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To think I shouldn't be named and shamed for not clapping

373 replies

Aberforthsgoat · 22/04/2020 22:17

I clapped originally and it was lovely and everyone turned out for it here
Last week, after a rough night with DS I fell asleep after he went down and missed the clapping
A post went on our community Facebook group actually naming and shaming me.
I was mortified. The post said everyone else turned out and I showed the street up and if I can't spend a minute showing my appreciation I don't deserve to use the NHS if I or my family get ill
I ignored it at the time but I can't get it out of my head it's really upset me.

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Am I being unreasonable?

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Malvinaaa81 · 22/04/2020 22:51

Please don't respond to these "namers".

No one does not support the NHS and no one is obliged to indulge in demonstrations.

This is getting like East Germany and the Stasi

LittleAndOften · 22/04/2020 22:50

Fuck the clapping police, OP. Someone ranted on our estate fb page last week "where were you all, it's a DISGRACE!" she shrieked. How quickly a simple, positive gesture became so divisive. They've totally lost sight of what it was meant to be about.

RebelWhoWashesFor19Seconds · 22/04/2020 22:49

I point blank refuse to clap on my street because out of around 15 houses, there's maybe 4 who are actually complying with lockdown at all. They're all in and out of each other's houses, various family visiting all day long, friends and adult kid's boyfriends and girlfriends popping round, going out in cars shopping or for drives together and one even has a huge paddling pool and half of the street's kids are in and out all day.

If Covid-19 hits just one household on my street then the whole place will become infected (bar those few actually complying with the rules) and therefore potentially putting a huge strain on the NHS and endangering other people and healthcare workers.

Nevertheless they're still out every Thursday clapping and cheering away, posting on FB virtue signalling. The hypocrisy stinks so I won't clap along with them. No NHS workers can hear me anyway so what's the point?!

I f^%ing dare them to try and name and shame me.

Thisismytimetoshine · 22/04/2020 22:49

Jesus, what sort of sorry arsehole polices stuff like this? They must have got notions having been made milk monitor in Reception and nothing since has quite measured up to the thrill of it.

Moondust001 · 22/04/2020 22:46

Those of us clapping on our street for my colleagues and I aren't sheep. There's no need to be rude to those of us clapping for our colleagues.
You appear to have missed the point. Nobody is objecting to you clapping. Or anyone else clapping. They are objecting to the personalised attacks on those who have other things to do or do not wish to participate for whatever reason. Not clapping doesn't indicate a lack of support for the NHS. Clapping doesn't indicate support either.

Iloveacurry · 22/04/2020 22:45

I’d reply if I was you, tell them what happened, then tell them to fuck off, and cheers for the name and shame.

YappityYapYap · 22/04/2020 22:45

The clapping is ridiculous, I don't take part. It's actually encouraging people to gather, taking emergency services away from their jobs and just a big 'look at me' thing. Totally nauseating

Allabitmuchisntit · 22/04/2020 22:45

Wow. Just wow. Whoever posted about you not clapping, clearly weren't clapping in the intended spirit of the whole thing, if they were so fucking concerned about the absence of one person. What an awful person.

Aberforthsgoat · 22/04/2020 22:44

I'm not having a go at anyone who does clap I think that's the point nobody should be judged whether they do or not

OP posts:
Cornishclio · 22/04/2020 22:44

I would be fuming too and would complain or stop following the community page. I definitely would not clap tomorrow. We are not clapping either. We support the key workers but I cannot see what on earth clapping them every Thursday is doing to help. I don't think many round here do clap but certainly there is no naming and shaming.

Lavenderpurple · 22/04/2020 22:44

That is ridiculous! I would have to say something, I don’t think I could bite my tongue. Just something like ‘i don’t appreciate being singled out like that, my son was upset and I needed to tend to him’ but then the bitch in me would have to add some passive aggressive snarky comment aswell Grin

TimeTravellersHat · 22/04/2020 22:43

It’s weekly yes.

On point of principle I would NOT participate. The loon balls can carry can with their note taking of who’s “supporting the NHS” on your street through clapping! Fools!

Moondust001 · 22/04/2020 22:42

I spent 40+ years fighting for the NHS when most of those arseholes were voting with their wallets for tax cuts that left the NHS in the depleted state it's in. Clapping does sod all, and in a few months time they will be all back to "what's in it for me" budget speeches. Ignore them, they are idiots and not worth your time worrying.

Friendsofmine · 22/04/2020 22:41

Those of us clapping on our street for my colleagues and I aren't sheep. There's no need to be rude to those of us clapping for our colleagues.

Klonda · 22/04/2020 22:41

Yeah I'm not sure I'd feel like clapping in future. Maybe it was nice as a pure expression of support, but its turned into an excuse for bullying.

PlanDeRaccordement · 22/04/2020 22:40

Horrible. I’d report to FB and ask to have it taken down. A post like that can incite anti social behaviour targeting your family.

Aberforthsgoat · 22/04/2020 22:39

Thank you everyone
It's made me unsure of whether to clap again - is it weekly now? - as I don't want them to think they've shamed me into it
It seems meaningless now as it's like people are just doing it to look good (not everyone of course)

Also where are people getting the fireworks from?! Loads went off here last week even though it was too light to see them

OP posts:
justilou1 · 22/04/2020 22:38

That’s how Nazism got a foothold in Germany. Dickheads mindlessly controlling the thoughts and behaviours of the masses with no regard for the individual.

Toddlerteaplease · 22/04/2020 22:38

You do not have to justify your actions! I'm a nurse and I hate the clapping!

Lolliloo1234 · 22/04/2020 22:37

I don’t clap. I donate money to the Red Cross, St Johns Ambulance, Captain Tom etc every week instead.
Because to me, that’s how I show (and I’m very lucky to be financially able to) my appreciation at this time.
Everyone shows their appreciation in different ways, whether it be a kind thought, smiling at a paramedic in the shop or waving to a key worker neighbour.
It’s a very sad state of affairs when people start to believe that there is an objective right way to do things like show appreciation and using public humiliation to assert this misplaced assumption.
Very sad OP - you have nothing to be ashamed of.

SlightlyHassled · 22/04/2020 22:37

I haven't seen or heard anyone clapping here. Complete rubbish, and outright slander. There are lots of reasons why people might not want to be outside clapping! What if your child woke up and couldn't sleep? What if you were on the loo?

artistformerlyknownas · 22/04/2020 22:37

Tell them to fuck off.


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MagnoliaJustice · 22/04/2020 22:36

One person posted it, and two people acknowledged it. Everyone else probably rolled their eyes at such stupidity. Clapping isn't compulsory.

I'm a nurse and I'm fed up of the bloody clapping and the hero worship of the NHS. If I wasn't at work tomorrow evening, I'd be clapping for the refuse collectors, delivery drivers, warehouse workers, utilities staff, post office workers, catering staff and everybody in invisible jobs who are keeping the country going.

YinuCeatleAyru · 22/04/2020 22:36

the person attempting to shame you is a virtue-signalling fuckwit, and this thursday night ritual is becoming disturbingly fetishistic. ignore them. the nhs does not benefit a single molecule from someone standing on their doorstep clapping. more than half the people doing the clapping are probably very keen not to think about the concrete actions they could genuinely take to help the nhs - stopping smoking, eating 5-10 portions fruit/veg a day, getting bmi under control, exercising more, drinking less alcohol, resolving to never again vote Tory. but these things are hard. far easier to clap and cheer for a couple of minutes one a week and post snidely on Facebook afterwards. you keep yourself and your dc healthy and rested - that is a genuine help to the nhs.

81Byerley · 22/04/2020 22:36

There are lots of us who don't follow this ridiculous practice. in fact nobody in our street does it. It doesn't mean we don't support the NHS, it just means we aren't sheep.

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