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Shoes in the house

73 replies

Warsawa31 · 29/05/2020 16:25

Lighthearted - My wife has a really annoying rule about no shoes in the house. I do get it, but she is crazy about it 😂 slippers to be worn on carpet but not on the bathroom Matt. When people come on with shoes (think tradesmen etc) she has to mop with bleach - this isn’t corona related at all it’s just something she has ales done. She also has a rule of no clothes to be worn in bed - I don’t mind that one to be fair lol, but just wondered what other people do in their houses ?

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Woeismethischristmas · 29/05/2020 17:31

I have a no shoes in the house rule but really its a no shoes on the carpet rule so I don't mind popping into kitchen or downstairs bathroom with shoes.

christmassausages · 29/05/2020 17:35

I don't mind shoes downstairs as it is all wooden floors/tiles and any visitors can use the downstairs loo. No shoes upstairs as it is all carpeted (except the bathroom of course :) )

LaurieMarlow · 29/05/2020 17:38

I’m quite the veteran of shoes on/off threads, but I have nothing to add to @Tableclothing excellent summation.

Except perhaps wicker baskets full of artisanal slippers. That was a joy.

Hotwaterbottlelove · 29/05/2020 17:39

We are fine with shoes on on the kitchen as it would be a pain to take them off each time we came on front he garden. But we wouldn't sit for a whole evening watching a film I. Shoes. I would form that odd and uncomfortable.

The no clothes in bed is odd. I do have a friend who won't sit o. Her bed in day clothing. Fine with pjs though.

OP your wife sounds like she is particularly worried about dirt than most.

ProsperTheBear · 29/05/2020 17:53

like Tableclothing said

TabbyMumz · 29/05/2020 19:10

Awww thankyou for this thread. I love the shoes on shoes off threads...shows we are getting back to normal.

We are a shoes on family.

Bluntness100 · 29/05/2020 19:14

Isn’t it more hygienic to wear something in bed than be naked? Surely your sweaty arse on the sheets leaves more residue than a pair of clean under wear?

I’d suspect she has some form of anxiety about this, no shoes in the house is one thing but getting the bleach out is a bit much, as is the insistence your sweaty arse or naked ball sack is in Direct contact with the sheets.

Warsawa31 · 29/05/2020 19:43

@blutness100 lol 😂

OP posts:
Warsawa31 · 29/05/2020 19:44

Anxieties don’t always have logic behind them I guess

OP posts:
bridgetreilly · 29/05/2020 20:14

Oh good, we can finally settle this once and for all.


LaurieMarlow · 29/05/2020 20:28

Oh good, we can finally settle this once and for all.


Hell will freeze over quicker

Butteredtoast55 · 29/05/2020 20:55

I knew someone who wouldn't 'allow' her husband to sit on the bed if he was wearing 'outdoor clothes' and he wasn't 'allowed' to walk on the rugs either. She was a strictly no shoes girl.
I don't really get too fussed about it. I don't eat off the floor or roll around on it these days! Wink

Swiftsseason · 29/05/2020 21:32

Shoes on here. I'm always always telling dc to keep their shoes on.

Only once in growing up in shoes on house and having one myself have I ever had a guest walk mud in and it was dispatched in moments.

Rabid shoes on people I've always found do things that I'd never do like all share drinks as family from same bottle, slurp each others saliva... The dc lick fingers...
I've even had friend of dd pick up rice with hand and eat from the hand, absolutely no culture thing there...

These are things that I don't allow.
Re covid.... I wonder which hygiene practises will stand us in better steadHmm

Swiftsseason · 29/05/2020 21:34


We are just missing the basket of artisan slippers by the door 😂

Swiftsseason · 29/05/2020 21:37

Oh I'm slow, someone already mentioned that.

OK the slipper socks worn at fancy cocktail party!

snowybean · 29/05/2020 21:43

I hate not wearing shoes in the house but my DH equally hates me wearing shoes!

I don't like having cold feet, and I really don't like having wet socks from walking into the kitchen. To top it off I feel embarrassed asking friends and family to take off their shoes 😅

Carpet, hardwood floor or tile, shoes are just better*!

*Except muddy shoes, of course

snowybean · 29/05/2020 21:45

But no clothes worn outside in the bed. That's nuts - it'll ruin the feeling of nice clean sheets!

On the bed is fine though

Chiyo666 · 29/05/2020 21:49

It’s one of the only things I can’t acclimatise to since moving to this country. I will not wear shoes in your house. I physically can not cross the threshold in shoes, it’s so ingrained in me Grin

ThunderR0ad78 · 29/05/2020 22:35

Definitely no shoes in the house! Why would I want dirty shoes on my lovely clean carpets/floors, no way!!! Gross!!!!

Alsohuman · 29/05/2020 22:43


It’s one of the only things I can’t acclimatise to since moving to this country. I will not wear shoes in your house. I physically can not cross the threshold in shoes, it’s so ingrained in me Grin

You’d either keep your shoes on in my house or stay outside.
Chiyo666 · 29/05/2020 22:50

Is definitely prefer to stay outside!

ilovepixie · 29/05/2020 23:03

I don't wear shoes in the house, but that's for comfort not hygiene. I also sleep naked but that's because I prefer it


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Toothsil · 29/05/2020 23:46

No shoes in this house. We were brought up not to wear shoes in the house, shoes are really dirty and we want to keep our carpets nice and hygienic. We do wear PJ's in bed though.

Divebar · 29/05/2020 23:55

No way is this a class thing... the majority of middle class people I know have wooden floors and are not that bothered one way or another. One hint of a cream fitted carpet though and you know the shoes are coming off. No clothes in bed is a weird one though and doesn’t seem to fit with the freaky shoe obsession.

SleepDeprivedBadger · 30/05/2020 00:07

@tableclothing that made me laugh. Thanks, I needed that 😆

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