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AIBU to think that a paedophile's sex is actually relevant when they're convicted?

56 replies

Clymene · 23/02/2020 17:43

In this news report, the offender is referred to as a woman. As is clear when you actually read the article, Julie Marshall is transgender.

According to Sentencing Guidelines however, whether Julie is male or female is irrelevant. It doesn't matter if Julie has a GRC or not, whether Julie is described as male or female is entirely up to Julie, despite the fact that Julie is a vile sick pervert?

"It should be possible to recognise a person's gender identity and their present name for nearly all court and tribunal purposes, regardless of whether they have obtained legal recognition of their gender by way of a Gender Recognition Certificate.
A person’s gender at birth or their transgender history should not be disclosed unless it is necessary and relevant to the particular legal proceedings"

AIBU to be fed up of hideous crimes committed by men being wrongly attributed to women?

OP posts:
Noconceptofnormal · 26/02/2020 08:22

It's appalling on so many levels.

It's appalling for the victims of his hideous crimes - if heaven forbid this was my children I would want it recorded exactly what they'd suffered - ie if they'd suffered penetration in any way or anything to do with his penis I would want that acknowledged, as it is central to the level of abuse they'd suffered. Recording that it was a woman suggests there was no penis involved (I know these days we have to refer to 'her penis' and so on).

It is also appalling for women in general that we are being tarred with predominantly male crimes.

I read another article recently with headline - woman found guilty of having 10,000 indecent child abuse images on computer.... Of course it wasn't a woman, it was a transwoman, but the media had used 'woman' in headline as it's clickbait.

I'm so so sick of this, this is a shit time to be female. Where can I move to where the country doesn't cow tow to the translobby?

Springisintheair2 · 26/02/2020 08:07

It's a sex crime, biological sex is extremely relevant. Yanbu

Cecily75 · 26/02/2020 08:02

YANBU. Biological sex matters.

RufustheLanglovingreindeer · 26/02/2020 08:00


DickKerrLadies · 26/02/2020 07:53

I saw the second article over the weekend and as soon as I saw the headline I knew that it was bollocks. 80,000 images. 80,000

I also agree that this is the logical conclusion of 'TWAW because they say so'.

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 24/02/2020 13:34

I am really angry about this.

missproportionate · 24/02/2020 11:21


Emmuvva · 24/02/2020 11:15

I struggle to believe this is actually happening. This is some proper 1984 style shit. When are the bulk of women going to wake up and start protesting?

Clymene · 24/02/2020 10:52

The 80,000 offences Julie has been convicted of took place over a 14 year period @Hepsibar. What if Julie was John for the first 10 years and only became Julie in the last 4? Or the last one?

OP posts:
Hepsibar · 24/02/2020 10:10

If the abuse happened when she was identifying as a man, it should be recorded in the male stats ... and vv if when a woman. Either way, I think all paedophiles deserve the death penalty.

JRUIN · 24/02/2020 10:01

I came on here ready to disagree with you until I read the whole post. This makes me so angry and YADNBA OP

Alpacathebag · 24/02/2020 09:45

Yanbu, a woman cannot rape another person using their penis because women do not have penises to rape anyone with.

This is effectively gaslighting the victims. If they were assaulted by a man with a penis and then told actually that's a woman, that is really going to mess with their heads. How could they trust anyone ever again?!

MummySharn · 24/02/2020 09:33


HepzibahGreen · 24/02/2020 09:32

I used to wonder what all the fuss was about re changing rooms and toilets, but I don't now, because rapists in women's prisons and peadophiles being recorded as the sex they choose is the logical end result of people being able to choose their sex in law.
You can't have self Id for the purposes of changing rooms and not have it for prison or refuges.
Now I have gone hard-line and think that ALL women's spaces need to stay single sex, so there's no wriggle room at all, because there are just too many dodgy perverts trying to exploit the PC policies of most organisations. Enough is enough.

JustHereWithMyPopcorn · 24/02/2020 09:31

YANBU. Watch the crime stats slowly change to make it look like women are as bad as men (as a class before anyone starts) and all safeguarding disappears.

LonnyVonnyWilsonFrickett · 24/02/2020 09:26

This is the whole issue in a nutshell. Crime reporting rates get skewed, rape and sexual assault is no longer a 'male' crime, detection and funding for support becomes gender-neutral... Within 20 years men won't need to self ID as women because there will be no argument for female-only services - sexual assault will have become a completely gender neutral crime.

Coolcucumber2020 · 24/02/2020 08:58

Is there a petition or something to sign?

SimplySteveRedux · 24/02/2020 08:57
  • All the statistics will be skewed and won't present at true version of crime in this country.
    I think that allowing child rapists to identify as women is doing a shocking and serious disservice to genuine transgender people.
    It's a massive loophole for violent and abusive men to be locked up with vulnerable women.*

    Well they are skewed already, especially for sexual offences due to the blanket pressure applied by misogynistic men to not report.

    This loophole needs closed expeditiously, it won't take long for it to be abused and a fake trans MTF to exploit it. It's probably already happened. Shocking.
Coolcucumber2020 · 24/02/2020 08:55


It is vitally important that crime is recorded accurately including sex of the offender and victim. Even if it is recorded that the man wants to be known as a woman. That can all be recorded, but sex affects support and prevention.

To be honest I’m not fussed about men using women’s changing rooms or toilets. But I am strongly against incorrect recording. I’ve seen men’s websites quoting that domestic violence against women is just as much for men etc and if women’s aid groups do not have the facts to back them up they cannot argue for funding, for example.

Clymene · 24/02/2020 08:44

This is the inevitable outcome though PieofToss. If transwomen are a subset of women then they remain that no matter what they do. You can't rescind that if they turn out to be a sexual predator

OP posts:
PileofToss · 24/02/2020 07:46

If I’m honest, usually when I read the endless posts on here about trans people, I roll my eyes - but this is find abhorrent.

If you’re trans and going about your life in a way which doesn’t affect anyone else, which I believe the vast majority of trans people are, then good for you!

If you’re a trans person who is committing crimes, especially as serious as paedophilia, you lost your right to be called what you want. This is not a female crime.

Dozer · 24/02/2020 07:43

YANBU. Shame on any organisations collecting statistics that prioritise a lobby group’s wishes over facts, and collecting good data.

Shame too on journalists and publications using violent men’s preferred pronouns.

Clymene · 24/02/2020 07:39

Harriet Wistrich is on it:

The Judicial College say it is not in the public's best interest to disclose who advised them. I think we can all have a pretty good guess though

OP posts:
knowmenclature · 24/02/2020 02:48

Does anyone recall the false headline about the gang of women that were apparently going round attacking people. They might have been dressed like they think women dress, but underneath the dresses were male.

Inalso hear recently about the national censys being under threat, for hiding male/female stats, and now it seems theres calls for the census to end!

pumpkinbump · 24/02/2020 02:36

Absolutely disgusting! Hopefully whatever prison they go to, they will get a battering. The world is going mad.

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