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To have my dog and child 'unrestrained' on this walk?

138 replies

PatterPitter · 24/11/2017 21:59

For about five years now, I've walked my dog and small children down a path to get to the local park from our house and never before have had a problem. However, a man has taken offence and I'd like to ask if I'm being unreasonable - I'm prepared to be told if I am.

The path is for shared usage between pedestrians and cyclists, though the majority of the time it's just pedestrians. I usually have my child(ren) in a pushchair but sometimes they walk. The path is straight so I can see cyclists coming and get my child to move before they are close. My dog is often off her lead and has excellent recall.

Last week, my dog was on her lead but my 2 year old was walking and a cyclist screeched to a halt behind us and started having a go at me, telling me I was breaking the highway code by walking on a cycle path and that my child should be restrained in a pushchair so she doesn't endanger cyclists who may swerve to avoid her!

I said that if he'd said excuse me, or had a bell, we'd have moved in plenty of time and that the path is for shared usage so both parties have to respect one another. He was getting more and more irate so I walked away. Tonight I was walking there again and my DD was in her pushchair but my dog was off her lead. The same man screeched up behind me and began having a go at me again, telling me I'm breaking the law by having my dog off her lead and that she's endangering cyclists.

Again, I say that the path is for shared usage and that cyclists don't have priority and so he should have and use a bell, or manners, and that I would then call my dog to heel to make way for him. He starts shouting at me that I'm breaking the law and to put her lead on immediately, making both my 2 year old and 3 month old cry. My dog is sat by my side without me having had to ask her.

I tell him that I'm not prepared to stand there and be shouted at and tell my dog to walk on. He tries to take her lead from my hand and my dog begins to bark at him and he starts ranting 'see! It's not only out of control, but aggressive too!' and saying he'll be reporting me to the authorities.

OP posts:
WellThisIsShit · 25/11/2017 12:16

He sounds very aggressive and threatening. I suspect that he’d feel entitled to shout and rage at you whatever and whoever was walking on or off leads.

PatterPitter · 25/11/2017 12:20

Yes, it's half for each but on our 20 mins walk down there we rarely see more than one cyclist. Unfortunately it's been him twice! I don't have anyone to walk with me, or a burly husband unfortunately.

OP posts:
PatterPitter · 25/11/2017 12:21

My dog wouldn't go for him. She was barking but cowering because of the shouting Sad

OP posts:
carefreeeee · 25/11/2017 12:24

Shared paths are annoying. All you can do as a cyclist is go really slowly. Pedestrians are angry if you ring your bell and angry if you don't. They always stand on one side and call their dog across from the other side. Or even worse have it on a lead that goes across the whole path. Children I don't mind and am happy to stop for. But entitled dog owners really annoy me. Plus they leave disgusting shit everywhere.

carefreeeee · 25/11/2017 12:25

Not saying OP was in the wrong (unless you don't pick up your dog's shit) - just that the cyclist sounds like he has unrealistic expectations of shared paths!

lljkk · 25/11/2017 12:27

Next time, call his bluff. Don't otherwise engage but calmly tell him to please call the counsel or police to pursue his concerns. Or anyone else he sees fit. And then ignore him & carry on with your business. You could print up a card with copy of the non-emergency police number on it to hand to him.

lljkk · 25/11/2017 12:27

council? oops.

retirednow · 25/11/2017 12:29

If its shared then who decides who has priority? We have a lane leading to the park but its clearly segregated one side for walking and the other side for cycling. I would expect a dog to be on a lead, its only a short walk and once we get to the park there is an area where dogs can be let off their leads

kingjofferyworksintescos · 25/11/2017 12:46

Get the loudest rape / personal attack alarm you can find and se it next time he stops you

JonSnowsWife · 25/11/2017 13:16

Dont suppose you have enough spars money to get yourself a gopro camera have you OP?

Arsey man might stop being so twatty once he realises he's also being filmed?

JonSnowsWife · 25/11/2017 13:21

We'll probably get shouted down for this OP but I do think this is one of those instances where it needs logging with the police.

When we have issues in this area with ASB. Any ASB incidents reported will mean PCSO patrols are stepped up around said area. Almost in the hope that the visible ones in hi vis will at least make them think twice about being aggressive in future.

MrMeSeeks · 25/11/2017 13:38

I def report him, he's smug about injuring dogs Angry arsehole.

OhFucko · 25/11/2017 13:56

I'd just say 'oh FUCK OFF you stupid twat' and keep walking.

But granted, people don't often challenge me 😂

IsaSchmisa · 25/11/2017 14:27

I'm sorry but I doubt that OP can fully control a dog and a small child and a pushchair all at the same time. I don't believe you can rely on a small child and a dog to always be perfectly behaved.

Yes, that thought occurred to me too.

moosemama · 25/11/2017 15:01

I would call the non emergency police number for advice. Then, in future, make sure you have quick access on your phone's main screen to a recorder and start recording as soon as he approaches. Don't engage, other than to say you have already referred the matter to the police yourself and are now filming him for evidence.

He is an aggressive bully and regardless of the rights of way or legal aspects of the pathway itself, his behaviour is anti-social at the very least and potentially harassment.

goose1964 · 25/11/2017 15:19

Cyclists are supposed to have a bell to alert someone to their presence

OhWotIsItThisTime · 25/11/2017 22:48

Shared paths work provided everyone is courteous. Cyclists slow down, parents are aware that kids may be in the way, dog owners keep their dogs under control.

Naturally, kids and dogs can be erratic. Adult cyclists should not be erratic.

Sometimes, people are just dicks - like this fella. Report him to the police (not 999), as he’s a bully and may escalate his behaviour.

TitaniasCloset · 26/11/2017 00:53

You have had a lot of people suggesting report this to non emergency police.

Taytotots · 26/11/2017 01:10

He sounds like a nightmare and clearly isn't following the highway code 'Rule 62
Cycle Tracks. These are normally located away from the road, but may occasionally be found alongside footpaths or pavements. Cyclists and pedestrians may be segregated or they may share the same space (unsegregated). When using segregated tracks you MUST keep to the side intended for cyclists as the pedestrian side remains a pavement or footpath. Take care when passing pedestrians, especially children, older or disabled people, and allow them plenty of room. Always be prepared to slow down and stop if necessary.'
As said above he should have a bell (but not sure if it is a must legally yet). Maybe worth checking out bylaws re dog on lead.

Clandestino · 26/11/2017 02:04

I break out in rash at the sight of the overentitled Lycra warriors. They're more aggressive and moronic than an army of white van drivers. Wankers, most of them.

CheapSausagesAndSpam · 26/11/2017 02:11

I ride on a path like that and HE is out of order!

I know as a cyclist to give way to pedestrians always! He assaulted YOU!

lalalalyra · 26/11/2017 02:59

I'd speak to the police. This isn't about the dog - it was about your child the first time.


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lalalalyra · 26/11/2017 03:01

I'm sorry but I doubt that OP can fully control a dog and a small child and a pushchair all at the same time. I don't believe you can rely on a small child and a dog to always be perfectly behaved.

Given that the first time the dog was on the lead and the second time the child was in the pram it's not like the OP has them both roaming free getting in the way of cyclists.

naturalnursery · 26/11/2017 04:20

So it was a segregated path with one half for bikes and the other half for walkers, dogs etc?

And you/your child/dog had wandered into the cycle section?

CheapSausagesAndSpam · 26/11/2017 04:33

Those paths aren't segregated. There's no "line" or anything. It's understood to be shared.

I'm a cyclist and do find it tricky but you just have to be careful and give way to people on foot.

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