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Puddlesuits - thoughts please?? (overthinking)

56 replies

hulahoopqueen · 22/05/2020 06:13

How much use do you actually get out of them? Have been ummimg and ah-ing for a while over whether to get one. With the 25% sainsburys clothes offer I thought I’d bite the bullet, but still can’t see how much use it would get. Our kids all play outside a fair bit, and we have maybe once a year weekend camping trips where they’d probably get used.
Please vote:
YABU: I use one all the time go for it you won’t regret it
YANBU: fucks sake woman get offline and go back to bed, use a normal waterproof coat

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Cantchooseaname · 22/05/2020 07:57

I had a supermarket one- it was splash proof at best!! Check label for how waterproof it claims to be.
The decent trespass on had good mileage- lots dog walking.

hannah1992 · 22/05/2020 07:57

Both my girls had one. Well the youngest still does she’s four. I buy them every autumn, however you could just get one a size bigger so it fits through the winter.

We still have rain in the summer so I always get the thin waterproof ones in the spring summer when it’s not too cold they won’t get hot in them and when it’s colder I just put it over the coat

parrotonmyshoulder · 22/05/2020 07:58

Lidl - brilliant. I had mine in matching bright yellow on winter beaches so I could spot them easily.
Fleece lined ones still worn by my 7 year old for muddy day at school.

Fucktacula · 22/05/2020 07:59

I have a 4 year old and I had to Google this.

I'm an atrocious mother.

chillichoclove · 22/05/2020 08:02

Definitely the item of clothing to buy an expensive brand of second hand. We used them loads but my son adores puddles

DobbyTheHouseElk · 22/05/2020 08:05

Jojomamanbebe for waterproof dungarees. Or Lidi. Essential kit for kids.

Chachang · 22/05/2020 08:05

I buy the Sainsbury's ones when they are 25% off, they are fairly thin which is better because we also use them in the warmer months when it rains and just layer up underneath; some brands are fleecy inside which limits them to use in the winter really. I also use them sometimes for outdoor messy play such as painting, the water table etc if it's not too warm. For the price and considering they last a while if you buy the size up, I would. It isn't heavy rain proof, but definitely does the job.

welldonesquirrels · 22/05/2020 08:06

Love the puddlesuit, we've been using one since my little one started walking. It got almost daily use in autumn and winter. Tbh, I wish it was socially acceptable for adults to wear them.

thunderthighsohwoe · 22/05/2020 08:08

Mine (17mo) hates them and won’t walk anywhere in them. Also is like trying to put a duvet cover on a live and very angry stingray.

We much prefer the waterproof dungarees and a coat if needed.Beneficial when they run like a nutter and then roll over in the wet grass.

okiedokieme · 22/05/2020 08:09

Mine used them all the time but we took them hiking most weekends. They had proper hiking boots from 2 as well.

okiedokieme · 22/05/2020 08:11

Ps we also used them for skiing with a fleece jacket and fleece trousers underneath.

midnightstar66 · 22/05/2020 08:13

We had them but got a lot more use out of the 2 piece suits as didn't always need a full suit I've been using the ones from lidl in varying sizes over the last 9 years and still squeezing my 10 yo in to them now - they go up to age 8 hers pass down to my younger dd then on to a friend and still live new after a walk. They are totally impenetrable by water four to the waxy material.

winewolfhowls · 22/05/2020 08:15

Bloody amazing things. We used to use ours even when camping in good weather, put on over pj's in the morning because of all the dew on the grass and water on the playground. Have breakfast, let the day dry off for an hour and then nice clean clothes

user8558 · 22/05/2020 08:17

Unless you're buying separate waterproof trousers I would buy a puddle suit.

My kids 11 and 6 still regularly use them, but it's always raining where we live and we go hillwalking a lot, and I don't cut the grass in my garden either. It's crucial for us. Nothing ruins a walk like someone getting wet and soggy/muddy legs or bump.

Brunelofbrio · 22/05/2020 08:25

Another vote for the Lidl separates. Kids have never been soaked through ( even though DS has a tendency to go full length in puddles!) trousers and jacket make them easier to get on and off. When you get home or to the car we just slide everything off the bottom half ‘fireman style’ wellies and all. The jackets make a good summer rain jacket by themselves and only about £12 a set

MsChatterbox · 22/05/2020 08:38

I got one from mountain warehouse. Its got so much use! Get it too big as you can just roll up arm and legs. My nearly 3 year old has had his for 2 years! I put it on him for times like going to the park after it rained etc. And playing in the garden in the rain!

Washinglinewench29 · 22/05/2020 08:38

I second the muddy puddles website. My DS4 had his on yesterday over his shorts and t shirts it was muggy but raining.

JudyCoolibar · 22/05/2020 08:38

It would be fairly insane to buy one at this time of year, unless you get one at least a couple of sizes too large that you can use in the autumn. Even then it's only worth it if you're out and about with the kids a LOT in places like country lanes. They're pretty pointless in town.

Washinglinewench29 · 22/05/2020 08:41

I usually look on eBay also had two from there bought for under a fiver.

Marmite27 · 22/05/2020 08:43

We bought waterproof trousers from Mountain Warehouse to go with which ever coat was appropriate post potty training.

DC1 struggled to go to the toilet in a full suit.

xQueenMabx · 22/05/2020 08:43

I prefer the separate waterproofs. DD1 has the dungarees kind of trousers, regatta ones I got second hand and they are brilliant! We are in Scotland and she was in full waterproofs for our walk yesterday 😭

Inthepurplerain · 22/05/2020 08:45

They are great!


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bluefoxmug · 22/05/2020 08:47

my dc went to forest school with nursery one day a week no matter the weather.
we got good use out of it.

I cycle a part of my commute and use rain trousers, basically a mud suit for adults.

Tidypidy · 22/05/2020 08:48

They're great! We had to revert to waterproof dungarees and a coat for dd though as she grew like a weed.

yikesanotherbooboo · 22/05/2020 08:50

My children had waterproofs throughout childhood and teens for that matter. I found them very useful DD in particular was magnetically attracted to water and I had spare clothes in the car for her until she was in double figures.

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