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Students home.

34 replies

Etinox · 20/12/2019 11:05

Usual disclaimer about light hearted etc. And I literally prepared like a Romcom set dresser with roaring fire, candles immaculate rooms right down to folded christmas pjs and slippers, Christmas playlist and supper ready. I love them to bits and am being nice!!
But would anyone care to join me with a checklist of petty gripes.
Random lights on ✔️
Constant soundscape of tinny podcasts with omg American ‘so, I’m like...’ ✔️
Water bottles everywhere ✔️
Lift requests which I don’t mind ✔️
Usually seen from behind as they critique the fridge (but still empty ✔️
Banging doors, not in anger, they’re just clutzy! ✔️
Utter disdain for the dishwasher ✔️
Chargers disappearing ✔️
They’ve been home less than 12 hours! We’ve not got to the crunchy floors and philosophical musings on our lives beliefs and jobs yet!

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Am I being unreasonable?

48 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
mummagirl · 20/12/2019 17:31

Our house is exactly THE same
And 1 more to arrive home yet
It's gonna be a loooooong holiday.....

Etinox · 20/12/2019 17:21

@silencebeforethebleeps is there really no space? Not cool.

OP posts:
silencebeforethebleeps · 20/12/2019 15:34

There is no room here for the student DSC since DH has taken over their rooms with all his crap. I'd rather have the students to be honest.

fuzzymoon · 20/12/2019 12:10

Thinks socks and boxers disappear. Not one pair came home in humungous washing pile.

H lost ownership of the TV remote.

Ginfordinner · 20/12/2019 12:06

The only difference here is that I can't see DD's floor any more.

Disclaimer she had a gap year and learned how to do stuff before she went, and I think sharing a flat with some really skanky students has opened her eyes and made her more responsible.

DaughterOfEvening · 20/12/2019 12:02

The piles of shoes in the hallway/at the bottom of the stairs/kicked under the sofas is always a good indication of the presence of students home for the holiday.

Ginisatonic · 20/12/2019 12:01

And every surface in the bathroom covered in various lotions, make up, bath bombs.
My minimalist hallway full of coats draped on bannisters and chairs and shoes everywhere. Only one has arrived so far!

Etinox · 20/12/2019 11:52

Oh yes! The clothes. In bags on sofas on the landing, in the bathroom! DC’s AIBU to be doing my nut in that darling smother is always 2 foot away from me offering me slippers and showing me how to use the coffee machine, open the freezer, use the squeegee after the shower...

OP posts:
Blobby10 · 20/12/2019 11:30

Oh yes to all the above!! And added to that-

"Its SO cold in this house" whilst walking around in shorts and T Shirt

the need to have a fresh mug for EVERY cup of tea - apparently its too hard to rinse and re-use

"but i've come home for a rest from looking after myself" in response to the suggestion that they might like to cook dinner - just the once!

and the bags of washing which will be left around until the day before they go back thus resulting in constant use of washing machine and dryer for 3 days solid.

I love mine to bits but boy, am I glad when they all go back!!! Grin

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