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To want to change my number plate?

31 replies

CleanIsBlissful · 16/05/2020 18:13

It's awful! It is something along the lines of 'anal 69'. It is NOT a personalised number plate. Is there a way to request a new one or would it have to be personalised?

I hate it. I know threads about another thread aren't aloud really but that's what got me starting this one - it looks awful and like it has been personalised to be rude.

I'm a woman of class! Blush

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

27 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Merryoldgoat · 16/05/2020 20:57

I don’t get L6 UNT at all and I’m not stupid or naive.

ScarletFever · 16/05/2020 21:46

maybe the 6 looks like a C ?

GolfForBrains · 16/05/2020 22:29

I have seen something like PU5Y VAN, it was a minivan with blacked out windows.

I imagine the man who owns it lives with his mum. Envy (not envy, obv)

BayandBlonde · 17/05/2020 07:05

L6 UNT clearly reads CUNT. Its not that difficult to work out Confused

Longdistance · 17/05/2020 07:17

It’s not something like —69VAG is it?

cinnabarmoth · 17/05/2020 08:07

Former DVLA employee here, so I hope what I tell you isn't out of date, but you should be able to change the number plate without having to pay for it, if you just want a bog standard age related plate (ie the numbers representing the year will be the same as your current reg). It would be changed on a non-transferable basis, meaning that you couldn't move it to another vehicle, but it wouldn't stop you putting a private plate on it later if you wanted to.

I would speak to DVLA or write to them saying you find the reg no offensive, I have changed many plates for similar reasons including a bloke whose number started DU11 and he thought it looked like DULL and was a dig from the car dealership, and one woman who wanted a plate without the number 43 in it because a psychic had told her to avoid that number! IIRC this wasn't a service that we advertised, and was at the discretion of the office, but I don't think we ever refused. It's possible that the rules have changed but for something like this fairly unlikely I think.

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