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Rude children at school pick up

63 replies

Home77 · 30/03/2019 09:02

Yesterday, picking up DS from primary school and was sitting on the grass while the children all played in the little park next to school. Some little boys around 6-7 I think were playing with a ball and kicked it and hit me...(was not right in the football area) anyway, I was a bit cross that they didn't say sorry just came and got the ball. Then one of them laughed with his friends and said "You look like a witch"!

AIBU or was that very rude?

OP posts:
spanieleyes · 30/03/2019 09:54

A parent complained to me that her daughter ( aged 7) had been told off for calling her teacher a "fucking bitch". Apparently she was just "expressing her opinion"!
I expressed mine tooGrin

JenniferJareau · 30/03/2019 09:55

@Priteachgal Very true.

Priteachgal · 30/03/2019 09:57

It's shocking. That was the parents response to me when I told her her daughter had called me a fucking bastard.

OwlBeThere · 30/03/2019 09:58

@RunAlexRun I’m sorry but if a child had asked my kid if they aspired to be short, I would have laughed my head off!
Maybe it’s because I have 2 autistic kids with zero ability to filter their thoughts that I’m used to it now. If they say something rude to strangers I will always tell them it’s rude and to apologise and explain if I can. But there are times things have been said and it’s too fast to get the person to explain. It is what it is though.

Boysey45 · 30/03/2019 10:01

They were doing it for a reaction, the best thing to do with anyone who is rude, child or adult is to totally ignore them like you haven't heard them.Then they just look stupid.
Don't be hurt, its not worth you energy and time.

Vulpine · 30/03/2019 10:01

I'da told them I'd put a spell on them and turn them into warty toads

WhentheRabbitsWentWild · 30/03/2019 10:06

I would have said "I am" Grin

I like the idea of cackling .

Hollowvictory · 30/03/2019 10:09

It's funny! I'd have told them that I am a witch and put a spell on them😂😉

ILoveMaxiBondi · 30/03/2019 10:10

I’d have put a spell on them. Make chocolate taste vile.

WhentheRabbitsWentWild · 30/03/2019 10:16

It could be worse OP

I was at college the other day and heard some youngsters say "she looks like MoMo" . I laughed . I trust its simply because I have long black hair , I hope Grin

Vikingess · 30/03/2019 13:14

You should have threatened to turn him into a 🐸

HugoBearsMummy · 30/03/2019 13:26

@WhentheRabbitsWentWild ffs Momo?! 😂😂 kids are vile aren't they!
Sometimes kids just say random crap that enters their heads- ie. my 3 yo said to me Mumma your face looks funny, - funny I ask?? Yes Mumma- it scares me! - Thank you Hugo 👍🏼

Dieu · 30/03/2019 13:31

Wee bawbag. YANBU. Thanks

Dieu · 30/03/2019 13:32

My fantasy reply would be: 'aye, I am, and I'll turn your brains into couscous, you wee fucker'. Grin

youarenotkiddingme · 30/03/2019 13:35

Brains into couscous 😂😂

Yabbers · 30/03/2019 13:45

Rude little shits! It's always the ones from 'naice' families that behave that way.
Sure, the kids from the rough estate round our way never ever behave like this, absolute angels. 🙄

Home77 · 30/03/2019 13:46

I'm sorry to hear about the Momo, but it does make me feel slightly better others have had similar!

OP posts:
AmphetamineGazelle · 30/03/2019 13:51

I am sort of glad I am not the only one. A boy at DD's nursery has told me I look like a witch and another few times a monster. I bang on it a bit but I have a birth defect so although I ignored it/laughed it off, it stung. Staff were nearby so I left them to hopefully deal with it. I went home and fumed in miserable silence at the poor parenting.

Dieu · 30/03/2019 13:56

'Shut it you wee weirdo, or this monster will be eating you alive'.

God, I have missed my calling!

thebeesknees123 · 30/03/2019 14:00

Do you look like a witch? That is the question Grin

Boulezvous · 30/03/2019 14:09

I would've said 'yeah and I'm going to turn you into a toad'

It's not what I'd expect my kids to say to a stranger as it is rude.

Littlechocola · 30/03/2019 14:09

‘Rude little shits! It's always the ones from 'naice' families that behave that way.‘

I find that people who call children ‘little shits’ are usually the most awful people.

Gingerkittykat · 30/03/2019 15:11

I had similar at school drop off once, a couple of rude little shits standing at the entrance making comments about how fat I was.

Luckily there was a member of staff in the playground and I pointed them out and later had it fed back that they had missed playtime.

Don't assume the parents would have shrugged it off. There are some terrible parents out there, but the majority would be mortified at their kids behaving like that.

Home77 · 30/03/2019 17:02

No, they would have been very embarrassed and apologetic I'm sure. (parents). I'll speak to them again if it happens again. Not sure if look like a witch. Am quite cross looking when I frown I guess.

OP posts:
Polarbearflavour · 30/03/2019 17:13

I teach a class of year 5s in a deprived area school and none of them would behave like that!

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