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Partner wants to go away for 4 days 3 weeks before my due date - need help with this one

55 replies

Baileyswithice1 · 07/01/2019 20:27

I’m due baby number 3 at the end of March. Partner has just asked me if I’d be ok with him going away to Germany to see his friend who is in the army, for 4 nights, 3 weeks before my due date. I asked if he could go sometime this month or during February but he says he can’t as his friend has other

I don’t want to say to him not to go but I do feel it’s a bit close to when I’m due. Both of my DD’s came early and my labours were really quick (3 and 4 hours) so I know if I went into labour while he was there there’s absolutely no way he would get back on time for the birth.

Would I be unreasonable to say I’m not ok with it? I know if I say I don’t want him to go, he won’t.

OP posts:
Smotheroffive · 07/01/2019 23:05

With respect, londonmummy having to work abroad is the polar opposite of choosing to go on the piss for 4 days abroad.

Do these guys not care if they miss something so important. Maybe it's not important, I guess.

Smotheroffive · 07/01/2019 23:09

Leave all your DC abroad Gemme, and risk missing the birth of your newest baby?

Would you do this if your DD wanted you to be their birth partner?

It's different if your dp does not want to be your birth partner, but who's cool with that?

Bluetrews25 · 08/01/2019 08:38

So all the roads to Germany are one way, are they?
Can army buddy not come to UK and stay in air b&b / hotel near you? If not, why not? That would be slightly more acceptable, but DP would still have to agree not to drink with him as his driving ability could be needed at any time.
Are you planning to FF or BF, OP, as if it is FF I'd be reeeeeeealllly tempted to say sure, go, provided I can go away for 4 nights as soon as I get home from hospital and leave all 3 with you. Fair trade, yes? (I know no-one in their right mind would actually do this.)
The more I think about this, the more of a bad idea the whole thing sounds!

Baileyswithice1 · 08/01/2019 09:53


I actually did think of this but as you say, I wouldn’t actually do it. I’m planning to BF. I’ve spoken to him and said I’m concerned with him going so late in my pregnancy so he’s looking at flights for the end of January now. I’ll be almost 32 weeks by this time. Still not overly enthusiastic about him going for 4 days though.

OP posts:
Smotheroffive · 08/01/2019 15:09

I don't see the harm in him going whilst you're 32 weeks.

Maybe he can give you a bbb (before the baby break), on his return so you can have a few days away relaxing and socialising with your friends too, so you feel a bit of balance?

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