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To have my dog and child 'unrestrained' on this walk?

138 replies

PatterPitter · 24/11/2017 21:59

For about five years now, I've walked my dog and small children down a path to get to the local park from our house and never before have had a problem. However, a man has taken offence and I'd like to ask if I'm being unreasonable - I'm prepared to be told if I am.

The path is for shared usage between pedestrians and cyclists, though the majority of the time it's just pedestrians. I usually have my child(ren) in a pushchair but sometimes they walk. The path is straight so I can see cyclists coming and get my child to move before they are close. My dog is often off her lead and has excellent recall.

Last week, my dog was on her lead but my 2 year old was walking and a cyclist screeched to a halt behind us and started having a go at me, telling me I was breaking the highway code by walking on a cycle path and that my child should be restrained in a pushchair so she doesn't endanger cyclists who may swerve to avoid her!

I said that if he'd said excuse me, or had a bell, we'd have moved in plenty of time and that the path is for shared usage so both parties have to respect one another. He was getting more and more irate so I walked away. Tonight I was walking there again and my DD was in her pushchair but my dog was off her lead. The same man screeched up behind me and began having a go at me again, telling me I'm breaking the law by having my dog off her lead and that she's endangering cyclists.

Again, I say that the path is for shared usage and that cyclists don't have priority and so he should have and use a bell, or manners, and that I would then call my dog to heel to make way for him. He starts shouting at me that I'm breaking the law and to put her lead on immediately, making both my 2 year old and 3 month old cry. My dog is sat by my side without me having had to ask her.

I tell him that I'm not prepared to stand there and be shouted at and tell my dog to walk on. He tries to take her lead from my hand and my dog begins to bark at him and he starts ranting 'see! It's not only out of control, but aggressive too!' and saying he'll be reporting me to the authorities.

OP posts:
GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 24/11/2017 22:56

Sounds like the sort of cyclist I loathe! We live near Richmond Park and there's a shared cycle/pedestrian path where it was common for the Lycra-clad arses to belt along at top speed, expecting everyone including elderly, little kids, old dogs, people who might be deaf, to get out of their way. This despite there being a perfectly good perimeter road for them to use, but presumably they didn't like the 20 mph speed limit.
Thankfully a 5 mph limit was eventually introduced on that path, but only AFAIK after at least one dog was killed.

BatteredBreadedOrSouthernFried · 24/11/2017 22:58

Report him to the police OP. He tried to grab your dog’s lead. That’s quite telling and worrying. He isn’t afraid to use force. He has accosted you twice now. Report him and have this on record in case anything else happens.

Atenco · 24/11/2017 22:58

As a cylist I am disgusted by his behaviour. To my mind, priority should always go the pedestrian. But this fella sounds like a dangerious, nasty bully.

buttercup54321 · 24/11/2017 23:01

I would report the episode to the police so its on record. He sounds a nasty piece of work.

PatterPitter · 24/11/2017 23:01

No, there are signs regarding penalties for fouling but nothing saying they must be on leads.

He said he's hit three dogs in the past and hurt them Confused Either he's very unlucky or riding like a dick. I wonder which...

OP posts:
rcat · 24/11/2017 23:03

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

OhWotIsItThisTime · 24/11/2017 23:04

He’s a twat. I’m a cyclist, pedestrian, motorist and dog walker. There’s a certain type of entitled gent who believes that if he’s on a bike, everyone must give way to him. Twats.

PatterPitter · 24/11/2017 23:06

I think the council own it so I've emailed them for clarification as to whether I'm right or wrong. Even if I was wrong to have her off her lead, he's still an idiot not to have a bell and to shout at a lone woman with young children over something so minor.

OP posts:
PatterPitter · 24/11/2017 23:07

When the baby's older I plan to put both DC in the trailer and cycle with dog running alongside off her lead. I hope he sees us and it blows his little mind Grin

OP posts:
rightsaidfrederickII · 24/11/2017 23:08

I'm a dog walker - and when I see a cyclist coming I call DDog to me and hold collar as he has a death wish might stray in front of the bike, and has occasionally considered chasing one

I'm a cyclist - and why I see a dog off the lead I slow down to near walking pace as I'm aware that dogs can be idiots and I couldn't bear to hit one.

This man, however, is an utter arsehole, regardless of the mode of transport he's using. FWIW there's no legal requirement for a bike to have a bell, but calling out to make others aware of your presence is considered polite. If he starts up again, start filming on your phone and tell him you're going to report him too Wink

Wolfiefan · 24/11/2017 23:09

Quite clearly.
Him not you!!
I would worry he would try and make a point of hitting your dog then claiming he told you so. Even expecting damages after being injured.
TBH with a baby and a toddler and a dog I would rather have at least one of them on a lead! I wouldn't be able to watch toddler and dog and watch out for idiot cyclists too. It may not be a legal requirement but I would feel happier.

honeyroar · 24/11/2017 23:11

I don't think he's unlucky, do you. Who the heck brings up these rude, over aggressive men, there seem to be so many around nowadays.

Frederickvonhefferneffer · 24/11/2017 23:12

Report the fucker! He is being aggressive towards you and your babies. Arsehole

SoupDragon · 24/11/2017 23:14

I do think your dog should be on a lead on the shared path but the cyclist was a total wanker.

SingingTunelessly · 24/11/2017 23:15

If there is any sign of cyclist/horse/sheep anywhere, walkers without dog, you put your dog on a lead. It’s really not difficult. Why do you want to cause a problem? Some people just don’t like dogs. That’s ok, their choice. Not mine, admittedly, as I love dogs but have to accept some people don’t. 😄

ButchyRestingFace · 24/11/2017 23:15

Pepper spray is illegal in the UK


Pepper spray was the very first thought that screached into my head.

StatelessPrincess · 24/11/2017 23:17

But it's illegal Butchy classed as an offensive weapon I think

MaidenMotherCrone · 24/11/2017 23:19

It's common sense to put your dog on a lead on a shared path. It keeps your dog safe if nothing else.

We have a coastal cycle/footpath and everyone keeps their dogs on leads, anyone who doesn't is entitled/selfish or a bit thick.

ButchyRestingFace · 24/11/2017 23:20

But it's illegal Butchy classed as an offensive weapon I think

Yes, I now know that. That’s what the post I was responding to said. I didn’t know prior to reading that post.

What a waste shame.

SilentlyScreamingAgain · 24/11/2017 23:21

Could you borrow a larger dog?

LonnyVonnyWilsonFrickett · 24/11/2017 23:22

He's a dick. I've actually stopped using a specific shared path near us at commuting time because of cyclists. One nearly ran into us last week cos he was watching his garmin rather than where he was going! When I pointed it out this was my fault of course...

On a shared path no-one really has right of way, we are all supposed to look out for each other. Your dog has to be 'under control' - that doesn't mean on a lead.

That all said. It sounds like he's aware of you, looking for you and happy to continue escalating the situation. So much as it pains me to say it. Be safe and change your routine for a bit.

StatelessPrincess · 24/11/2017 23:23

I only know because I wanted to buy some myself Butchy. In Britain you virtually can't carry anything for self defense.


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Battleax · 24/11/2017 23:24

When you get the cycle trailer, get one of these too;


It will annoy him more to have nothing to moan about. He basically just wants the world to himself.

Battleax · 24/11/2017 23:25

In Britain you virtually can't carry anything for self defense.

You can carry beauty supplies and condiments, though Wink

MelonKnee · 24/11/2017 23:25

Here's some bell info for you OP if you fancy quoting some Highway Code at him Smile

'Finally, the Pedal Bicycles Safety Regulations require that a pedal bicycle be fixed with a bell at the point of sale, there is no legal requirement for bicycle to be fitted with a bell for it to be ridden on the road. The Highway Code, however, recommends having a bell in order to let pedestrians know where you are.

I feel concerned at how aggressive he's been toward you though. If he comes at you like that again I would suggest reporting it to the Police.

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