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Food poisoning from hummus?

40 replies

foodpoisoning · 02/06/2020 15:00

3ish hours ago I ate lunch and had a lot of hummus with it. After I'd eaten it I realised it went out of date on the 31st May. Our fridge also hasn't been keeping stuff as cold as usual for the last few days (fixed now)
Anyway now I have sickness and diarrhea. I wouldn't usually worry but I'm pregnant. I googled and saw there can be salmonella in hummus.
How likely do you think this is? Just wondering whether to seek medical advice now or wait until later to see if the S&D stops.
I know, I know you're not doctors but I'm just asking wwyd basically?

OP posts:
MrsPatrickDempsey · 03/06/2020 18:09

I have been reading the Bill Bryson book about the human body and it says that most food poisonings occur 72 hours after ingestion.

Givemeyourbunsandyourbiscuits · 03/06/2020 18:07

I imagine it was it something else from your slightly warm fridge? Out of date hummus is fine for a few days

saveeno · 03/06/2020 18:03

I must have the constitution of an ox. I regularly eat hummus ten days or so out of date. I sniff and if good, down the hatch it goes. Same for lots of foods, there is far too much food waste with the religious observation of use by dates..

Anyway hope you are ok OP. Drink lots of water anyway. I don't think it's food poisoning, maybe a tummy upset which can happen when pg as you know.

ElectricTonight · 03/06/2020 17:56

Thank you for educating me @BlackForestCake very interesting.

WhatWouldChristineCagneyDo · 03/06/2020 17:55

I've eaten dodgy hummus, in retrospect it was a bit fizzy and was obviously fermenting or something, though there was no visible mould.

It wasn't much fun for 12 hours or so

Teawiththat · 03/06/2020 17:50

I had food poisoning when I was 19 weeks, as horrible as it was it was fine. Rehydration sachets as you have are great, or if you have any flat coca cola. Hopefully you'll feel better after a sleep.

BlackForestCake · 03/06/2020 17:47


Slightly off topic but why have CoOp spelt houmous like that < is there more than one spelling Confused

The word hummus comes from Arabic (it means “chickpeas”, amazing enough) and Arabic doesn’t write out vowels, so when you’re transliterating into Latin script there’s no one “correct” transliteration.
FlowerArranger · 03/06/2020 17:37

OP - I hope you are feeling better Flowers

I just wanted to suggest making your own hummus. So easy and so much cheaper.

Soak your chickpeas. Use some for Falafel. Boil the rest. [Save a little of the water for the hummus.] Use some of the chickpeas for salads or curries.

The rest will be your hummus. Add tahini, lemon juice, salt, pepper - garlic if you like it. Add a little of the boiling water to adjust the consistency. Blend with a stick-blender or food processor.

Ghostlyglow · 03/06/2020 17:26

You can get food poisoning from anything but it sounds too quick to be the hummus. Try not to worry - easier said than done, I know.

Watsername · 03/06/2020 17:22

Poor you :(

I have had food poisoning from hummus before. I was violently sick after a few hours of feeling very ill. It went within 24 hours. Hopefully yours will pass really quickly x

foodpoisoning · 02/06/2020 20:28

Stomach seems more settled finally although now I'm exhausted and have a thumping headache so I'm going to have a rehydration sachet and go to bed. Hopefully I'm not up overnight.

OP posts:
Zilla1 · 02/06/2020 15:50

It's unlikely to be the 'out of date' aspect of the hummus but, as you've said, hummus can be a vehicle for food poisoning anyway from contamination and a fridge that is running warmer may be more of a factor - might be worth taking the fridges' temperature to prevent future worry or to try and consume food before use by dates.

I would call for the peace of mind given the pregnancy though I can see from your posts and analysis of the different common types of food poisoning (some of which can present within a few hours ) that you've looked at the issues.

I hope it passes and good luck.

GhoulWithADragonTattoo · 02/06/2020 15:49

I’d call the midwife. I’m sure she’ll be able to advise. I hope you’re feeling better soon. Flowers

lubeybooby · 02/06/2020 15:44

hummus goes fizzy and weird when it's off. you would have known. More likely to be whatever you had yesterday

Poppyliveshere · 02/06/2020 15:39

I ate some out of date Hummus and did feel quite sickly for a day but soon passed. Try not to worry 🙃

juglover2008 · 02/06/2020 15:36

It won't be good poisoning if only 3 hours after eating

foodpoisoning · 02/06/2020 15:35

It will be psychosomatic just stop fretting.

It really isn't psychosomatic. I wasn't worried when I saw it was out of date. Didn't think about it again until I was ill.

Anyway the baby will be fine I'm sure, I'll just have to wait until it passes and try to drink water.

OP posts:
GameSetMatch · 02/06/2020 15:33

It not the hummus, if the sell by date was 31st it will still be ok today, they have a buffered a few days just in case. It will be psychosomatic just stop fretting.

Tootletum · 02/06/2020 15:32

I got food poisoning at 32 weeks within a few hours of eating, and went to docs, he said listeria is never that quick and not to worry. Speak to your midwife just to allay any worries.

foodpoisoning · 02/06/2020 15:31

I really hate vomiting Sad
Not too worried about the baby now I've looked at nhs site, listeria which is the really bad one takes a lot longer to hit. The less harmful types seem to be the ones that come on quicker.
In for a fun day though Sad

OP posts:
ElectricTonight · 02/06/2020 15:29

Ok OP just a thought because I suffer with sickness with anxiety it's great fun 🤦🏻‍♀️

If you aren't better by tomorrow I'd call the doctor.

Sesame321 · 02/06/2020 15:26

Have you rang your GP? maybe do this now if not. Chemists are amazing at giving advice over phone too


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ElectricTonight · 02/06/2020 15:25

Slightly off topic but why have CoOp spelt houmous like that < is there more than one spelling Confused

edenhills · 02/06/2020 15:24

I find hummus tastes a bit fizzy when it is off.

foodpoisoning · 02/06/2020 15:23

@ElectricTonight defo not anxiety causing the sickness and diarrhea. When I noticed it was out of date I didn't think anything of it until I started being sick Sad Pretty lax here usually hence not throwing all the food out when I noticed the fridge wasn't very cool.

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