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Puddlesuits - thoughts please?? (overthinking)

56 replies

hulahoopqueen · 22/05/2020 06:13

How much use do you actually get out of them? Have been ummimg and ah-ing for a while over whether to get one. With the 25% sainsburys clothes offer I thought I’d bite the bullet, but still can’t see how much use it would get. Our kids all play outside a fair bit, and we have maybe once a year weekend camping trips where they’d probably get used.
Please vote:
YABU: I use one all the time go for it you won’t regret it
YANBU: fucks sake woman get offline and go back to bed, use a normal waterproof coat

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

94 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Mammyloveswine · 22/05/2020 08:51

Get a regatta one second hand off eBay...

PennyArrowBar · 22/05/2020 08:53

My son uses his quite regularly. Not sure how much the ones you are looking at are but I always get the regatta one (search regatta puddle suit) on amazon and it always on offer for around £10. It’s really good.


DontStandSoCloseToMe · 22/05/2020 08:58

DS has to have one for nursery and we found it useful in the spring before lockdown with wellies but we usually spend a lot of time outdoors, and his nursery has an attached forest school too so outside in all weathers

HappyAsASandboy · 22/05/2020 08:59

I got waterproof dungarees and a waterproof jacket instead. Two main advantages are that the dungaree straps can be lengthened as the child grows, and toilet trips are easier as you can just reach up inside the jacket to release the clips on the straps and go them up again.

I have had puddlesuits but I got annoyed with them because they never seemed to be the right proportions. My kids always seemed to grow in either the leg or the body and make the puddlesuit not fit half the body but be fine on the other half! Jacket and dungarees was more forgiving if this.

brontechick · 22/05/2020 09:33

We use ours quite a lot - definitely worth investing in. If we're going out on a muddy walk, then we use it to stop DD's clothes getting dirty as well.

BeatrixPottersAlterEgo · 22/05/2020 09:35

I got a light spring one from the Regatta store for my toddler a few weeks ago. Cost £12 and she has been all but rolling in puddles and js still dry as a bone underneath

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