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To ask wether you had the flu jab in pregnancy

115 replies

Ilovechocolatetoomuch · 16/10/2017 17:34

More of a what do you do.
I am not anti vaccine, however for some reason the flu jab does not sit right with me. I didn't have it with my first.
What are other people's thoughts on it?

OP posts:
Getsorted21 · 16/10/2017 20:07

Thanks Mrs, well certainly hope I never get pneumonia again. I'm not an anti vaccine person at all. Had all of them as have kids for some reason just was a little sceptical re the flu jab.

darkcloudlooming · 16/10/2017 20:11

No never had it.. I think it’s all a money making scam!! I wouldn’t want to pump chemicals into my body and then into my baby when it isn’t needed. In my GPS surgery there is a sign saying ‘support your GP by having your flu jab here’ there is poster upon poster on the flu jab.. advert upon advert in tele. And guess why? Because in my opinion there is an agenda behind it.. some well needed drugs never get advertised as much as this does !

@ChocolateRaisin my daughter was born in the 29th December 7 years ago and has coped fine for 7 years without a doubt vaccination.

MissConductUS · 16/10/2017 20:14

Thanks MissConductUS. I was pregnant in 1997 and 2004 both times through the winter and it wasn't offered to me.

I think the CDC tends to be more aggressive with these recommendations than the NHS.

Now I can't decide which is worse, the flu or raising teenagers. Grin

timeisnotaline · 16/10/2017 20:24

I went to get it as soon as I got pregnant. Just a cold in pregnancy is miserable, the flu doesn't bear thinking about, not to mention the risk to the baby.

The flu jab has never given anyone a cold. It's not possible.

flumpybear · 16/10/2017 20:25

Yes I had until second trimester - my brother works in ITU and seen pregnant women die - scared me enough

RedBlackberries · 16/10/2017 20:29

Yes I have. I don't need flu right now!

TheNumberfaker · 16/10/2017 20:30

Wasn't available when I was pregnant with DD1. Had it with DD2 after going to see the doctor with DD1 (conjunctivitis); he barely looked at her as he was more concerned with me being 6 months pregnant and hadn't had the flu jab.

JKR123 · 16/10/2017 20:31

I had it

ChocolateDinosaur · 16/10/2017 20:33

I was first in line at the practice I work at when it came in this year- we've had a few nasty ones already, and I'm not fond of ITU/NICU.

Allfednonedead · 16/10/2017 20:34

I didn't have have it because I'm disorganised. Got flu, got complications, ended up delivering my twins at 34 weeks, them in NICU for a week, me on IV antibiotics for 10 days.
We're all fine, but would I have the flu jab if I got pg again? HELL, YEAH!

ZaphodBeeblerox · 16/10/2017 20:41

Funny how some people set so much store by the "anecdotes of how people got a cold" over people repeatedly saying it's not a live virus. But never pay attention to the anecdotes of women who caught the flu and struggled, or of people who know pregnant women who died from the flu.

Usernamegone · 16/10/2017 20:42

I had mine on Saturday I normally never have a flu jab as I am not in an at risk Group and normally never get cough, colds, tummy upsets, etc. However, I had the worst D&V I had ever had 2 weeks ago. I'm sure this is because I am pregnant as I can't ever remember having D&V before ever! So I'm sure my immune system is not what it is normally so I really don't want to spend a week in bed with flu!

Wowzel · 16/10/2017 20:43

I did, and the whooping cough one.

During the big swine flu outbreak I was working in A&E, I looked after a 35 week pregnant lady who caught swine flu and was really unwell, they decided to deliver the baby via emergency section. We were on our way to theatre in the lift when she became significantly more unwell and I really thought she was going to have a cardiac arrest.

Flu can seriously affect pregnant women.

Jengnr · 16/10/2017 20:51

Yep both times and the whooping cough one. The only reason I'd want to be pregnant right now is to have it again.

Vaccination is a privilege and we should be thankful for it rather than wah wahing. It's such a fucking first world problem. There are people that rely on us to be immunised to keep them/their kids alive. If you're not vaccinating without a medical reason you're out of line imo.

Ilovechocolatetoomuch · 16/10/2017 20:52

Thank you for your opinions. I really do value them as it's nice to hear what other people think. I think you have all convinced me it's the right thing to do, like you say it won't harm me but getting flu will and it has taken us forever to concieve this little one so it isn't worth the risk.

OP posts:
ethelfleda · 16/10/2017 20:53

I had mine a week ago. Felt fine.
Don't you pass on anti bodies to your baby in the third trimester? That way my reasoning behind getting it anyway.

Sammysquiz · 16/10/2017 21:54

No never had it.. I think it’s all a money making scam!!

How exactly are the NHS making money from offering free flu-jabs to pregnant women?

mirime · 16/10/2017 22:07

Yes, I had it. Pregnancy makes you more vulnerable to complications from flu. It can kill you. I wasn't prepared to take that risk.

It was fine. My arm was slightly sore for a day or two.

Wishiwasonholiday1 · 16/10/2017 22:20

Yes, I did. Arm was sore for a couple of days but definitely better than flu!

Mcakes · 16/10/2017 22:20

Saw poster in waiting room advising pregnant women to have the jab. Went home and researched the benefits (big) vs risks (tiny). Went and had the jab. No side effects. No drama. Easy peasy Smile

FuzzyOwl · 16/10/2017 22:26

Yes and each time the only side effect has been a minor sore arm for a day or two. The flu vaccine protects your newborn in their first few months as well. Whilst we are likely to be nothing worse than unwell, a newborn might well die. I wouldn't risk it.

WineIsMyMainVice · 16/10/2017 22:30

I didn’t. In either pregnancy.
However being struck down by flu earlier this year, I definitely would if in that situation again as it was awful. I was really really ill for 3weeks.


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DesignedForLife · 16/10/2017 22:33

I did with both, and I have it every year due to asthma. In ten+ years of having it I've only had flu twice.

DesignedForLife · 16/10/2017 22:36

Jengr- you know anyone can pay for it at a pharmacy? Usually costs about £10. I keep on meaning to get DH to have it

abigailgabble · 16/10/2017 22:42

I had it and didn’t get ill. I’ve been offered it again this year even though I’m not pregnant and I’m going to have it. couldn’t bear to be unwell and make DS unwell so I’m doing everything I can! i have a v good immune system though and can only think of one time in my life i was so ill with flu i really couldn’t get to work.

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