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Who is right!?

42 replies

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 17:29

I'm currently going back and forth with my HR department and GP.

Date on the sick note runs until 11th March, HR saying I only have until the 10th then expected back in work on 11th

GP saying no, I'm covered all day Monday 11th then I'm to go in on the 12th where they will extend until maternity leave begins

I'm so confused and to be honest stressed out with it all. I'm already suffering from antenatal depression and just want this sorting.

Who is right?

OP posts:
GlamourBear · 07/03/2019 19:37

As said by @FluffyHeadbands regarding dismissal

FluffyHeadbands · 07/03/2019 19:34

You can be dismissed even though you are pregnant but not because of it.

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 19:26

@GlamourBear does it have to mention pregnancy related? To be honest a lot of how I'm feeling now anyway is because work were piling work on me at a ridiculous level.

I'm worried that if the note doesn't then I can be dismissed?

OP posts:
GlamourBear · 07/03/2019 19:22

@cmjwx aside from them being wrong (and it being very concerning that as an HR professional they cannot even read a blooming Fit Note!) it's just very petty behaviour on their part. Yes I'd put your foot down, not go in on 11th and send them a copy of your new Fit Note from 12th. Get your GP to add work related stress to the new one for good measure (I did not tell you to do that Wink)

sackrifice · 07/03/2019 19:15

Send them the government link.

Don't say 'Hope that helps :)' as much as you want to.

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 19:10

@GlamourBear thank you.

I think I'm going to put my foot down and tell them that they are wrong. If there's any issues my GP said she can backdate the sick note anyway.

Seems ridiculous that they don't even know how to read a sick note.

OP posts:
GlamourBear · 07/03/2019 19:09

Sorry I've just seen above that you are going at 36 weeks anyway! Ignore my comment about the early leave being triggered

GlamourBear · 07/03/2019 19:08

I work in HR. You are signed off until 11th, your HR dept are being ridiculous! Just in case you aren't aware, if you are off sick during the 4 weeks before your expected week of childbirth due to pregnancy related illness your employer can start your maternity leave early.

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 18:49

@Drum2018 I'm not seeing anybody no.

They have now put me back on a low dose of Citalopram (I was on these for 18 months before I got pg)

They helped me immensely then so I am hoping they will this time also

OP posts:
ivegotthisyeah · 07/03/2019 18:45

Sorry AD not PND XX

ivegotthisyeah · 07/03/2019 18:44

Sock note should or could say pregnancy related illness then Incompetent HR don't have to know about PND Thanks

Drum2018 · 07/03/2019 18:24

Try not to worry about it. You are covered. Assuming you are getting another Cert next week you'd be covered anyway. Are you seeing anyone for your antenatal depression? I hope so as it is not an illness that is talked about openly yet is suffered by many. Mind yourself.

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 18:19

@dottyp0104 mat leave starts automatically at 36 weeks which is when I was going off anyway x

OP posts:
cmjwx · 07/03/2019 18:19

@dottyp0104 thank you, I do have SPD so will ask GP to add that, although I'm coping well with that at the moment. On codeine, have bump belt and can rest at home when it's really bad!

OP posts:
dottyp0104 · 07/03/2019 18:17

@cmjwx i would think your line should say 'pregnancy related.... whatever it s.. spd, depression etc' just to be clear, and yes you are then protected. Just a point though, thaf in my workplace, depending on the dates of your sick leave, they can have you start your mat leave early. Not sure about your work.

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 18:15

@TixieLix they're terrible in all honesty. My anxiety is through the roof, my pregnancy is already full of complications so I don't need aggro from them on top of everything else.

OP posts:
TixieLix · 07/03/2019 18:14

If your sickness note says you're not fit for work from (date) to 11/03/19, then it means up to and including 11th. You don't have a very good HR dept if they can't even read a sickness note properly. No wonder you're stressed!

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 18:12

@sackrifice thanks, this settles it then! Think I am going to send HR that link.

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cmjwx · 07/03/2019 18:11

@Dontrainonmyparade they're just very strict that's why it worries me.

OP posts:
sackrifice · 07/03/2019 18:11

The period that your doctor’s advice covers.
This will either be from the date of the
assessment (Box 1), or between a particular
start and end date. These dates are inclusive
(so a fit note dated from 2 April to 10 April
will no longer apply from 11 April onwards


Dontrainonmyparade · 07/03/2019 18:07

Tbh, don’t even argue anymore. Your GP is right. So HR decide you have an unauthorised absence for 1 day in the end. What are they going to do about it? Practically, nothing. Relax. Try not to stress. Good luck with the new baby.

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 17:51

@babycakes1010 me neither Sad ..

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babycakes1010 · 07/03/2019 17:50

I'm not sure on that but if it's noted pregnancy related then I don't think they could do anything about it

DanielRicciardosSmile · 07/03/2019 17:50

Unless it specifically states on the fit note that the 11th is the date you are to return to work, GP is correct.

cmjwx · 07/03/2019 17:50

@Magmatic80 that's true!

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