hippie.
So I did the unthinkable: I walked to the kitchen in a sleepy, bored daze, and grabbed a pair of scissors.
I angled the scissors, and with a quick snip, my hair was on the floor...
I looked.
In the mirror.
And oh, woe is me, words could not recreate the sound that came out of my mouth. Sad
Thin, greasy strips of hair plastered to my forehead, about three inches above my eyebrows, reminiscent of Emma Watsons pixie cut.
I was frozen, scared, horrified at the monster looking back at me in the mirror.
What do I do?
Somebody tell me, alleviate my fears and let me know that it will be okay, in a few weeks the hair will grow and I really will have a perfect 70s shag fringe, better than Stevie Nicks and just what fifteen year old me always wanted. Sad
Somebody, help!

OP posts:
Ijustwantedafringe36 · 14/06/2020 22:34

I have a long face shape so I'm not sure if that would suit me Previous poster. Sad

OP posts:
slipperywhensparticus · 14/06/2020 22:35

Micro fringe?

Practice your scathing look of course it's supposed to look like this its fashionable

cactuscushion · 14/06/2020 22:37

Do you know how to French plait the front of your hair? Learn that and use gel/hairspray to hold it in until its long enough for a hairdresser to fix.

slipperywhensparticus · 14/06/2020 22:37
Ijustwantedafringe36 · 14/06/2020 22:39

They look exactly like the first photo here, only a bit longer Sad

OP posts:
Ijustwantedafringe36 · 14/06/2020 22:40

Also more wispy Sad

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Ijustwantedafringe36 · 14/06/2020 22:41

Actually like the look of the micro fringe, but mine just looks bad Grin

OP posts:
Khione · 14/06/2020 22:42

One day last year I picked up my thinning scissors, took the left half of my fringe, put the scissors close to my scalp and snipped - only it wasn't my thinning scissors and I had taken a 5cm chunk out of my fringe, leaving about 1 cms.

The only thing I could do was pull more hair forward and cut another fringe. It was about 5 months until it grew out - but it did have a long way to go. Your's should be fine in about a month.

Khione · 14/06/2020 22:43

Yours not your's

ElizabethinherGermanGarden · 14/06/2020 22:49

All the images of people looking good with this kind of fringe are basically channeling Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, so do the same for now:

  • part centrally and curl with a comb like the barber on the boat did to Audrey
  • go to town on defined eyebrows and eyeliner
  • affect a jaunty neckerchief

Advice is always the same for short hair that is shorter than you want: wear a lot more make up and hope for the best.
Dita73 · 14/06/2020 22:52

I’m not sure what you can do but I had to say thank you your post made me smile after a crappy day. It will grow back so try not to worry. We’ve all had a hair disaster at some point in our lives and it always sorts itself out. Yours was totally reasonable though,who doesn’t want to look like Stevie Nicks?!

Bloops · 14/06/2020 22:58

I'm in bed giggling to myself. I did this so many times when I was younger but have naturally curly hair. I'd cut it then it would spring up and be too short. Then I discovered straighteners and straightened it to death.
Wash it and give it a little straighten, see what it looks like then. In a month it'll be history Wink

EmeraldShamrock · 14/06/2020 23:04

Gel it up spiky people will assume you've lost it with lockdown. I'd love a fringe I've a cow's lick in the front it wouldn't work. tried and tested

bubbleup · 14/06/2020 23:07

Omg 😂 erm....I don't know

Tillygetsit · 14/06/2020 23:16

I've done the same. Fringe is ok but I chopped the rest and now look like a lego lady. 😂 It's only hair. It'll grow.

k1233 · 14/06/2020 23:20

Oh. You sound like me when one day, between haircuts, my fringe was annoying me. Let me say it is never a good idea to do a self trim with the attitude "die fringe, die". Weeks later when I went to the hairdresser she was rather mortified. She stressed that if my fringe ever annoys me between cuts just to stop in and she'll fix it right up. There wasn't much she could do to fix the atrocity - had to wait for it to grow out.

Sedona123 · 14/06/2020 23:20

Either clip it back until it grows, or comb forward more hair, and cut it into a proper length fringe, which will cover up your too short fringe. Try watching some YouTube tutorials first though.

I have kind of been there, done that, but my too short fringe was caused by the bottom half being completely fried from a salon straightening treatment. 😱 I went to a different salon and a hairdresser cut the fuller fringe to cover it up.

Thelnebriati · 14/06/2020 23:23

Wear an Alice band and pretend you are a posh character in a Jilly Cooper book.

Yankathebear · 14/06/2020 23:34

I’m sure that it won’t be too awful.
Don’t bother trying to hide it because we all know ‘You can't disguise, no, you can't disguise’.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t look like Stevie. Do you feel like Stevie?

SistemaAddict · 14/06/2020 23:37

Ernieshere omg that mullet picture is the spit of my ex-FWB's ex gf 😱

Melia100 · 14/06/2020 23:48

You weren't unreasonable to do it! I did it two weekends ago. Just suddenly got up and cut myself a fringe.

Having done this and failed badly a decade ago, I learned from my mistake. The key thing is to cut little bits at a time. Like, you first cut a fringe way longer than you want. Then you can go shorter a bit at a time.

The other thing is that you don't just chop straight across. I don't know how to explain it, but you kind of angle the scissors along the same line as your eyebrow line.

Anyhow, it worked great this time around, so I expect your next fringe adventure will too!

Hope this one grows out speedily. Can you just pin it back?

EmeraldShamrock · 15/06/2020 00:42

I'm tempted to wreck mine with a home colour it took me years to have it done regularly by a professional the perfect blend of blondes. It looks so shit my roots are 4 inches within an hour of washing it looks lank greasy.
These are hard times. Wink


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Ticklemelmo · 15/06/2020 00:57

😂 I did the exact same thing, and for the same reason also due to wanting to look like Stevie nicks after listening to Fleetwood Mac day after day when it was hot.

Yours came out thin, mine was cut way too thick and I look more like Garth from Wayne's world.👎😂

That was about 3 weeks ago and it's starting to grow now, and is due a trim, so it is growing. It will grow.

To make it look better but I've tried a few things, wearing my hair up, a mini plait type thing (like twisting the hair to the side and clip it, use straighteners to curl it under, also just accepting it looks terrible and I'll grow back 😂

TonytheDog · 15/06/2020 01:37

I sympathise with you and your fringe. Your intentions were good, it will look fine in 3 weeks. Also, very short fringes are 'edgy'. At least you haven't stained your face and neck with coffer - I was trying to blend my grey 'naturally' - it didn't work. At all.

steff13 · 15/06/2020 01:48

I'd go to the salon and see what they can do. Fabric headbands are very in right now, you could always hold them back with headbands.

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