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To think Asian name may put off customers

260 replies

Stcatherine · 11/02/2019 17:12

I'm prepared to be flamed for posting this. My dp is Asian and is trying to get jobs as a handyman but nobody is responding to him. Do you think that when people see a Asian name in his profile that it puts them off. He is very experienced and skilled. By the way I'm not trying to say that everybody is racist but have been aware from past experience that some people think along these lines.

OP posts:
Lemoneeza · 11/02/2019 17:44

Asian people in call centres usually use English names. I assume for similar reasons.
handyman are so hard to come by! good luck to your husband.

newtlover · 11/02/2019 17:44

sorry to say I would also guess that you are right OP, and this will be better/worse depending on where you are
I also think (just a guess) that the people who might want someone to come and do small jobs - most likely older people- are also more likely to be racist though many would deny it vehemently
I think the word of mouth thing is very true, I would never hire a tradesperson without a recommendation if I could avoid it
could he do a promotion, like maybe 1st job half price, and then ask the client to give a testimonial?
also if there is a local council approved scheme, definitely go on that

bluetheskyis · 11/02/2019 17:44

We’ve done a lot on ‘unconscious bias’ at my workplace, as in trying to avoid our managers having it while hiring, looking at CVS etc. And it’s horrible but a realityZ it’s also a reality that people are out and out racist and misogynistic when hiring too. Good luck, i’d Say that one of the most important thinks is getting good ratings on Check a trade ASAP. They actually check up on feedback so are respected and once he has a few positive reviews under his belt it’ll change hopefully...

FeedMeBooks · 11/02/2019 17:45

Age UK do a trusted trader type of scheme. Maybe he could talk to them to go on a list ?

Northernsights · 11/02/2019 17:47

That’s so sad to hear. I can’t find any handyman with time, although if I did have a choice I might be a bit more inclined to chose someone with a business sounding name- like X town handyman or initials home services, regardless of the name- just because it sounds a bit more professional (I’m nitpicking though!)

DameIfYouDo · 11/02/2019 17:47

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Stcatherine · 11/02/2019 17:47

Thanks for all your recommendations

OP posts:
HotChocolateLover · 11/02/2019 17:48

Is he on CheckATrade? I never choose anyone who isn’t on there and they have to have great reviews. The name wouldn’t bother me but a lack of reviews from other people would.

Furrycushion · 11/02/2019 17:48

Sadly I think you are correct. We got rid of stuff on Freecycle recently & the number of people with English female names such as Lucy, Sophie etc who turned out to be middle aged Asian men was astonishing. I can only assume that they have found people wouldn't let them have the stuff if they knew they were Asian. The fact that most of them were "flippers" is another issue and not confined to just them!

zzzzz · 11/02/2019 17:49

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DroningOn · 11/02/2019 17:50

Whether conscious or subconscious I think this does make a difference unfortunately.

SavoyCabbage · 11/02/2019 17:50

My dh actually changed his first name as he felt (knew) it was holding him back in his career.

Stcatherine · 11/02/2019 17:50

That's not a good comment to be making on this thread damel

OP posts:
greenpop21 · 11/02/2019 17:51

Mayo that is so funny and clever! Love funny business names. I'm employing lots of tradespeople at the mo and right now it's all about word of mouth and price. I don't care what he/she is called!!

greenpop21 · 11/02/2019 17:52

Dame I'm hoping that you've misrepresented yourself there.

Redglitter · 11/02/2019 17:55

Do many people use handyman type services

God yes. I've got a friend who has a handyman business and he does brilliantly. Its really popular

Onlyjoinedforthisthread · 11/02/2019 17:57

I would never ever use check a trade you only have to pay them to join the only firms I know that use it are dodgy covers who don't pay bills then start up again under a different name. Word of mouth is the best advertising.

Back to the thread , sadly I think his name matters

Pomello · 11/02/2019 17:59

I'm sure you're right. I have a very English-sounding name despite not being English and I had the feeling at times that employers/recruiters felt a tiny bit Shock duped

Abacab · 11/02/2019 18:01

Handyman can come across as a rather vague term. Is it obvious from his profile what specific services he offers?

Patroclus · 11/02/2019 18:02

Chabbud G does a great bit on this. Pakistani men adopting western names for arsehole westerners.

CustardySergeant · 11/02/2019 18:02

Mayonayse “You’ve had the cowboys. Now try the Indians.”

I thought of that when I read the OP, because there's a van round here with that very slogan. Either we live in the same area or (more likely) lots of people have had the same idea. Smile

Redglitter · 11/02/2019 18:05

Handyman can come across as a rather vague term. Is it obvious from his profile what specific services he offers

That can be the point of using the term handyman though. My friend does such a wide range of things youd get bored reading the list. Handyman is a sort of umbrella term it covers a wide range.


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Aroundtheworldandback · 11/02/2019 18:06

“You’ve had the cowboys. Now try the Indians.”
Loving this

Parthenope · 11/02/2019 18:07

It's super helpful when other people can pronounce your "name" instead of trying but mangling something foreign to them. I'd suggest he adopts an easy-to-say nickname for everyday business purposes.

I don't think the OP is talking about pronunciation difficulties, she's talking about racial bias.

OP, as lots of others have said, your fears have a depressingly actual basis, I think. I moved from London to this village, which, despite being very white, is close to a very racially-diverse city, and the overt and unconscious racism blew my mind.

Patroclus · 11/02/2019 18:08

There is loads of open racism in trades sadly. People dont like to mention it though because its seen to be attacking traditionally working class people

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