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Landlord told us to take political poster down

465 replies

Thedriftofstars · 21/11/2017 13:56

We live in a nice rented house. Been here for three years, no problems whatsoever. We both work full time, have two DC. Just your average family and have never caused any problems! We take most minor maintenance on ourselves as well. Have yearly inspections from the letting agents, however last week after the inspection the LA told me the LL wanted to come inspect the property for himself.
So when he came round, he explained he wasn't happy with the Labour Party poster we have displayed in our front room window. DH and myself are both active in our local Labour Party, and do a lot of leafleting, etc, so are known by the neighbours as the go to people for involvement with the party.
The landlord said he doesn't want his house being used to promote politics, particularly when it's not something he supports himself. Confused
AIBU to think he has no right to tell us what we can and cannot display when we pay the rent? There is nothing in our tenancy agreement about it, and he is fine with us having photos, paintings and so on hanging on the walls, as well as letting us redecorate to our tastes!

OP posts:
sunshinesupermum · 21/11/2017 14:09

Pengggwyn He owns the property that's why it's his prerogative

In any case who displays political party posters on their windows except during election time?

Wiggypudding · 21/11/2017 14:09

It's the principle of it though, why should tenants have to tiptoe around the LL when it's not in the agreement

Caenea · 21/11/2017 14:09

As it is not in your tenancy, it's a bit tough luck for him really.

I mean, if you have a good relationship with him normally and he's pretty accommodating in other areas, this might be something worth backing down over and just taking it down?

It's a pretty small thing to damage an otherwise amazing relationship over.

But no, if it is not in your tenancy - as you have said it is not - he cannot force you to take it down.

Thedriftofstars · 21/11/2017 14:10

Sirzy doesn't matter if the tenancy gets renewed or not, as we will be buying a house in the next year or so. If he decides to give us our notice over it, fine - we'd just find somewhere else to live until then!

OP posts:
RadioGaGoo · 21/11/2017 14:10

Good luck renewing that tenancy now.

TheSnorkMaidenReturns · 21/11/2017 14:10

I think it sounds bizarre that he wants you to take it down if it's not in the tenancy agreement. But if he is that bonkers it's not something to risk your tenancy over, assuming you want to stay there.

LunasSpectreSpecs · 21/11/2017 14:11

I would think it was incredibly odd to have a political poster in a window when we're not in the immediate run-up to the election. We had a Lib Dem sign in the garden in June, it was removed (by the party) on the Saturday after. It's now 5 months later and you've still got your poster?

Pengggwn · 21/11/2017 14:11

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HelenaDove · 21/11/2017 14:12

Interesting how there is another thread on here saying Paperchase shouldnt have given in and yet the OP of this thread should.

sunshinesupermum · 21/11/2017 14:12

Luna exactly

reallybadidea · 21/11/2017 14:12

Surely forcing you to take it down would contravene your right to freedom of expression under the Human Rights Act?

carnassials · 21/11/2017 14:13

He obviously would be mad to evict a good tenant over this. Unfortunately he can make your life difficult at the tenancy renewal. Tenants have laughable rights in this country.

Thedriftofstars · 21/11/2017 14:13

Luna it's just a generic Labour supporter poster, not for the general election or anything like. Had it up a good few months now, even before the election was called, as we got given it at a meeting and thought it was something interesting to have in our window. It's not hurting anyone.

OP posts:
sunshinesupermum · 21/11/2017 14:13

Pengggwn I'm sure he'll be adjusting the tenancy agreement in future.

ThroughThickAndThin01 · 21/11/2017 14:13

It's weird when there's no election. Like Christmas decorations still up in June. Looks cheap and controversial.

sunshinesupermum · 21/11/2017 14:15

OP you've missed the point Luna and I are trying to make. Unless there is a GE in the offing why do you feel the need to have a political poster in your window. No one else does as far as I'm aware.

Glumglowworm · 21/11/2017 14:15

If there's nothing in your tennancy agreement then YANBU

Thedriftofstars · 21/11/2017 14:15

How on earth is having a small poster of a mainstream political party 'controversial'? It's not like I've got a BNP poster up or a swastika flag!

OP posts:
whiskyowl · 21/11/2017 14:15

Only a few of the right-wing loonboxes think Paperchase shouldn't have given in. Grin

Sounds like your typical Tory bastard landlord to me. Piss them off and they'll evict you, coz they're shits like that. Since he'll probably take your deposit anyway, why not paper the house with Labour posters? Grin

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 21/11/2017 14:15

I guess it depends if you’re willing to be at loggerheads with your LL over this. Is it worth it?

Thedriftofstars · 21/11/2017 14:15

Because we like it, sunshine?

OP posts:
Jinglebellhell17 · 21/11/2017 14:16

I can understand why your miffed but it’s really not that easy to find good quality short term lets if you’re planning on buying. You’re going to need his grace if you hope to not be paying a mortgage and rent at the same time. I’d take it down and put it back up once you own a place. I think you’re vastly underestimating what a pain in the arse buying a house can be...


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missyB1 · 21/11/2017 14:16

Oh tell him to do one, he sounds like a dick. There’s nothing he can do about it and if he’s willing to give you notice over a bloody poster then you are better off out of there.

Pengggwn · 21/11/2017 14:16

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

caperberries · 21/11/2017 14:17

It doesn't sound like he has any legal basis for his request, and I would also be pretty annoyed in your shoes, but whether or not you comply could determine whether your lease is renewed. If you want to stay put for a few years, a diplomatic approach might be best.

That said, if your beliefs are as strong as you say, taking the poster down would presumably be too much of a compromise.

Quick question; if you were to become a LL in the future and your tenant put up a Tory/Right wing poster, would you object?

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