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To want to change my number plate?

31 replies

CleanIsBlissful · 16/05/2020 18:13

It's awful! It is something along the lines of 'anal 69'. It is NOT a personalised number plate. Is there a way to request a new one or would it have to be personalised?

I hate it. I know threads about another thread aren't aloud really but that's what got me starting this one - it looks awful and like it has been personalised to be rude.

I'm a woman of class! Blush

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Am I being unreasonable?

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cinnabarmoth · 17/05/2020 08:07

Former DVLA employee here, so I hope what I tell you isn't out of date, but you should be able to change the number plate without having to pay for it, if you just want a bog standard age related plate (ie the numbers representing the year will be the same as your current reg). It would be changed on a non-transferable basis, meaning that you couldn't move it to another vehicle, but it wouldn't stop you putting a private plate on it later if you wanted to.

I would speak to DVLA or write to them saying you find the reg no offensive, I have changed many plates for similar reasons including a bloke whose number started DU11 and he thought it looked like DULL and was a dig from the car dealership, and one woman who wanted a plate without the number 43 in it because a psychic had told her to avoid that number! IIRC this wasn't a service that we advertised, and was at the discretion of the office, but I don't think we ever refused. It's possible that the rules have changed but for something like this fairly unlikely I think.

Longdistance · 17/05/2020 07:17

It’s not something like —69VAG is it?

BayandBlonde · 17/05/2020 07:05

L6 UNT clearly reads CUNT. Its not that difficult to work out Confused

GolfForBrains · 16/05/2020 22:29

I have seen something like PU5Y VAN, it was a minivan with blacked out windows.

I imagine the man who owns it lives with his mum. Envy (not envy, obv)

ScarletFever · 16/05/2020 21:46

maybe the 6 looks like a C ?

Merryoldgoat · 16/05/2020 20:57

I don’t get L6 UNT at all and I’m not stupid or naive.

ScarletFever · 16/05/2020 20:54

whats the number? we can let you know if it really is offensive

DaveMinion · 16/05/2020 20:52

One of my neighbours has BJ10 VLY without spaces. It makes me vom in my mouth every time I see it 🤢

avroroad · 16/05/2020 20:32

You obviously do need a vivid imagination. That just looked L6 UNT to me. Without the context of the previous few posts, it probably still would.


I don't think you need a vivid imagination for that.

PhoneLock · 16/05/2020 20:30

Looked like

PhoneLock · 16/05/2020 20:29

L6 UNT exists. I have never seen a better one

You obviously do need a vivid imagination. That just looked L6 UNT to me. Without the context of the previous few posts, it probably still would.

pigsDOfly · 16/05/2020 19:32

Was just going to say more or less the same as AnneKipanki.

DVLA is very careful about making sure number plates are not offensive or could be thought to be rude or obscene.

Anything resembling the number plate you're suggesting would not be allowed.

Are you sure your eyes are not deceiving you or you have an over vivid imagination?

SachaStark · 16/05/2020 19:31

Haha, oh bless you, OP! I have to admit, I would find it very funny, and probably keep it for the laughs!

But if it’s not going to make you smile, I would change it. Could you maybe sell the plate? There’s bound to be some silly rich young lads out there who’d want a plate like that.

avroroad · 16/05/2020 19:28

DVLA does not permit offensive number plates.

L6 UNT exists. I have never seen a better one.

AnneKipanki · 16/05/2020 19:25

I am surprised it was released . They are usually careful these days.

EmbarrassedUser · 16/05/2020 18:37

Am I the only one desperate to know what it actually is? 😆🤣

BayandBlonde · 16/05/2020 18:35

I had a number plate ending in CUW it was just awful. I all I could see was CUM.

Change your plate OP Grin

Purpletigers · 16/05/2020 18:32

My sister bought a car and the number plate was Vag something ? She re registered it .

LudaMusser · 16/05/2020 18:30

Buy a cheap £250 plate from the DVLA

WillSomebodyThinkOfTheChildren · 16/05/2020 18:25

Sell it !

CleanIsBlissful · 16/05/2020 18:24

Phone Do I need to report it?

OP posts:
ShirleyPhallus · 16/05/2020 18:21

I just cringe to think of all the giggles and shocked drivers I've had behind me at the rear

Trying to get yourself in to classics?!


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PhoneLock · 16/05/2020 18:21

If it's truly offensive, the DVLA are likely just to withdraw it.

CleanIsBlissful · 16/05/2020 18:19

I just cringe to think of all the giggles and shocked drivers I've had behind me at the rear having a laugh at it whilst driving Sad

OP posts:
nicannie · 16/05/2020 18:19

There's no way to change it without getting a personalised one, they don't always need to cost a fortune though so just have a look around! Ps I'd also change it if it was that bad

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