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Advice needed

56 replies

Shootfirstaskquestionslater · 07/02/2018 12:11

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 months and we have decided that we would like to try for a baby but I'm on the mini pill and have been for 3 years I have no idea what my fertility is like before I went on the pill my periods where regular as clockwork and I could get it timed right down to the day but what I would like to know is how long it took to get pregnant after you stopped taking the pill I know it might take me a while and I have told my boyfriend that it might not happen first time. This is a first baby for both of us. Please be nice and not judgemental.

OP posts:
Shootfirstaskquestionslater · 07/02/2018 15:34

Elliza997 we aren't living together at the minute but that is something that we have planned for and we will be trialling before we make any kind of decision on having a baby. He's going to move in with me for a couple of weeks and we'll see how well we still get on under the same roof before we decide what we are doing.

OP posts:
Trashboat · 07/02/2018 15:46

He's going to move in with me for a couple of weeks and we'll see how well we still get on under the same roof

Erm, that would be like spending a holiday together and not a true reflection of how you would make finances work/household chores etc. You would both be on your 'best' behaviour, as most people are in the honeymoon period.

I don't mean to piss on your chips, but why the rush?

Shootfirstaskquestionslater · 07/02/2018 15:49

We have decided to put the idea on hold for a bit longer and see how we feel a few months down the line.

OP posts:
Andromeida29 · 07/02/2018 15:54

I'm also calling wind up on this. Why would anyone in their right mind jump straight in to having a baby when they don't even live together? Living together for a few weeks is no indicator as you're both bound to be on your best behaviour. Notice how all of the questions about finances/property haven't been really answered apart from basically having an extended sleep over. Think you need to grow up either way OP.

Eliza9917 · 07/02/2018 16:15

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Andromeida29 · 07/02/2018 16:20

OP, as per previous posts it seems like you have a lot going on in your life and you're trying to rush in to far too much. Someone has bumped one of your previous threads about the engagement but seriously you need to take some advice. Having anxiety is awful but rushing in to having a baby when you don't work, already suffer from MH and have hardly been with your partner two minutes is not a reason to have a child. It's not fair on a baby to bring them in to a situation like that especially when you were asking people's opinion on whether you should leave your partner. Why not concentrate on something positive? Why not try online courses or local activities you can do to build up your confidence? A baby with someone you hardly know and trust is not the way forward.

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