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To be inwardly screaming.......

130 replies

LuxembergerQueen92 · 22/03/2018 15:39

A woman in my office who often refers to her phone as her moby has just gone to a meeting with her "lappy" (laptop) ...inwardly I am going
aaaaaarghhhhhh.........(it's been a long week).Angry

OP posts:
maras2 · 24/03/2018 07:10

Afew years ago DH,normally very sensible, came home from work with some shopping which he had apparently bought from 'Sainsgurgles' Shock
He was then in his sixties but had been mentoring 'younguns'.
Anyway, the maras deathstare soon sorted that out Smile.

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 24/03/2018 06:40

Does she say 'peeps' too?
That's the one that makes me (most) murderous.

martinidry · 23/03/2018 23:32

I'm ashamed to admit that I dated a guy who wouldn't quietly excuse himself to go to the washroom but would declare dramatically, "I must go north!".

He also referred to his dick as "Shakey" and spoke of it in the third person. Hearing "Shakey wants to... " in the heat of the moment was not an aphrodisiac, let me tell you.

Abbreviations, they are just too, too much. "Lippy" is awful and "tech" or "techy" are prone to send me into a rage. I recently had someone say to me that I "liked my tech", and later that theirs is "a very techy family". It was a hard struggle not to stamp on their toes.

SimonBridges · 23/03/2018 23:20


Just plain shoot her. There and then. With witnesses.
When you show the judge that post it you will be let off and given an obe.

Mouseville65 · 23/03/2018 23:00

Today at work I referred to cancellations as ‘cans’ - I was rightly flamed by my colleagues 😳 I hate ‘amazeballs’ ‘me thinks’ ‘the hubster’ ‘Famalam’ and ‘last past’ - pick one or the other for fucks sake, there is no acceptable reason to use both in the same sentence arrgghhhh

BalloonDinosaur · 23/03/2018 22:39

Ooh. I see your 'fanx' and raise you 'fanxy fanx :]' as sent to me by a crew VIA THEIR EMERGENCY VEHICLE SCREEN when I said they could go to the shop on their way back.

Nearly threw up at my desk.

Rockybulldozer · 23/03/2018 21:52

Ooooh, choccie! That’s the one which drives me mad, add it to biccie and I have to walk away. Also get grumpy about ‘mash potatoes’. They are mashed! Mash as an abbreviation for the complete dish is fine but not to describe the process that HAS BEEN DONE to said potatoes! breathes.

AdaColeman · 23/03/2018 20:39

Lappy would finish me off, I think puter is bad enough.

Does she call a cup of tea "a cuppy"? Someone I know does this, little do they realise they risk death by drowning in an urn of boiling Assam every time.

And as for the guy with a herd of five or six small yappy dogs, all with human names, his "children", which he has to tell us of the workings of their innards daily.....

kimanda · 23/03/2018 20:17


hippogorillapig. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

oohyoudevilyou · 23/03/2018 20:12

I know someone who says tatchoo for thank you.

I either know this person too or there are two of them Shock
It's said in a teeny little girly voice by this hippogorillapig who's at least 20 stone and has a face like a bag of spanners. I want to whack her in the face with a large plank of wood. With nails in. Angry

SingleAgainThen · 23/03/2018 18:43

I worked with someone who had a small problem and described it as an “iussuette”!!!

BollySBK · 23/03/2018 18:30

A woman in my office who rarely bothers to talk to the rest of the team at the best of times about work, tells us on frequent occasions what her dog has said. Yes, 'what her dog has said'. In a made up voice too, which apparently is 'how her dog talks'. There are also voices for her cats. They all have different accents, and we have all come to recognise which is which without her prefacing the conversation with a 'Xxxx said...'. 'Irritating' is not the word for it, I can tell you.... Angry

CanIBuffalo · 23/03/2018 18:06

I know someone who says tatchoo for thank you. They don't have speech production difficulties and they are not 4.

CanIBuffalo · 23/03/2018 18:05

That's what going no contact is for.

AlrightBabby · 23/03/2018 17:56

In the last week I have heard people IN MY FAMILY use...

the lamb chop = laptop
cark = car keys
fankoo = thank you
chokey pola = coca cola


YearOfYouRemember · 23/03/2018 17:44

It's more dumbing down with people thinking they are cool or clever or cute. How old is she?

soupforbrains · 23/03/2018 16:55

Queen excellent news. I will try working on the poisoned post it notes plan and hopefully find a slow build up poison which is either undetectable or resembles reactions to natural oil overdose.

also, I went for an interview for a new job. If I get it I can nick the post-its from the supply at this current job before I leave.

p.s. I have an exceptionally good innocent face.

MaudlinMews · 23/03/2018 15:43

Oh god, can I add the awful 'veggies' to this list? I really hate it but know it's irrational. Can't stand 'Hubby' either, or the ghastly 'Hun.'

MissClareRemembers · 23/03/2018 13:54

These are the very same people who, when asked if they’d like sugar in their tea, say “no thank you! I’m sweet enough already!”

Fuckity fuckers.

HateTheDF · 23/03/2018 11:23

'Amazeballs' drives me crazy

GnotherGnu · 23/03/2018 10:43

She calls people Hun

That really is the final straw. OP, you'd be doing the world a favour.

GnotherGnu · 23/03/2018 10:42

Arseface: LTB


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LuxembergerQueen92 · 23/03/2018 10:41

I meant it would be less suspicious than paper cuts or mummification as she works with these oils too so could be perceived as an adverse reaction

OP posts:
LuxembergerQueen92 · 23/03/2018 10:31

Soup - I like the cut of your jib - I work with natural oils and chemicals some of which are toxic so the death by poisoned post its could be an option as it would throw less suspicion my way.
In case of a police investigation can you practice your totally innocent face Confused.

OP posts:
Arseface · 23/03/2018 10:16

One of our old university friends used to add ‘idge’ to the end of things.
So instead of saying ‘fancy a pint?’, he’d say, ‘Cheeky pintage?’

He still does it sometimes and DH does it when he’s with him Angry

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