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To not like my nose and want a nose job

56 replies

MoseyNosey · 22/05/2020 08:56

I have been ok with my nose most of my life and not really paid much attention to my appearance / face etc much. However, recently I've decided to take care of myself, wear nicer clothes, improve skin etc trying to exercise. Just trying to look and feel better as I'm getting older. In my "mot" of what needs improving it dawned on me that I have quite a crap nose. Now all I see in the mirror is my nose! I'm beginning to really hate it and have even started researching plastic surgeons etc. It's sort of a square nose with no definition. Like a blob of a nose on my face!

DH thinks I've gone crazy and it's a faze. And says my nose is just fine etc. But I don't believe him! Am I crazy?! Has anyone else done this?

OP posts:
TotorosFurryBehind · 22/05/2020 10:09

If you can afford a nose job, you can afford a course of private counseling/ therapy to explore the underlying issues that make you feel like there is something wrong with your face.

No offense meant. I just feel like some people who are very unhappy with their appearance fixate on that as something they can 'fix', because that feels simpler than trying to fix the underlying issues that cause unhappiness.

oooompa · 22/05/2020 10:10


formerbabe · 22/05/2020 10:11

I remember I went to school with a girl who had the worst nose I've ever seen. Honestly it sounds so awful but it actually ruined her face. I used to think if I was her, I'd definitely have a nose job. Sorry I know that sounds so mean. I never would say anything like that out loud but that's what I thought

Your nose sounds absolutely fine just sound like you're being overly critical if you've never been bothered before.

motherheroic · 22/05/2020 10:12

If you had always hated it I could see the point. But if you're only just now hating it and it's the same as it's always been. You really have to ask yourself why.

SerenDippitty · 22/05/2020 10:13

@emsyj37 do you mind if I ask where you went to get your moles removed and how much it cost approcimately? I have 2 large flesh coloured moles on my neck that I would love to get removed but I don't know who would do it and how much I'd be looking at paying

I wouldn’t mind knowing this either. I have a mole on my lower jaw, had it all my life, it doesn’t bother me appearance wise but I can’t stop playing with it and making it sore. So think it might be a good idea to remove it.

motherheroic · 22/05/2020 10:15

@formerbabe Do you feel better now you've got that off your chest?

Schrodingerspeanutbuttersandw · 22/05/2020 10:21

The thing with noses is they're really weird if you looks at them in isolation. When you see other people I think you tend to see them as a whole, but when you pick apart yourself in the mirror you see individual bits and...noses just seem weirder the more you focus on them!
I really, really, really wouldn't recommend you had a rhinoplasty based on what you've said. Try absolutely everything else you can to try and stop focusing on your nose - if it's like the picture you posted it's a completely normal nose. I'm sure it does its job great, it helps you smell, taste, breath, filter out particles and germs. I bet it runs when you get a cold and goes a bit red in the sun just like everyone else's. It's been with you all your life, is part of a body that your DH and family etc love, and is doing it's job beautifully. Don't hack it apart and put yourself through a procedure with risks. Poor nose.

Millicent10 · 22/05/2020 10:22

That nose is absolutely fine. Just wondered how the surgeon ‘improved’ it? An extreme example but it’s like Michael Jackson, before any procedures he looked fine after he looked like a freak.

I also think that there isn’t a perfect, standardised nose. I suppose a large, hook nose is usually depicted on ugly/negative characters. But the pictures nose is not that!

emsyj37 · 22/05/2020 10:23

For those asking about moles - I paid £550 to have 3 facial moles excised in Liverpool by Dr Tiago Guimaraes. He is a plastic surgeon and offers clinics in other locations too. I imagine pricing will vary on location. My local Bupa hospital wanted £4k to have it done by a dermatologist!! No thanks!

formerbabe · 22/05/2020 10:23

I'm saying what you said motherheroic the op doesn't have a nose she's always hated. The photo of the nose she posted looks fine to me. Just making the point that I'm not necessarily against nose jobs or plastic surgery...I just don't see why you'd bother unless your nose had bothered you for ages

lmnoh · 22/05/2020 10:31

I'm waiting for the after photo of the nose as that looks fine to me ... and not to dissimilar to mine 🙄

AlexisCarringtonColbyDexter · 22/05/2020 10:34

I'd go for it.

Ive had a nose job and just ignore the scaremongering about it. Its not a huge big deal, mine was fine- no breathing issues, pretty much no pain either, just a feeling of pressure which went quickly. I had the bridge shaven down, and the tip refined so had the full works and it was a piece of cake to get over. One of the best decisions ive ever made, wish id done it years ago.

madcatladyforever · 22/05/2020 10:35

It's a rocky road to go down, I've had plastic surgery for an actual deformity but if I take all my clothes off and look in the mirror there is just so much I "could" change but I'm not going to.
Who is this perfect standard for, why would I want to be perfect, once you start looking at one thing there is always another.
It would be lovely if we could all just be happy with who we are.
I used to work in cosmetic surgery when I was a nurse and you have to be really careful with noses, they often look awful afterwards as the new one doesn't suit your face or something goes wrong, and it often does.
I'd only do it if I had a giant nose and was too ashamed to go out.

totallyyesno · 22/05/2020 10:36

That nose looks just fine. Mine is really crooked at the top - so much so that it means my glasses aren't quite straight. I wish I could get it straightened but also don't like the thought of an operation. I think your husband is probably right OP - spend the money on something else!

FourPlasticRings · 22/05/2020 10:39

The nose looks fine, OP.

MitziK · 22/05/2020 10:55

I suppose a large, hook nose is usually depicted on ugly/negative characters

Yeah. Antisemitism runs deep.

bibberdybobberdyboo · 22/05/2020 11:32

I used to work in cosmetic surgery and for realistic result expectations, Rhinoplasty was by far the hardest. Make sure your surgeon is also an ENT specialist rather than just a cosmetic surgeon

MoseyNosey · 22/05/2020 16:12

Okay you guys have made me think twice about it. I think I sort of for lost in a rabbit hole of what can I improve and then went a bit crazy.

I'll try to find the after shot of the lady. Not sure if I'll be able to find it.

NoScribbles I'm sorry things didn't quite work out. This is the biggest worry for me if something went a bit wrong. I get sinusitis and my nose area is the last thing I need with trouble breathing etc. I hope things improve for you. Flowers

OP posts:
MoseyNosey · 22/05/2020 16:17

Here's the before and after side by side. It looks like nothing has been done but if you look closer the tip of the nose is smaller. There's not a massive difference here and not sure if the doc could have done anymore before it starts looking odd on her face.

To not like my nose and want a nose job
OP posts:
sunflowery · 22/05/2020 16:18

It can’t be that bad if you’ve only just noticed it! And the girl in the photo doesn’t have a bad nose at all. Focus on the things you can easily change first like your fitness/hair. You might find once you’re happy with that kind of stuff you feel better anyway.

That being said, I’ve got a shit nose. It’s wide like my dads and long like my mums (worst of both worlds) and it totally spoils my face. I’d definitely have a nose job if I had the money.

MoseyNosey · 22/05/2020 16:23

My DH knows is massive ! if you were to actually look at it properly you would notice but it really suits him.

OP posts:
Gatekeeper · 22/05/2020 16:43

I prefer the before...don't like eyebrows...too close to each other, filler in lips


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Gatekeeper · 22/05/2020 16:44

Too 'done' looking

justforthecake · 22/05/2020 16:45

There was a programme on UK tv that showed plastic survives to the people that want them. They had people who had had the surgery, surgeons and a film of the operations with a q&a session running through.
I'm sure they did one on rhinoplasty- maybe have a watch.

MidsomerMum · 22/05/2020 16:49

Honestly, give yourself time to think about it. It can’t happen any time soon anyway. However, I speak as someone who had non-surgical rhinoplasty. It’s temporary and as it’s faded I’ve realised exactly what it is I didn’t like about my nose (a double bump thing on the bridge which randomly developed after pregancy) and actually miss my bump which I thought was the problem, so IF I get it done again it will only be that part.

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