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Landlord told us to take political poster down

465 replies

Thedriftofstars · 21/11/2017 13:56

We live in a nice rented house. Been here for three years, no problems whatsoever. We both work full time, have two DC. Just your average family and have never caused any problems! We take most minor maintenance on ourselves as well. Have yearly inspections from the letting agents, however last week after the inspection the LA told me the LL wanted to come inspect the property for himself.
So when he came round, he explained he wasn't happy with the Labour Party poster we have displayed in our front room window. DH and myself are both active in our local Labour Party, and do a lot of leafleting, etc, so are known by the neighbours as the go to people for involvement with the party.
The landlord said he doesn't want his house being used to promote politics, particularly when it's not something he supports himself. Confused
AIBU to think he has no right to tell us what we can and cannot display when we pay the rent? There is nothing in our tenancy agreement about it, and he is fine with us having photos, paintings and so on hanging on the walls, as well as letting us redecorate to our tastes!

OP posts:
OKKOKIE · 21/11/2017 14:42

I know you're saying there is nothing in your tenancy agreement, but that is highly unusual, as someone who drafts tenancy agreements there is invariably a clause.

Regardless it is a reasonable request that you don't display a political poster in the window and you should comply in my opinion.

reetgood · 21/11/2017 14:42

Volunteering for a political party is not running a business, either. The op is not providing services for money.

Thedriftofstars · 21/11/2017 14:42

Exactly, reetgood. when you think about it, it's pretty Orwellian!

OP posts:
Ohayohay · 21/11/2017 14:43

The person who said the landlord can only require you to leave in limited circumstances is wrong. They don't even have to give a reason. Just 2 months' notice.

Thedriftofstars · 21/11/2017 14:43

OK there is nothing in my tenancy agreement about it. I have eyes, I can read. I have said several times in this thread there is nothing about it, yet some posters are still insisting there is. Hmm

OP posts:
Neapolitanpink · 21/11/2017 14:43

I haven't RTWT but of course it's not fair, just like all the other unofficial rules that LL get away with if they want!

Put your energies instead into campaigning for better rights for remnants. For a lot of tenants arguments over a poster is a world away from what they have to put up with.

reetgood · 21/11/2017 14:44

And I assume the op’s employment is not ‘volunteering for the labour party’. It doesn’t pass the actually a viable trade test.

Urgh the silliness.

sinceyouask · 21/11/2017 14:47

So much screeching hate for landlords on mumsnet, so predictable.

So much contempt for tenants on mumsnet, so predictable... Hmm

RhiannonOHara · 21/11/2017 14:49

It would be a scary thing indeed if landlords were able to evict tenants over display of materials they disagree with.
Yep. Seriously slippery slope.

I too would be interested to see a parallel thread where the OP hadn't mentioned the name of the political party.

mareemallory · 21/11/2017 14:49

There are some proper crackpots on this thread. Of course it isn't reasonable for the landlord to demand the OP take down a small poster for a mainstream political party. Owning property does not give you the right to dictate your tenants' political expression - this is fundamental to democracy.

OP, it might be worth raising this with your CLP - this sounds like the basis for a great local campaign on tenants' rights. I am on my CLP exec and we would be all over this like a rash.

ArcheryAnnie · 21/11/2017 14:51

Lots of tenancies do have a stipulation, but if yours doesn't, I don't see what the landlord can do, apart from not renew your tenancy when the renewal comes up.

And yes, totally orwellian that he objects! I can understand if he personally doesn't like it, and if I was renting a flat out to a Tory i wouldn't enjoy seeing a Tory poster in the window, but that's the price of democracy.

OuaisMaisBon · 21/11/2017 14:51

I can't believe the stupidity of the landlord here - as the owner of a property I rent out, I can't imagine behaving like that. I think reet is right 😬

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 21/11/2017 14:51

Is anyone else not surprised that a LL is probably a Tory Wink (joking. I am a LL. I am not a Tory).

sinceyouask · 21/11/2017 14:51

Regardless it is a reasonable request that you don't display a political poster in the window and you should comply in my opinion

Why? What on earth is reasonable about it? Why should only those privileged enough to own their homes have the right to display a political poster? There is so much whining that landlords are slagged off- why do you think they get slated when so many insist on petty rules like this one?

Mummyoflittledragon · 21/11/2017 14:51

That’s a good idea!

JonSnowsWife · 21/11/2017 14:51

With an attitude like that I'm surprised he's not a Labour Party supporter

Why on earth would that make him a labour supporter? That's like me assuming he's Tory.

Maybe he's just a twat?

FlouncyDoves · 21/11/2017 14:52

OP - does it mention anything in your tenancy agreement? Hmm

Mummyoflittledragon · 21/11/2017 14:53

I’m not labour and am a ll as well. I’m on ops side with this one too.

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 21/11/2017 14:53

OP from a LL perspective I think he’s being a bit silly. If you supported UKIP I’d understand. It’s also a bit controlling. I just ask my tenants not to sick sellotape to anything otherwise they can put up whatever posters they like. As long as they pay me! If it was outward facing and offensive that’s different, but yours isn’t!. Finding new tenants is a PITA, I doubt he will kick good ones like yourselves out.

Bluntness100 · 21/11/2017 14:54

Ffs. I can’t see it being enforceable for a landlord to evict a tenant over a political poster

This is crazy, every single tenancy agreement I have ever seen gives both parties the right to terminate with a certain time frame, no reason is required. It’s either notice served or a renewal period coming up, She can serve her notice to quit or not renew and he can serve his or refuse to renew. Neither needs to provide a reason, if she refuses to go he can go to court to get her evicted if he has served notice or refused to renew , again he doesn’t need to provide a reason, what do you think it’s tenancy for life in the private sector unless you’ve got a good reason for not renewing or something?

I’ve rented twice, I’ve been a landlord, both parties can serve notice or refuse to renew depending on the terms of the agreement.

mareemallory · 21/11/2017 14:54

I'm also a bit baffled by the posters insisting there must be something in the OP's tenancy agreement. It's never been in any of mine in 10 years of renting and I wouldn't sign one that included anything like this.

(I appreciate that as one half of a nice middle class couple with a full time professional job I have this option; I don't mean to imply criticism of anyone not in a position to negotiate terms).

Raraolala · 21/11/2017 14:54

It’s not reasonable at all. The op is renting the house from the landlord and the clauses of most tenancies are aimed to prevent tenants from doing activities that would damage the house or risk breaking laws. This is neither. FWIW, I’ve been renting 10 years, 7 places and NON have restricted my right to stick political posters in the windows.

Also, so much snobbery ! I doubt the op gives a monkeys if you think her poster is tacky. Why don’t you all show pictures of your lovely living rooms and we can rip your tacky decor to shreds eh?


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Whatsoccuringlovely · 21/11/2017 14:54

I think it’s silly but is it worth it op if he could give you notice?

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 21/11/2017 14:55

OP have you checked the tenancy agreement Wink

Is ‘check the tenancy agreement’ the new ‘cancel the cheque’?

Fuckit2017 · 21/11/2017 14:56

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