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Argument with friend?

52 replies

LuxeLisbon · 21/06/2018 19:22

She messaged me to ask to borrow money.

There have been 2 instances in the past where I’ve paid for her in good faith (train ticket, concert) that she then decided that she couldn’t go and never paid me back.

I said no because of these instances and she went mad at me. Now said she can’t afford the holiday we planned to go on (nothing booked yet.)

OP posts:
Tistheseason17 · 21/06/2018 23:06

Go on your own.
Not travelling - find a nice cheap half board last minute deal and take some good books and music. Easy.
She's no friend.

Leeds2 · 21/06/2018 23:04

You have done well to avoid going away with her. Because you know, when you got there, she would have no money for food, drinks, trips etc and the whole lot would end up being your responsibility with no hope of getting it back.

JakeBallardswife · 21/06/2018 23:00

We can help find different holiday alternatives

JakeBallardswife · 21/06/2018 22:59

Why not do something where you join a group doing something? So, volunteering or walking, cycling, crafting, swimming or yoga etc

BerylStreep · 21/06/2018 22:59

I've just spent a week away learning a new skill (sailing) on my own. I met lovely people in my group. Would you think of doing something like that?

Friend is a CF.

BlancheM · 21/06/2018 22:56

So chuffing what if she can't go on the holiday, plenty of people can't afford to get away this year, you owe her nothing.

LuxeLisbon · 21/06/2018 22:53

I’ve been travelling on my own before. It’s really not for me anymore.

OP posts:
MaluCachu · 21/06/2018 22:47

She’s a leech,tell her to fuck off then block her.Experienced this also.

LexieLulu · 21/06/2018 22:43

Holiday is mentioned so you'd react no doubt

KettleBells · 21/06/2018 21:21

Leave her to it

MintyChops · 21/06/2018 21:14

Go on your own, bring some good books and movies downloaded to iPad and just suit yourself every day. Be brave, it will be lovely!

And she is not nice, you don’t need her.

WhiteWalkerWife · 21/06/2018 21:03

Consider it a lucky escape OP. You would only end up paying it for her, either before or when out there.

Honeyroar · 21/06/2018 20:47

What a rotten friend. Seriously! You do know she'll be asking to borrow the last payment for the holiday even if you book. And more. You don't need friends like that. All those bitchy texts too. You haven't done anything wrong. It can't be very relaxing going away with someone like that.

loubeylou68smellsofreindeerpoo · 21/06/2018 20:39

*Age =she

loubeylou68smellsofreindeerpoo · 21/06/2018 20:38

You say you have been friends for 10 years, has it been an 'equal' friendship? Or has she had the upper hand all these year? As you get older you realise a lot of 'friends ' keep you down to feel better. You don't need these toxic types in your life . A true friend doesn't take advantage of your good nature or make you feel guilty for not financing their lives.
Age is a cf tell her to do one

NomNomNomNom · 21/06/2018 20:27

It's probably not personal she's probably a CF to everyone and hates being called out on it. YADNBU.

shiklah · 21/06/2018 20:25

If you'd have gone away together she'd have sponged off you all week.

itswinetime · 21/06/2018 20:25

You were never friends I'm afraid she has been using you! It ducks to find out but probably best you have now before you throw more time and money away.

QueenB14 · 21/06/2018 20:20

If the situation arises again to go on holiday with her (if you make up and she has the funds etc) DONT DO IT

Seriously. I did with a cf friend. We went Saturday to Saturday and she "ran out of money" on the Tuesday.

I spent a fortune and when we got home she slagged me off to mutual friends about how I didn't want to book all these activities (well obviously, since I knew id be paying double each time)

ZenNudist · 21/06/2018 20:14

Fuck her. Go on your own.

GreenTulips · 21/06/2018 20:11

Look up SPICE
Make new friends and go on holiday

Get rid of CF friends

HollowTalk · 21/06/2018 20:08

What's your holiday budget, OP?

Obviously there's not much fun in going away and sitting on a beach on your own all day (though some would love that!) but there are fantastic singles holidays where you do activities etc.


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TyrionsNextWife · 21/06/2018 20:05

Go on holiday on your own, it's great! No compromising or anyone else's timetables to deal with!
I've done it loads of times and always ended up meeting folk, I've also been on holiday with people I met on previous trips - try it, you might be surprised Smile

Flippetydip · 21/06/2018 20:03

It doesn't need to be someone single to go on holiday with! I'm not single and I still go away with my best friend every year.

Anon12345ABC · 21/06/2018 20:02

Have you posted about her before? The concert and train ticket borrowing rings a bell.

Tell her to fuck off.

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