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The shine has come off going abroad for me, has it for you?

201 replies

cornplant · 23/09/2019 07:54

I've read a few posts on here and I've been feeling the same way, that going abroad really isn't all that enjoyable.

People complain of being too hot, mosquito bites, spots from sun cream, fizzy hair etc.

Since I've had my son I've been abroad twice and have mostly hated it.

Maybe I should just go to Cornwall every year instead!

OP posts:
user1573354 · 23/09/2019 08:29

I'm the opposite. UK holidays involve at least double the packing (all weather possibilities, wet weather gear even in summer), places are self catering and restaurants double the price meaning we often have to still meal plan, cook, bring some food, go shopping, even being utensils in some places. UK holidays involvr very long drives, with fed up and travel sick kids. Days out are more expensive and more crowded. I honestly don't understand people who way they prefer to holiday in the UK when the kids are small, how is it easier?

Ofitck · 23/09/2019 08:34

God no. You don't have to fly somewhere hot. Get in your car, drive to Calais, drive over to he Netherlands, visit Efteling and the windmills, on down to Luxembourg and magical castles in Bavaria.

I hate flying with small children.

Walkaround · 23/09/2019 08:34

If your child is below school age, then no need to travel in school holidays when more places are too hot. Imvho, you're making a mistake not to take advantage of being able to holiday overseas out of school holiday season. If tou also have older children - well, your main problem is different ages of children, and adults, wanting different things from a holiday, not the big wide world outside the UK...

EskewedBeef · 23/09/2019 08:38

No, I'm keener than ever to visit different countries. The thought of seeing nothing but Britain for the rest of my life is quite sad.

Foxyloxy1plus1 · 23/09/2019 08:38

We haven’t been abroad for years and maybe climate change will make people think more carefully in future.

We had a week in Devon this year, when it rained for 5 out of 7 days. The apartment we stayed in, described as ‘stylish’ certainly wasn’t and we were disappointed.

But if you get the weather and a lovely place to stay, Britain is beautiful.

OddBoots · 23/09/2019 08:39

Overseas travel has never been appealing to me (the stress of getting there and back rather than the place itself), we all have different wants and pleasures. I'm very glad other people want to travel abroad, there wouldn't be room for everyone to holiday in the UK at peak times.

dottiedodah · 23/09/2019 08:40

We are lucky that we have both friends and family living in Canada ,and can visit them and stay at their houses.For me I do wonder if short trips to Europe (we do those as well)!are going to be sustainable with the fall of Thomas Cook today ,and concerns about Climate change .We went to Sussex this year, and had a great time looking around NT properties ,going out for lunch and walking along the beach next to our hotel.The weather is the big thing here though really !

CherryPavlova · 23/09/2019 08:40

Cornplant I can honestly say that for us (and the children) Centre Parcs Europe were just brilliant holidays. Lots of freedom, the excitement of ferries and ‘abroad’, cycling locally on good cycle route should for children, kids club for the odd time out for parents, babysitting so we could use spa, good playgrounds with cafes.
The children have good memories too. We were at one of the other family’s wedding this weekend and all the children were laughing about various things from their Centre Parcs holidays. Two of the children have returned as adult couples with their partners and still enjoyed it.

Branleuse · 23/09/2019 08:42

A lot of people prefer uk holidays. Just do that if that's what you enjoy

ExecutiveFiat · 23/09/2019 08:47

I look and feel better in the heat. I love the adventure of travel, and the anticipation of seeing new places. The thought of only spending my holidays in the UK for the rest of my life leaves me cold.

violetswordfish · 23/09/2019 08:47

"abroad" Confused

Iceland, India and NYC don't have that much in common. Not all holidays abroad are two weeks "somewhere hot" on a package deal in a bland resort with no culture.

violetswordfish · 23/09/2019 08:49

And I thought this was going to be about climate change, not mosquito bites!

CSharpLemon · 23/09/2019 08:50

There’s a certain xenophobic quality to the term ‘abroad’.

MsTSwift · 23/09/2019 08:53

Op spot on when taking carbon footprint into account. Flying seems to be the worst thing an individual can do. We travelled a lot but reigning in through guilt. Next summer going inter railing.

kjhkj · 23/09/2019 08:53

There’s a certain xenophobic quality to the term ‘abroad’.

Only on MN Hmm

Wildery · 23/09/2019 08:53

I love travelling but what has taken the shine off for me these days is going somewhere interesting and beautiful, and thinking about the shitload of CO2 the plane trip has delivered straight into the atmosphere. We've decided to have UK and driveable/trainable European holidays from now on, with perhaps a long-haul one every five years or so.

Sedlescombe · 23/09/2019 08:55

Going to Cornwall is always a good idea!!

madcatladyforever · 23/09/2019 08:56

I spent years travelling and living abroad and have now pulled my neck in like an old tortoise.
I cannot bear the thought of it. Even holidaying in the UK seems like too much hassle. I spent my last two week holiday in the comfort of my own home with the cat.

ItIsWhatItIsInnit · 23/09/2019 08:57

I'm sort of sick of it, but then again I'm an immigrant and most of my family live abroad, so I've flown on average 4 times a year since I was 6. The shine has DEFINITELY come off.

I just went to a country a 12 hour flight away and thought it was a total shithole, was dying to get back to my flat and watch TOWIE on the sofa. Was sick of being sweaty, having to wear long clothes to not get bitten to shit by mosquitos, getting stung by jellyfish/sea lice and all the fucking SUNCREAM. I want to try a no-fly year in 2020 and holiday in the UK, I've lived in England for 20 years yet have never properly been up North.

I could never do the "going travelling" thing for months on end - after 2 weeks anywhere I want to go home.

nononever · 23/09/2019 08:58

Hell no. I live for my holidays abroad! Just going to the airport gets me all excited!

Same! Even have a countdown app on my phone. Not that I need it as my husband is like an excited 5 year old Grin.

toomuchtooold · 23/09/2019 08:59

If you're looking to go abroad for good weather, but you find it too hot on the Med, what about Scandinavia or Germany? We live in south Germany and it's probably a bit hot - during July/August it's over 30 degrees more often than not - but the north coast of Germany is nice, the weather is pretty stable, but not so hot - more like high 20s. We keep planning to go to Rugen - once the kids are able for the 12 hour drive...

Gone2far · 23/09/2019 09:00

There’s a certain xenophobic quality to the term ‘abroad’.
Only on MN indeed. What would you replace it with ? Foreign parts?


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Oliversmumsarmy · 23/09/2019 09:00

I have arthritis and going away for a bit of sun in the winter or when the weather is shitty here gives me a week or 2 with out pain.

I can run and walk and get up from a chair without being in dreadful pain

I also love the heat. Hottest day of the year here and I was sweeping my driveway in the midday sun. I get things done on the sun.
Years ago I was in Florida when the temperature reached 112 degrees in the shade and I thought the temperature was perfect. I actually felt my bones were finally warm.
I don't think I have ever had a mosquito bite or frizzy hair.

If I could live in a hot climate permanently would be so happy.

EskewedBeef · 23/09/2019 09:00

There’s a certain xenophobic quality to the term ‘abroad’.

Grin What word could be used instead?

madcatladyforever · 23/09/2019 09:00

I can't go anywhere until the cat dies anyway. She's 18 and has daily injections and medication twice daily. She's a right pickle and nobody can get the meds down but me so I'm resigned to not going anywhere for the foreseeable future.

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