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To buy or not to buy teachers/teaching assistants Christmas presents.

76 replies

AG29 · 02/12/2019 13:43

As above ^

I know this has probably been spoken about this loads so I apologise. But do you buy them presents?

In previous years I have bought Christmas gifts for my sons teachers and the teaching assistants. He has sen and I appreciate all their work.

However, now DD is also at school it’s going to be so expensive to do so.

Do they expect it? Do they get fed up of all the gifts? Is a nice card enough? Hand made card?

DS isn’t keen on anything arty or crafty so that makes it more difficult.

Teachers and 2-3 TA’s in each class Is going to add up! 🤭

OP posts:
BlessedBeTheFruitCake · 03/12/2019 16:38

We buy for my youngests dc teacher/TAs because they attend a complex needs school and there's only 6 kiddies in the class so they won't be inundated with gifts. The older DC have multiple teachers so they don't take in gifts.

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