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To wonder if the choice of names is ill judged?

122 replies

BoysofMelody · 24/05/2017 01:29

A very close friend of ours has just had a baby and whilst they have two very lovely first names,the initials spell a well known contraction of two very rude words, along the lines of Fiona Ursula Smith (FU Smith)or Bethany Jane Jones (BJ Jones) but even ruder!

A mutual friend was aghast and thought it will make the child the subject of teasing and was all set to raise it with our friend tactfully, but the baby has already registered with the unfortunate combo of initials.

I'm a bit on the fence, when told the first names, the rude initials were the first things that leapt into my head, but I guess if the kid is embarrassed by it, they can simply avoid using their middle name, but the mutual friend is adamant they'll have the piss ripped out of them at school, citing someone in their year at school whose initials were W.C. Taylor and they have been known by all and sundry as Shithouse Taylor for the best part of 30 years.

So you think this newly named infant will run into trouble in later life?

OP posts:
AyUpMiDuck · 25/05/2017 18:34

I gave my DS 2 middle names because I don't have any and always felt short-changed by that. His initials are TGR plus his last name. I thought he would love having TiGeR as a ready made nickname- But I didn't anticipate that he would hate both his middle names and therefore he never uses them and doesn't divulge them to anyone at school.
There's no need to use all your initials! and, if you really think a combination of 2 initials can sound rude then, unless its VD, yes, YABU.

leghoul · 25/05/2017 18:36

MF is fine

FU sounds like an insult in itself, MF sounds like initials

upthegardenpath · 25/05/2017 18:36

My friend's initials at school, which only became apparent at Art O Level, because she signed her paintings using her initials, were N.O. Hope
We all thought it was flipping hilarious - as did she.
I think this is being overthought - and ultimately the parents' choice, so not much anyone can do about it, even if it may invite innuendo!

OohAahBird · 25/05/2017 18:37

Ahh see i went against my favourite first name becuase my DD would have been FEK, but we have a surname that ends in ing that when you add on quite a few popular boys names make other words so i was probably very careful

upthegardenpath · 25/05/2017 18:38

Grin Abithorn

notangelinajolie · 25/05/2017 18:38

Well - it's take me 50 years to realise my initials are rude. I have never ever noticed that! I doubt it's going to make any difference now that I do know. You might live in a sweary world where grown ups play silly games working out who has the rudish initials but I doubt most other people/children do.

Headofthehive55 · 25/05/2017 18:42

My DD3 initials were going to be GOB. Until we realised! However she is unbearably loud and chatty. I think in retrospect it would have suited her!

ComputerUserNotTrained · 25/05/2017 18:44

Maureen Olivia Francesca Owens might bring mutherfucker to mind, but MF really doesn't.

Besides, if my initials were indeed MOFO I would positively glory in them!

Jessicafirsttimer · 25/05/2017 18:50

A friends child has the initials OMG. She things it's hilarious and plays up to it. I don't think MF will automatically make people think the rude words. It didn't with me.

ScissorBow · 25/05/2017 18:53

I know a F.L.A.W. I do wonder if parents think 'oh it'll be fine' but why risk it when you could have a F.A.L.W. for no bother?

pocketsaviour · 25/05/2017 18:57

When I hear "MF" I would think "Male Female" if I thought of anything. I really can't see this being an issue.
(and I'm a right sweary cunt)

SideOrderofSprouts · 25/05/2017 18:59

I went to
School with someone with the initials GOD

BumBumPooBum · 25/05/2017 19:13

I was at school with a girl called Sarah Pitt. No problem? Except our PE airtex blouses had our first initial followed by the surname, so hers read SPitt. She was teased mercilessly.

TheDowagerCuntess · 25/05/2017 19:17

You are way over-thinking this, OP and I'm not one to say that lightly.

  1. Mother fucker is never reduced to MF the way BJ is.

  1. People rarely even know other people's middle names.

  1. Using someone's first two initials just doesn't happen. Like ever.

Non issue.
SummerMummy88 · 25/05/2017 19:50

I'm worried now I'm pregnant with another boy we have a name for him already but his initials will be BS is this ok? I didn't think anything of it until I was this.....

seven201 · 25/05/2017 20:01

You're overthinking. I'd worry about BJ but MF is fine. You say F U and B J but you'd say he's a mother fucker, not a he's MF. If someone said he's a MF It would take me a while to work it out.

aspoonfulofyourownmedicine · 25/05/2017 20:14

My husband was nearly named with initials TWAT. His mother realised in time and changed his whole name. I do often joke on that I'm married to one though Wink

Llamacorn · 25/05/2017 21:34

My mum never gave my brother the middle name she wanted as his initials would have been CRY.
My dads initials are KY and he did have the nickname jelly for a while 🙄

mummy2Lills · 25/05/2017 22:57

We picked our boys name and his initials were not very well thought.
Shay Thomas D(name)

We werent long changing itGrin

crunched · 25/05/2017 23:00

My DS's initials are BJ followed by his surname- I didn't realise at naming time. He has never mentioned a problem but then it's not really something you'd discuss with your Mum, is it?
Ex-boss was Steve Oliver Davis and, as he was not a good boss, I got a little thrill every time I could scribble "please pass to SOD" on memo's.

OzziePopPop · 25/05/2017 23:12

I'm an AB-S (anti lock brakes or something) and my poor DD is IB-S, B-S is bad enough on it's own! We've never had an issue although the kids are still young enough (10 & 6) not to realise things like this. They'll nod doubt get some teasing for the B-S but it's our last name, I'm not about to change it!

MF is nothing. Honestly I thought it would be something awful but MF, nothing at all. Honest.

CattyMcCatface · 27/05/2017 17:42

I'm mortally offended, my initials IRL are MF and I had no idea it was rude! I shall have to go into hiding! 😰


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