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Hot cross buns

68 replies

Shoxfordian · 02/03/2019 09:13

I have cheese in my hot cross buns and my dh thinks this is very strange. Aibu?

(I know iambu to be eating hot cross buns at all before Easter....)

Please let me know if you also have cheese so I can prove I'm not a weirdo Grin

OP posts:
LadyMonicaBaddingham · 02/03/2019 09:43

I have cheese in my hot cross buns, as does my DF. My paternal grandparents did as well, while they were still with us. We also have cheese with fruitcake and with apple pie any excuse for cheese basically

JourneyToThePlacentaOfTheEarth · 02/03/2019 09:44

Bun and cheese is very popular in Jamaica and delicious! Similar sort of thing. I'll be having cheese on half my Aldi brioche hot cross bun and butter on the other half. Thanks for the inspiration op!

Nousernameforme · 02/03/2019 09:46

I know someone who has a fried egg and brown sauce

TheSassyAssassin · 02/03/2019 09:47

Nowt wrong with a cheese-filled HCB, raw or toasted!

EthelHornsby · 02/03/2019 09:48

I eat mine with marmite. Cheese sounds good

onlyhereforthefood · 02/03/2019 09:50

I'm tempted to try this!

I've eaten a hot cross bun every day for the last three weeks

MiddleClassProblem · 02/03/2019 09:50

Do HCB cheeses have the cheese as is or melted? Is there a certain type of cheese or are you all just cheddaring?

FrowningFlamingo · 02/03/2019 09:55

Cheese sounds wrong to me but my mil has cheese with Christmas cake and says it's a northern thing. Maybe the same here??
I have marmalade on mine - delicious!

WhoGivesADamnForAFlakeyBandit · 02/03/2019 10:01

DH was the first person I have ever known to eat a HCB cold and/or or with jam. Unfortunately it was a couple of months after the wedding. If only I'd known beforehand Shock It's a gateway to weirder things like ketchup sandwiches and marmite with roast dinner.

TheSassyAssassin · 02/03/2019 10:13

Also do cheese with Christmas cake and it is a bit of a northern thing Frowning (started having it with relatives in the far north east as a child). Am a HCB cheddarer MCP! Smile

BentNeckLady · 02/03/2019 10:16

We have regular arguments about this is our house. Go has them toasted with butter and I have them cold with butter and jam. My way is nicest.

Procrastination4 · 02/03/2019 10:18

Not sure whether I’ll be tempted to try cheese on my hot cross bun next Wednesday, but considering I usually eat two on the day, I may be tempted to put cheese on half of one.
Re. Weird combinations-my husband used to have cheese and jam together on toast before we got married. Ugh! Cheese on bread or toast, jam on bread, marmalade on toast, cheese and jam together-No!, cheese and jam on toast together-Never!
He hasn’t eaten that combination, to my knowledge, in the 30 years we’ve been married, as far as I know. (Once I don’t have to watch him eating it, I don’t mind Grin)

GregoryPeckingDuck · 02/03/2019 10:20

My DH does this. He also has cheese and jam sandwiches

squeekums · 02/03/2019 10:24

Cheese on a HCB is criminal.

I should confiscate your HCB

We have had them in shops since Jan 1st here

AhoyDelBoy · 02/03/2019 10:31

Tbf cheese and jam together is delicious 😋

Kitsandkids · 02/03/2019 10:51

I always eat mine cold with butter and cheese. Mmmm, delicious! I love hot cross buns - but only with cheese in!

magicroundabouts · 02/03/2019 11:04

Ooh, I love hot cross buns. Normally just with butter (toasted or cold), never thought of cheese. I love cheese and jam together though. I will have to go to the shops...Grin

BaronessBomburst · 02/03/2019 11:07

The Dutch make various breads and buns with fruit in and always serve them with cheese.
And mature cheese goes in sandwiches with apple treacle.

100Birds · 02/03/2019 11:08

They are lush with cheese in, especially the M&S apple ones!

zod1ac19 · 02/03/2019 11:19


I'm eating a chocolate and caramel one

Those ones are as sick and wrong as eating a normal one with cheese

^This wholeheartedly.

3out · 02/03/2019 12:35

I’ll tell you what’s delicious, Philadelphia and raspberry jam.

AtAmber · 02/03/2019 12:40

Bacon on a toasted hot cross bun is amazing. It's the mixture of salt and sweet. I've never tried cheese though.


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Procrastination4 · 02/03/2019 12:51

AtAmber you should try adding maple syrup to that combination! Wink I LOVE pancakes with bacon and maple syrup and a big mug of good coffee to wash it all down.

MiddleClassProblem · 02/03/2019 13:13

@TheSassyAssassin do you melt the cheese?

Maybe I need to try both ways lol

Dahlietta · 02/03/2019 13:13

I’ll tell you what’s delicious, Philadelphia and raspberry jam.

I'm going to have to hide this thread now. I'm finding it too upsetting.

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