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AIBU to take 2 week old back to the doctors?

56 replies

jitterbug5 · 18/10/2017 10:43

Posting here for traffic

Took my son to the doctors on Monday as he got a rash/spots on his forehead, she said he seemed fine and said it was heat rash. However this morning it’s flared up on his cheek even though we’ve made sure he hasn’t been hot at any point. I’ve had a google (I know, Dr Google) and it also looks like baby acne? (Included a screenshot of baby acne)
He isn’t unwell at all and is feeding fine and has the normal amount of wet nappies.
He was really poorly after birth with sepsis so I’m probably airing on the side of caution but it’s really stressing me outSad

AIBU to take 2 week old back to the doctors?
AIBU to take 2 week old back to the doctors?
OP posts:
Sammyislost · 18/10/2017 11:39

It looks normal to me. Sometimes my tiny ones gets them on his neck or chest if he's extra dribbly or sweaty. Hope it clears up soon :)

kaytee87 · 18/10/2017 11:41

Oooo gorgeous little squish Bear

Just looks like baby acne, as you’ve said just ask your hv to reassure you. My wee one is almost 15mo and I get much less anxious about things now that I don’t have all the hormones running riot.
I once took him to the out of hours gp with diarreoah (sp?) in a total panic at 3 days old - turns out my milk had come in Grin
I also took him to A&E (at the advise of nhs24) as he had lumps along his jaw... swelling from the forceps Grin
Both times I got teary because they were so nice to me

maddiemookins16mum · 18/10/2017 11:43

Oh what a wee poppet. It's totally fine to be anxious, these first few weeks are quite scary (I used to check mine was breathing constantly until my DM 'had a strong word' and said I'd drive myself crazy with worry). Knowing you can see the HV tomorrow will reassure you too.
I loved this age, totally loved it.

kaytee87 · 18/10/2017 11:43

Aww can’t stop looking at the wee curled up squish. Making me broody

jitterbug5 · 18/10/2017 11:44

ladybirds ahh how exciting for you!! Best of luck for the next couple of weeks! Grin

thesmallthings makes me appreciate my own mother a lot more! Poor thing, and all the extra stress I put her through! Ha!

ChippingIn we could come to some agreement, how about you have him during the night? Grin you’re absolutely right about me coming to terms with him being poorly. DH says exactly the same because I’m constantly looking for signs it’s going to happen again!! Need to pull myself together somehow!

MerryMarigold they’re acrylics.. although could have taken credit for that and look like super MumWink

OP posts:
maddiemookins16mum · 18/10/2017 11:44

Oh and when Chipping has had enough, drop him at mine for a while, he'll be grand.

Flippetydip · 18/10/2017 11:46

The worrying gets slightly less IMO, either that or you just get used to worrying constantly! My mother-in-law once said when your children are tiny you go through lots of little crises and as they get older the crises become further spaced out but are much bigger in intensity, which has thus far turned out to be true. I was a total wreck with my first born. Less with my second.

Congratulations OP - he's gorgeous.

Rafflesway · 18/10/2017 11:48

AHem!! Age before beauty!!

He's DEFINITELY mine first girls.

Jitter stop posting these fabulous photos please don't when it is making me so bloody broody and I am WELL past my sell by date. Grin

Mega congrats! Really hope his cute little rash disappears soon. Sepsis following his birth must have been absolutely terrifying Flowers.

SaucyJack · 18/10/2017 11:53

This is just an excuse for squishy baby pics, isn't it? Grin

He's gorgeous. Skin looks normal- newborns are surprisingly spotty if you're not used to it. But take him if you're worried- no one will ever mind checking such a tiny baby out.

Wellandtrulyoutnumbered · 18/10/2017 11:54

I'm still struggling with my six year old nearly dying from an infection two years ago. Went GP today thinking I was being daft but she has Scarlett fever!

Point is we have five children in total. Sometimes you need to go to GP for reassurance and advice. If my baby had got sepsis such a short time ago I'd be wobbly too!

Annamadrigal · 18/10/2017 11:57

Ah what a little sweetie!! As others said it looks like baby acne to me. However, my DS (pfb) was in NICU as a newborn and once I got him home I was constantly popping to the doctors for one thing and another for him as I was constantly worried he'd become ill again. My GP was completely lovely and always stressed that they would always be happy to see a little one for whatever reason- if only to reassure a panicking mother. Once they get a bit older and you've started the usual rounds of bugs and illnesses that's when your instincts kick in a little more. When they are this teeny please never be too scared to ask. (I rushed to the GP as I thought pfb was having mini fits constantly- turns out they twitch a bit when they sleep Blush

MadeleineMaxwell · 18/10/2017 12:01


The best advice my HCPs gave me at this stage with DS (who was in the NICU for a week after birth, so I empathise) was to look at the overall health of your kid. A rash on its own is rarely an emergency if the kid is otherwise fit and healthy. If it's coupled with other symptoms (fever, clamminess, diarrhoea, dehydration etc. etc.), that's when to seek urgent advice.

jitterbug5 · 18/10/2017 12:13

Ahh you’ve all been so lovely!! I was half expecting a load of comments telling me to get a grip!!

I feel so much more relaxed now! And I have plenty more pictures so don’t tempt me to show him off post anymore!! Wink

I met up with a friend and her DD who was born the day after my DS and her skin was perfectly clear. Probably what panicked me so much in the first place as I immediately thought I was doing something wrong!

OP posts:
Mustang27 · 18/10/2017 12:16

If you are breast feeding stick some on his cheek every hour or so it helped my wee ones conjunctivitis and skin when he was as little as yours. He is a cutie.

kaytee87 · 18/10/2017 12:16

jitter my son had very clear skin and every visitor** commented on how clear it was so that shows that it’s actually more normal for them to be a bit spotty iyswim. I wish I had a newborn to sniff their head, they smell so yummy.

EvilDoctorBallerinaVampireDuck · 18/10/2017 12:20

He's very alert for someone so little! It's a sign of great intelligence you know. 😆

maddiemookins16mum · 18/10/2017 12:21

Jitter, I think a photo of any newborn is sure to melt the heart of even the most Viperous Mnetter. I made up the word viperous btw.

jitterbug5 · 18/10/2017 12:24

EvilDoctor he must have got that from his Dad - certainly not me! Wink

OP posts:
jitterbug5 · 18/10/2017 12:25

Maddiemookins viperous! I love it. Gonna use that one myself if you don’t mind! Haha!

OP posts:
HeyRoly · 18/10/2017 12:26

2-3 weeks is prime baby acne time. Something to do with pregnancy hormones leaving their bodies? It does clear after a couple of weeks.

EvilDoctorBallerinaVampireDuck · 18/10/2017 12:27

Oh tush jitter, don't be so modest!

hannah1992 · 18/10/2017 12:29

He is beautiful! I've got girls so little boys always make me melt 😂.

I agree with coconut oil or just plain olive oil to get some moisture into the skin.

If it is baby acne he will grow out of it. But it could just be newborn skin. My second dd was covered in dry skin for a good 3-4 weeks I just kept putting olive oil on and didn't wash with any soaps.

He's definetly a strong little fighter!
He will definetly be popular with the ladies! That's when you need to worry 🤣🤣


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SoupDragon · 18/10/2017 12:30

I've got girls so little boys always make me melt

Confused newborn babies look like babies rather than boys or girls.

GinIsIn · 18/10/2017 12:32

My DS got this too, coconut oil is your friend! Congrsts

bigfatbumfreak · 18/10/2017 12:32

My son has left home, I actually wake in the night worried about his teeth.

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