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To think that a basic knowledge of sex does not rob a child if innocence?

51 replies

malificent7 · 17/04/2017 16:19

Dd has known how babies are made since the age of about 5 when she asked how babies were made.
I didnt go into unecessary detail but ive made it clear that it is normal and natural.
She is now 8 and some of those close to me are shocked that she knows about the facts of life. This is made worse as she talks about boys and girls "going out" at school. By this she means they ask each other out and then never talk to each other again apart from to dump them.
Some people are shocked and think its too young and its because she knows about sex.
Imo thus is all completely batueal. Dd is just as much into fossils and Santa as she is into the dacts of life.

Aibu to think that educating your child about sex does not mean that they will be overly sexualised and hit tinder before the age of 16?

OP posts:
metalmum15 · 18/04/2017 08:40

OP your dp is definitely in denial. In fairness, I think it's harder for men seeing their little girls grow up, I think women are more realistic about it. ALL kids get to about 8/9 and start talking about 'boyfriends' and 'going out'. They're just emulating parents, older siblings, things they see on tv. My 9 year old tells me most days which boy she 'has a crush on' today. It's all very innocent. Apparently she's gone off the latest one because she caught him picking his nose!

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