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to think that nobody died from travelling backwards on a train?

396 replies

EvelynWardrobe · 09/11/2017 09:40

Why do people make a fuss about this? The trains I travel on aren’t full, so I get to watch this pantomime of ninnies quite frequently.

Today I’m facing in the direction of travel at a table seat, empty seat beside me and two empty seats on the opposite side of the table. A couple get on, she sits opposite me and he insists I move my bag (the train is less than 50% occupied) so he can sit beside me.

I’m considering doing some man-spreading, even though I’m not one.

OP posts:
corythatwas · 09/11/2017 09:51

Grin Xeneth

1Mother20152015 · 09/11/2017 09:51

If I could have an empty seat beside me or travel backwards I go to backwards. If I can have both pforward facing and the spare seat then that's my hoice and I always prefer aisle to window to make it easier to get up and down and a table is better. However if it's a crowded table or 2 seats to just me with no table then it's 2 seats I prefer.

BaronessEllaSaturday · 09/11/2017 09:51

I don't get this either. Or people that get car sick if the travel in the back. Pull the other will ya.

It's about the visibility of the landscape, there is a better view from the front seat so the brain doesn't get as confused.

DunkMeInTomatoSoup · 09/11/2017 09:51

This was A. Thing. in Enid Blyton books

old gimmer alert

LoniceraJaponica · 09/11/2017 09:52

Bully for you Myheartbelongsto Hmm. We aren't all the same. I don't get travel sick on trains, but I totally get that some people do.

EvelynWardrobe where do you live that you get plenty of empty train seats? I travel from Sheffield quite frequently and the trains are always full.

corythatwas · 09/11/2017 09:53

Evelyn, I don't believe you feel sick in boats: I've been out in gales and never felt anything. Ditto planes and cars. Come clean- you're just making it up to annoy people. Because everybody's got to be exactly the same.

EvelynWardrobe · 09/11/2017 09:53

Grin at appendicitis freeloading wankers.

My bag has to go on the seat, it feels sick if I put it on the floor. Grin

I would obviously never take up an extra seat if there were a shortage of them.

OP posts:
TonicAndTonic · 09/11/2017 09:53

I only get motion sickness on those tilting trains (pendolino?) they have on a few lines. I have to sit facing forwards on those.

OP don't put your bag on the seat next you. It's just rude no matter how full the train is.

RainbowPastel · 09/11/2017 09:53

Did you pay for a seat for your bag?

disahsterdahling · 09/11/2017 09:54

It makes me feel sick so I try to sit forwards whenever possible.

And yes, sitting in the back of a car makes you more likely to feel sick, too.

It's not "pulling the other one".

MN showing the joy of empathy once again!

Shoxfordian · 09/11/2017 09:54

If the train isn't full or likely to become full then I don't see an issue with putting your bag on the seat.

expatinscotland · 09/11/2017 09:54

I feel sick travelling backwards.

EvelynWardrobe · 09/11/2017 09:55

NI, Lonicera, the trains here are great.

OP posts:
MadamMinacious · 09/11/2017 09:55

No one dies but some people feel sick travelling backwards - I don't subscribe to the view that if it isn't an issue for me that applies to the rest of the world.

EdmundCleverClogs · 09/11/2017 09:56

Another one who has motion sickness traveling backwards. Even worse, the sickness can lead to a migraine later on unless I drink a lake of water all day. Not really an option when traveling alone with a young child and a weak bladder. I really can't believe an adult would question motion sickness, especially when they have apparently suffered it themselves Confused.

underneaththeash · 09/11/2017 09:56

I'd rather stand than travel backwards..I've thrown up in the corridor too many times to risk it!

PandorasXbox · 09/11/2017 09:56

But why would you object to someone asking you to move your bag so they could face forward OP? You only pay for one seat. It’s completely selfish to huff at someone asking you move it.

Rebeccaslicker · 09/11/2017 09:56

Omg imagine being lucky enough not to believe in travel sickness.

Travelling backwards in black cabs or on trains; sitting in the back seat of a car if the road is even remotely twisty; sitting on a jolting bus - it's bloody torture. It feels like your head wants to vomit.

As a child I was horrifically sick. Now I just get to feel sick whilst my baby who has inherited it does the actual sick!

I read somewhere a theory that it's to do with your inner ear getting confused by the scenery whizzing past in the wrong direction - no idea if that's total bollocks but I do tend to feel better if I close my eyes and put music on.

Floralnomad · 09/11/2017 09:56

I have horrific motion sickness , I cannot travel backwards or sidewards , so if I use the tube I have to stand facing the direction of travel even if the whole carriage is empty . I would literally be sick withing minutes otherwise . I also cannot go on any amusement park rides that go backwards or sidewards without vomiting .

confused123456 · 09/11/2017 09:56

I don't suffer with this problem and can sit facing any direction on a train. But I understand that other people can't face backwards. Personally if i really wanted some extra space beside me, then I'd move and face backwards as it doesn't bother me.
I don't understand the issue with the bag on the seat though. If the train was full then fair enough move the bag, but if there's plenty of other seats then I don't see the problem. I often put my bag on the seat. But I will of course move it if I need to for a fellow passenger.

EvelynWardrobe · 09/11/2017 09:56

A lorry driver told me to look at the surface of a glass of water on a ferry once, apparently that helps with motion sickness.

OP posts:
Blackcatonthesofa · 09/11/2017 09:57

I get sick when I travel backwards, on a boat (worse in front) or in the second half of a bus. I am not fussy, I just want to feel normal and not vomit.


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LoniceraJaponica · 09/11/2017 09:57

Until this thread I never realised that people suffered from travel sickness on trains, even travelling forwards.

One thing I have decided is to always book airline style seats from now on as there is never enough legroom at table seats, and I don't like playing footsie with strangers.

disahsterdahling · 09/11/2017 09:57

It's just rude no matter how full the train is

I disagree with this though. If the train is half empty (with lots of forward facing seats) there is no need for someone to insist on sitting next to you. Unless you are on a commuter train and know it will get busier as it progresses and perhaps want to sit next to a slim lady rather than risk a fat manspreader sitting next to them at the next station. But otherwise people are just making a point if they insist on sitting next to you when there is plenty of space. Which is silly in my view.

If you travel in the daytime there are often long trains with lots of free seats. You can even get a seat to yourself on a commuter train if it's got 12 coaches and you sit at the back. People would rather stand in the front coach than sit at the back and have to walk when they get to London.

hotbutteredcrumpetsandtea · 09/11/2017 09:57

Once again MN full of people who simply cannot understand that not everyone is the same as them

No, its just that it doesn't make sense. Someone gets travel sick in the back of the car but is just fine in the front, where they conincidentally get more space, more leg room, don't have to sit next to anyone....aye, pull the other leg, its got bells on. Theres no reason why you'd puke in the back but not a foot further forward in the front.

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