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The shine has come off going abroad for me, has it for you?

201 replies

cornplant · 23/09/2019 07:54

I've read a few posts on here and I've been feeling the same way, that going abroad really isn't all that enjoyable.

People complain of being too hot, mosquito bites, spots from sun cream, fizzy hair etc.

Since I've had my son I've been abroad twice and have mostly hated it.

Maybe I should just go to Cornwall every year instead!

OP posts:
CottonSock · 23/09/2019 10:11

@HugoSpritz. I think Thomas cook sold Neilson. I hope it carries on.

MoaningNet · 23/09/2019 10:12

You go to Cornwall, I’ll carry on going to Vegas.
You pay your money, you take your choice.

Drabarni · 23/09/2019 10:14

Yes OP stay in this country your gc will appreciate you trying to give them a planet to live on. so selfish flying in this day and age. Thanks

Shockers · 23/09/2019 10:18

We drive in to Europe. I love holidays!

Lovemusic33 · 23/09/2019 10:19

OP, we go to Cornwall every year and love it 🤣, I don’t think I could handle the stress of the airport, queues, language barriers and dodgy food with 2 dc’s (would happily do it on my own). We have had some lovely weather holidaying in this country. I would love to travel, there are places I want to visit but not with kids in tow.

ErrolTheDragon · 23/09/2019 10:19

I think Thomas cook sold Neilson. I hope it carries on.

I posted downthread, Neilson has not been part of TC since 2013.

Buddytheelf85 · 23/09/2019 10:23

It’s a bit weird to refer to ‘abroad’ as if it’s a place - the world’s huge and very varied, and lots of it isn’t hot!

But it isn’t remotely unreasonable not to enjoy flying to places - it’s a real hassle with kids. And it’s also not at all unreasonable to want to avoid flying for environmental reasons, in fact I think it’s admirable. Do what works for you!

Oliversmumsarmy · 23/09/2019 10:25

When I was little we would go to Blackpool every year.

B & B that wouldn't let you back in your room till 5pm so spent most of the time shivering on the sea front watching old ladies in crimpolene or nylon dresses showing their knicker legs and suspenders as they had rolled down their stockings.

That alone put me off holidays in the UK.

Kaykay06 · 23/09/2019 10:26

I was in Mexico in July it was amazing, v v hot, didn’t get bitten by anything, hair was a riot but just tied it up and enjoyed myself, did get a bit of a sore tum but I do here if I’m eating rich food so tried to stick to some less rich options and took meds. So no I wouldn’t not go, perhaps different times of year where it’s not as hot, cooler climates and non beach holidays for some?
Cornwall is great too I really fancy renting a house out there one year but the weather isn’t guaranteed knowing my luck it would rain all the time.

Wehttam · 23/09/2019 10:28

THANK GOD Brexit is coming and will make going abroad so much more expensive and a huge hassle for us all that we just won’t bother. We can just holiday in the south or Blackpool. Hell, With climate change we won’t need to visit hot country’s, lets just plant Palm trees in Skegness. How fabulous that will be, we’ll all be trapped on this god forsaken tiny island. 🤐😭

BunsyGirl · 23/09/2019 10:29

I’ll stick to holidays abroad. My kids 6 and 9) hate long car journeys; “are we there yet” is usually on repeat Angry...just done an eleven hour flight with them and they never said it once!

CloudsCanLookLikeSheep · 23/09/2019 10:30

I thought that until I did a UK holiday in June this year (can't afford to go in the summer hols). It was freezing and pissed it down most days. Never again!

thatmustbenigelwiththebrie · 23/09/2019 10:35

I have lots of UK mini breaks throughout the year and always have a lovely time. I think our country has a lot to offer. However, I also usually manage a week abroad too. As it approaches I think "God, what a faff all this flying and airport crap is" but once I get there, I realise that there is so much that my country (Scotland) doesn't offer - the sunshine, (real) mountains, (big) lakes, different food etc. And then I always come back wondering why the fuck I live in the UK as it's shit.

So perhaps it's better to never go abroad and live in happy ignorance :)

FrenchJunebug · 23/09/2019 10:36

you do know you can go abroad and find the same weather as in Britain? And also take a train....

GCAcademic · 23/09/2019 10:36

The most iconic image that sticks in my mind in terms of summing up UK summer holidays is the time when we were driving down a dual carriageway in July in the pouring rain. We drove past a layby and there was a family there sitting on those foldable camping chairs in their waterproof clothes, with thermos flasks, and eating their sandwiches out of Tupperware boxes. I felt a kind of admiration for their evident stoicism. This is what stupidity Britishness is, I thought.

BunsyGirl · 23/09/2019 10:37

**But it isn’t remotely unreasonable not to enjoy flying to places - it’s a real hassle with kids.

Maybe it is with your kids but car journeys are a hassle for mine...on a journey to Heathrow in August, my 5 (now 6) kept complaining about how long it was taking. He never said that once on the 11 hour flight to LA we took once we got to the airport! He sat back and did a few glasses of wine!

PeoplesPoet · 23/09/2019 10:38

We tried it. We went to Alcudia and Tenerife. Very nice resorts, not cheap. Tenerife was 2 weeks, Alcudia 1. I was extremely bored of both by about day 3. I hate sunbathing. Heat does get too much. Kids got bored of the pool after about an hour, and only enjoyed the beach in the evening. The whinging and moaning drives you especially mad because you've paid so much to go.

Caravanning in the Lake District suits us way better - enjoyable days every day!

OneForMeToo · 23/09/2019 10:39

Haven’t gone aboard for 9years now. Not missed it, we have been lucky to have some amazing weather in the uk. Clear blue seas and clean sandy beaches are easy enough to find without jetting off half way around the world, just as forest type holidays are easily had.

BossAssBitch · 23/09/2019 10:41

YABU. DH and I love to travel, we go on at least four overseas trips a year, sometimes more. We love the UK too (just got back from a climbing trip in Ireland) but there is something about getting on that plane and jetting away from it all to somewhere different and exotic

lazylinguist · 23/09/2019 10:42

I really dislike the Lake District as well. Got to be one of the dullest places i’ve ever been to.

Presumably you hate beautiful scenery and don't like walking then. In which case why would you go to the Lake District? What was lacking there that you expected to find?

HairyFloppins · 23/09/2019 10:47

I love to travel. This year we have been to France, Spain, the USA and are off to the Netherlands in Oct. Just do loads of research.

Only used an airport for the USA part. We like to travel by rail, boat & car.

We don't always do traditional package holidays either. It's not always about visiting hot places. Loads to do in this country.

Oliversmumsarmy · 23/09/2019 10:50

PeoplesPoet if you hate sunbathing why did you go to a beach resort.

I have been to the Lake District.

It rained so hard and the fore cast was not much better so we left the next day


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tillytrotter1 · 23/09/2019 10:51

Hell no. I live for my holidays abroad! Just going to the airport gets me all excited!

So like me, we're off tomorrow and I've been tracking, or stalking as my daughter calls it, our transatlantic flight for weeks and weeks, I like to 'see' it land! She's convinced that the CIA will be knocking at my door today as a security threat! I even love the smell of airports, the burning smell of the fuel, I detest seeing people off because I'm not going.
One more sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oliversmumsarmy · 23/09/2019 10:51

Loved Vegas and I don't gamble

eeksville · 23/09/2019 10:51

I have really started to dislike flying, it's just so long & I live pretty close to Gatwick. All the queuing & waiting is boring & much harder with small DC. We didn't go abroad this yr & holidayed in the UK. I like it because it's all new to me, my parents are immigrants & i've not seen much of it. One place we went to was Tenby & it was beautiful, although I agree that you can't guarantee the weather but we were lucky.

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