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To think that crisps have gone downhill?

65 replies

GetOutOfMYGarden · 02/11/2017 21:48

I bought a pack of salt and vinegar discos today and my mouth is completely intact. No burns. No tongue peeling off. None of that.

They've been neutered Angry And it's not even just Discos! McCoys have gone right down as well. Crisp companies need to up the flavour a bit, none of these would make a good crisp butty anymore.

OP posts:
chickenwings00 · 03/11/2017 01:27

Same with S+V pringles 😫 I stand there shaking each tube to listen for excess salt before purchasing otherwise the disappointment ruins my night..

cafenoirbiscuit · 03/11/2017 01:37

Tesco are selling Candy Cane flavoured crisps. I mean, who would eat those? I'm appalled.

Ollivander84 · 03/11/2017 01:38

There's some chip shop flavour ones, can't remember the brand. They were good, my colleague let me try some and I had a singed mouth!

LifeBeginsNow · 03/11/2017 01:39

I was impressed by the Asda multipack recently. The prawn cocktail and salt and vinegar turned my mouth inside out!

Ollivander84 · 03/11/2017 01:39

McCoys! Chip shop salt and vinegar flavour

stalkingfred · 03/11/2017 05:59

Golden Wonder salt and vinegar caused my mouth serious pain. It was amazing. This was recently as well and made me nostalgic for flavoursome crisps that actually hurt to eat.

Clandestino · 03/11/2017 06:08

proper Irish Tayto’s or Keogh’s! Keogh’s are the best, they are strong and crunchy and yum.

SummerTimeSoon · 03/11/2017 06:35

Omg SnV pringles Sad when I was last in Spain they seemed to have the proper tongue stripping flavour, I was so addicted I came home with no skin inside my mouth Grin ...back home though whenever I've bought them they're just so disappointing and flavourless. Bring back the flavour!!!

Glumglowworm · 03/11/2017 07:26

We randomly have Taytos in work (I'm in South Wales) and they definitely have the most flavouring. Weirdly I never noticed that when I actually lived in Ireland and had them all the time!

IAmALeafOnTheWindWatchHowISoar · 03/11/2017 21:35

Is this any good for your Tayto addiction?

click here

chapthedoor · 03/11/2017 21:39

Brannigans smoked ham and pickle are another good one. So much fake flavouring on them they burn your tongue.

Rebeccaslicker · 03/11/2017 21:47

You need to get your laughing tackle around these. 4 x thicker than normal crisps and 10 x the flavour!

Elledouble · 03/11/2017 21:52

Salt and vinegar Squares are still good. My 2.5yo grabbed one and I thought he would cry but he liked it and reached for another!

overnightangel · 03/11/2017 21:52

The biggest loss to the crisp world has been Spring Onion. How the fuck can a flavour just disappear??
Seabrook Spring Onion were amazing

Foreveryseason · 03/11/2017 21:55

@overnightangel at risk of sounding like a broken record... Tayto still do spring onion and they are amazing. Grin

TheWhyteRoseShallRiseAgain · 03/11/2017 21:58

Foreveryseason yy to the Northern Tayto none of the others are quite right

WellTidy · 03/11/2017 22:05

I have a Frazzles addiction. I think it's the MSG in them. I crave them!

landgirl1 · 03/11/2017 22:06

Another vote for the Co-op salt & chaddonay vinegar which are my absolute favourite crisp ATM

WeeM · 03/11/2017 22:09

Discos shmiscos..Onion rings are clearly the king of crisps...Grin

cazzyg · 03/11/2017 22:19

Golden Wonder crisps are making a comeback..,.their salt and vinegar in blue packets are usually pretty mouth burny

Sandsunsea · 03/11/2017 22:21

Yes. I bought some nice n spicy nik naks yearning for that salty spice hit. Nope. Chewy bland stick of disappointment

Stoptherideiwannagetoff · 03/11/2017 23:01

OP Get thee back to Golden Wonder S&V, still tastebud stripping amazing!


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TaliZorahVasNormandy · 03/11/2017 23:04

When pregnant with DD, the only thing I could was salt and vinegar discos. They taste shit now.

HelenaDove · 03/11/2017 23:40

Tesco Finest crisps are doing Pigs in Blankets flavour for Christmas.

Daftmare · 04/11/2017 20:42

Frazzles are the best. Last year a colleague bought me a six pack for my birthday. Sadly she has retired now.

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