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To plant my entire garden with these?

84 replies

DandelionWars · 04/06/2020 22:32

Name changed in case my neighbour is on here - I don't want her going through my posting history and even by making changes to the story it is still so (imo) batshit crazy that neighbour will recognise herself.

For context, before I moved into my house an anti-social behaviour report was filed against me. There was no-one in my house. It was empty bar the flooring person who was working between the hours of 2pm and 4pm, two weeks day in a row with no electricty, so I highly doubt he behaved in an unsocial manner. Parking is tight around here so it is entirely plausible that he pissed someone off by parking in 'their' space.

The day I moved in my neighbour knocked on my door to ask if I could stop my child playing outside after 7pm because her kids go to bed at 7. I was abit Hmm but complied much to dd's dismay who was playing quietly alone in the garden at the time of the complaint. A complaint was then made to my LL about DD playing out 'at all hours'.

A few months later DD got a thing that made noise during the day. the neighbour knocked to complain. I apologised. I moved the thing away from the party wall. The LL arrives on my doorstep a week later to ask about the thing and let me know a complaint has been made. I showed the LL the thing, discussed the noise and the previous agreement with the neighbour to move the thing and the steps I was taking to ensure the thing did not make noise on an evening. The LL was satisfied and agreed the thing was not an issue.

Various other niggly complaints were made but nothing was reported to the LL until the dandelion war started.

There are daffodils in my garden, the neighbour thinks they're dandelions (they're not dandelions or daffodils but I'm changing details on the off chance the neighbour doesn't believe she is only the person batshit crazy enough to care about dandelions) because she thinks they're ugly. They've been there since we moved in.

The neighbour asked me if she could remove all of the daffodils. I agreed even though we like the daffodils. She did not remove them but continued to complain about them. I got a bit fed up and removed half of the daffodils and cut the rest right down. DD was upset because she really likes the daffodils. She picks them and takes them to her dad's every year and they make things with them.

A week after removing half of the daffodils the LL calls about the 'condition' of the garden. I talked about the daffodils the LL agrees if that is the only issue I can keep the daffodils but there are now three complaints on file about me so he wants me to be aware I am being monitored and will need to have extra inspections.

So, now I am pissed and fed up of agreeing to the neighbour's petty and frankly batshit complaints and have decided to plant an entire forest of daffodils all over my lawn (LL said it's fine as long as daffodils are kept tidy and maintained).


NB - all over the lawn might be overkill. I'll probably just replace the ones I culled to pacify the neighbour and maybe plant one or two more.

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Am I being unreasonable?

203 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
madroid · 04/06/2020 23:30

It's irrelevant what the plants are, it's none of your nn business.

You need to come down hard on this or move. It's a subtle form of bullying and if you don't nip it in the bud now it will get worse.

Jenasaurus · 04/06/2020 23:32

clover? thinking if you cant poison them because of the bees

Jenasaurus · 04/06/2020 23:33

is this the ahem. dandelion?

To plant my entire garden with these?
FiveFootTwoEyesOfBlue · 04/06/2020 23:36

Good grief, if a neighbour tried to tell me what flowers I could and couldn't have in my garden I would just say, er I'll think about it, and then ignore them. Tell the landlord this neighbour is harassing you.

(And I want to know what the flowers are too... red flowers but a different coloured version are weeds... hmmm)

Blossom513 · 04/06/2020 23:37

If your neighbour is on here they will still recognise this regardless of the 'thing' and flower name changes.

So I think you should just tell us exactly what they are. Otherwise I'm going to be up all night thinking of a red flower that is not a weed but has a purple cousin that may be a weed.

DandelionWars · 04/06/2020 23:38

This is getting so confusing even for me and it's my garden Grin

The gardener wanted to poison the actual, genuine dandelions that are growing in the grass. He quite likes the clover but my clover is white, something about it feeding the grass...[shrug]

The dandelions the neighbour whines about are not actually dandelions and are growing along the fence not in the grass. They're much taller and more imposing than clover and dandelions but they're kept lower than the height of the fence.

OP posts:
Cherrysoup · 04/06/2020 23:39

Your neighbour is harassing you. Stop allowing her to do so! Her complaints are a nonsense. Honestly, I’d mention talking to the police if she harasses you again. Batshit.

YippeeKayakOtherBuckets · 04/06/2020 23:45

I’ve lost the will to love about what flowers are what but actually, unless it’s something prohibited (knotweed or whatever) your neighbour can fuck off.

Mine give me the side eye because my garden is a bee sanctuary (that is lazy person speak for I don’t mow often enough) but it’s my garden. It is literally nothing to do with your neighbour.

Veterinari · 04/06/2020 23:45

You are being harassed.
Tell your landlord that either he communicates about you breaking the lease or not at all, but he needs to filter/deal with petty harassment. It isn't your responsibility.

As long as you are living within your lease you're fine

Ellmau · 04/06/2020 23:46

Unless the ‘daffodils” are Japanese knotweed, you can grow what you like in your own garden.

Ignore neighbour.

TonytheDog · 04/06/2020 23:47

Is it cannabis?

Taciturn · 04/06/2020 23:50


There is no way your neighbour only does this to you. You are on a much stronger footing with your landlord than you think. He wants to rent out a property where the next door neighbour harasses his tenants. That means he has to be on his tenants side. I suggest you begin to make noises about it being impossible to live next door to this harassing neighbour. Ask him how his previous tenants have coped. Ask him if previous tenants have suffered and have they left early? He might begin to realise the neighbour is threatening his income stream.

This is spades

Under a shorthold tenancy agreement you have entitlement to "quite enjoyment". I would put the weight of this onto the landlord. You are in a stronger position than you think.
DandelionWars · 04/06/2020 23:51

Is the the type of flower really that exciting? I was deliberately vague so people didn't try to guess. I failed miserably Sad I don't want to be one of those posters who leave everyone hanging and I suppose pp's are right that it is identifying. sooo....

the noisy thing is a budgie. It sings during the day. DD is bugger for not opening the curtains and according to the budgie man (friend of ex-h) who gave her the damn thing it's a song bird and they sleep when it's dark. I know this because I complained when she brought it into the house. I work every early mornings and didn't want a song bird or any bird cheep-cheeping all night and keeping me awake. I was assured it would not cheep cheep during the night. My knowledge of birds is about as great as my knowledge of plants so I stand to be corrected about the day/night noise thing but I've never heard the thing sing during wee hours, only when I open the curtains.

The flowers are not flowers. They're raspberries. The neighbour thinks they're brambles which I think are classed as a weed?

And NN if you're reading this, your kids love the raspberries as much as DD does. I've seen them sticking their hands through the fence and stuffing their faces with them. Just buy a screen for your side of the fence and stop acting like a nutter.

OP posts:
Forgothowtospell · 04/06/2020 23:58

😂😂😂😂😂😂 I think you need to actually say ("Just buy a screen for your side of the fence and stop acting like a nutter.") to her face. Iv never felt so glad that I have great neighbours. Hope you get it sorted soon, as for the budgie, good luck... Mine was a cheepy shit all day. 🙄

LynetteScavo · 04/06/2020 23:59

You would be silly to plant raspberries all over your lawn. Grow them in the boarders, lots of them. Then make jam and give some to the neighbour, to make a point.

Yabu to keep a budgie. But who the hell complains about budgie noise? I'd start complaining about her, or is she completely silent?

Aesopfable · 05/06/2020 00:02

Blackberries are nice - why don’t you plant some of them too? Cultivated thornless varieties...

solarlightexpress · 05/06/2020 00:06

So your dd isn't allowed outside to play past 7pm and you've pulled out the flowers she likes because your neighbour has complained?


You need to start making a lot of noise to your landlord about the unreasonable miserable cunt who lives next door and ask is that why the previous tenants left?

You can grow what you like in your garden and your dd can play out when you say she can. Your neighbour has no say or input in either of these 2 scenarios.

DandelionWars · 05/06/2020 00:09

ex-H makes jam with them. And pink gin, it's delicious and potent. The jam's okay too Grin He wanted me to plant sloe berries when we first discovered the raspberries but I'm a terrible gardener. I planted a blueberry bush during my short-live keen gardener phase. It died a week later. The raspberries were well established when I moved in or they'd probably be dead too.

OP posts:
TheThingWithFeathers · 05/06/2020 00:10

Grow all the raspberries dandelions you want OP! And let your DD play outside after 7, poor lass!

DoctorHildegardLanstrom · 05/06/2020 00:10

POP to Asda and buy every single one of the gnomes

I would be tempted to get the landlord on side and then tell the neighbour that they need to communicate with the landlord, but I think that would be a risky move, I would certainly ask him how previous have dealt with her, to see if that gives you some idea whether she is just picking on you for some weird reason or whether it is an ongoing thing

TheThingWithFeathers · 05/06/2020 00:11

Oh wait, the raspberries are the daffodils. I got confused! Grin

Pomegranatepompom · 05/06/2020 00:14

I’d love a gardening thread !

Obv neighbour is a complete pain - sounds exhausting.

Leave a bunch on her doorstep??


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TinyPigeon · 05/06/2020 00:23

Plant actual blackberries, then she can observe the difference.

Seriously you sound like a good tennant, complain to the landlord. Don't apologise to him or entertain any more spurious accusations.

Leflic · 05/06/2020 00:33

What you need to do is take punnets if raspberries to your local food bank or school, raspberry jam gift as gifts for the care homes and raspberry gin for the NHS.
Make sure the local paper captures everything.

No way can ND complain and if she does it’s back to the paper with a sad face.

Dougalthesyrianhamster · 05/06/2020 00:40


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