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To think Asian name may put off customers

260 replies

Stcatherine · 11/02/2019 17:12

I'm prepared to be flamed for posting this. My dp is Asian and is trying to get jobs as a handyman but nobody is responding to him. Do you think that when people see a Asian name in his profile that it puts them off. He is very experienced and skilled. By the way I'm not trying to say that everybody is racist but have been aware from past experience that some people think along these lines.

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cheesenpickles · 11/02/2019 17:26

I used to work in a sales environment where the boss encouraged those with "foreign sounding names" to adopt more anglicised names. It was appalling (and many years ago) but people did it because they got more sales because of it!

Stcatherine · 11/02/2019 17:27

Think I will try and get him to use a nickname.

OP posts:
Thistles24 · 11/02/2019 17:27

That’s terrible! Our handyman is also Asian, but it didn’t put me off phoning up when I saw the advert. I was slightly wary when he answered the phone and had no English, and passed the phone to somebody else. His wife spoke perfect English and asked if she could come and translate for him before he started. They came and did just that, and he’s a fantastic worker. 6 years on he no longer requires his wife to translate, and he’s running a really successful business.

NotANotMan · 11/02/2019 17:28

Some people may not notice but the U.K. is a very racist country

SlipperyLizard · 11/02/2019 17:28

I think sadly if it makes a difference in companies’ recruitment (which research shows it does), then it will make a difference to the average person looking for a tradesman.

My DH is a handyman, most of his work comes from personal recommendations but he also has a business name, website etc. We did a flyer drop in the early days to drum up initial business. I think if you can make the business look professional then people will take it more seriously. I did the website using Wix, was pretty easy (I’m not in IT!), and used vistaprint for flyers which we put through letterboxes and displayed in post office etc.

Gingerkittykat · 11/02/2019 17:28

Yes, proof people with Asian and African names are discriminated against. I expect it would be exactly the same when individuals are doing the hiring.

Stcatherine · 11/02/2019 17:30

Seems my suspicions are well founded

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AlexaShutUp · 11/02/2019 17:30

Sadly, there is loads of research confirming that people with "ethnic" names find it harder to get employment, so it's very likely that this is a factor. Unconscious bias is a real problem. It shouldn't be necessary, but perhaps an anglicised business name is the way to go?

silkpyjamasallday · 11/02/2019 17:31

Sadly you are probably right. We have a middle eastern friend who applied for several jobs with two CVs, one with his real name and the other with an English name, he got asked to interview for all under the English name and got rejected with his real name. The CV was the same so the rejections were obviously racially motivated.

Stcatherine · 11/02/2019 17:31

This is awful hearing these stories

OP posts:
cuppycakey · 11/02/2019 17:32

YANBU There is loads of research out there to back this up sadly.

BackforGood · 11/02/2019 17:34

It certainly wouldn't put e off, but I think there are a lot of people that it would - whether sub-conciously or not. I do believe there is research that will back this up.

I'd have thought a 'Mr Fix-It' type business name would probably help.

WeeDangerousSpike · 11/02/2019 17:34

Do many people use handyman type services? Is it just that the work isn't there to get?

Genuine question - I can't think of a job that I'd get a handyman in for, I'd only get someone in for stuff that's beyond normal DIY (which is what I imagine a handyman does? Like if it's heavy and the customer can't lift it themselves) otherwise I'd get a proper skilled tradesperson in. Builder / plumber / decorator / gardener etc? Maybe it would help if he 'rebranded' as something specific that he's particularly good at?

Gone4Good · 11/02/2019 17:35

Using the word 'cowboys' for someone who does a bad job is rather insulting. I say this as an American Rancher.

easyandy101 · 11/02/2019 17:35

Some people may not notice but the U.K. is a very racist country

Quietly racist, which is why so many people don't notice

WeeDangerousSpike · 11/02/2019 17:36

Just to add, I don't disbelieve that casual racism is real and an uphill battle for many, and may well be the case here.

Just that my last post would be why I wouldn't be ringing him, if that makes sense.

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 11/02/2019 17:37

I suppose it depends where you are. Where we are all of our contractors have foreign names!

Maybe just use initials. I find that once you get a reputation and start the recommendations rolling in people won’t really won’t care. And if they do, they are the type of people who would get to weasel out of paying the bill!

BackforGood · 11/02/2019 17:37

Do many people use handyman type services?

Yes. I know 2 and they are inundated. Don't need to advertise - people ask people and they get loads of work.
'Builders' rarely want the 'little jobs', or the ones that aren't prely for 'one trade'.

thecatneuterer · 11/02/2019 17:37

Yes, and that's why my (amazing) builder goes by the name of Adam rather than his Indian name.

beansonbread · 11/02/2019 17:38

Unfortunately this kind of thing does happen. I had a friend at university with an obviously Asian name and when it came to applying for teaching jobs she got rejection after rejection. She then changed the name on her application to a shortened version of her first name that made it sound less Asian and she was offered interviews for every job she applied for. Could be complete coincidence but it's too suspicious.

SlipperyLizard · 11/02/2019 17:38

WeeDangerousSpike - you’d be amazed at how many people can’t do the simplest of jobs (eg hanging pictures), and how hard it can be to find a “proper” tradesman to do a small job like fix a leaky tap or a broken toilet, or fit a cat flap.

SpringForEver · 11/02/2019 17:39

It wouldn't put me off, but I take a look at what information is available with regard to previous jobs and make a decision on that.

I also use our local neighbourhood FaceBook page where people ask for recommendations of people they have used. Maybe he could try that?

On ours there is an Asian guy who puts photos of himself cleaning bins, washing gates by hand, cleaning cars, cutting grass, all kinds of things, he is clearly an enterprising young man and people are giving him jobs. I would if I had something I needed doing.


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lau888 · 11/02/2019 17:39

It's not unusual for Chinese people who have Chinese names to also use a western name, whether or not it's an "official" name. It's super helpful when other people can pronounce your "name" instead of trying but mangling something foreign to them. I'd suggest he adopts an easy-to-say nickname for everyday business purposes. Don't worry about the surname. Most people will be happy to call him by just the nickname. x

werideatdawn · 11/02/2019 17:41

Unfortunately yes, definitely. I know of someone who doesn't like to give building quotes to/work for those with Asian sounding names Sad

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 11/02/2019 17:43

Oh and make sure you highlight and qualifications, association memberships etc.

One builder I know (works in our block a lot) is a complete cowboy and employs men who haven’t a bloody clue what they are doing. I know because he has flooded the building a number of times (twice we were evacuated for a few days) - and one neighbour had sewage flowing down their walls 🤢. That was after he offered to send one of his men to fit her new washing machine and flooded the kitchen. And after he sent 2 men to repaint our ceilings (again) after flooding our living room. The bastard isn’t cheap either - I am at a loss as to why the neighbours employ him. Sorry for the rant! Some poor sod upstairs had just employed him to change her windows... god help us.

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