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Is a puppy harder to raise than a newborn?

88 replies

KeepCalmLadybird · 15/04/2017 23:37

I had ds around 8 months ago. At the same time my friend got a new puppy. We were texting one day to see how the other one was getting on. She made a comment along the lines of 'a puppy is harder work than a newborn' mainly because of their energy, toilet training etc. I didn't make any comment on it at the time but have thought about it a few times since. I was so tired at the time, emotional and recovering from a traumatic birth and was a bit taken aback.

AIBU to think a newborn is harder than a puppy? I am happy to be told IABU as I've never had a puppy before so don't know what it entails really! I just can't imagine having that newborn fog, all emotions and no sleep with a puppy. Although I guess some babies are easier than others, same with puppies probably.

The reason I have been thinking about it today is because she is due her first baby soon and I just wonder if her mind might change.

OP posts:
Badgoushk · 16/04/2017 14:33

I found our puppy harder than my two newborns. But we had the puppy first so there was the new loss of freedom to deal with.

Hoppinggreen · 16/04/2017 14:37

Newborns bite less but you cant pop them in a cage while you go out for a few hours

OutComeTheWolves · 16/04/2017 14:39

I have a very easy baby & my dog is a right pain in the arse so I'd be tempted to agree with her.
The only aspect of the dog that's easier is that I can leave the dog alone in the house. It's frowned upon when you do that to babies!

RiversrunWoodville · 16/04/2017 14:44

Actually tbf I can see her point, we currently have 4 dogs 2 of whom we've had since pups and have previously had many others and have 2 dds, dd1 was a preemie and although a good sleeper was a terrible eater and a little delayed in some milestones and is currently awaiting testing for SEN, dd2 co sleeps although I use the sleeps part lightly but somehow I find that I found them easier to cope with than puppies.

TiredMumToTwo · 16/04/2017 16:18

Widdlin - shit & piss everywhere for 7 months??? I've house trained a number of puppies & all have had it cracked by 5 months, most by 4.

GrimDamnFanjo · 16/04/2017 16:21

Hmmm different things to compare but I thought my puppy was harder. I may have had an easy baby and a difficult puppy though!

Kitsandkids · 16/04/2017 17:11

I'm glad it's not just me who finds puppies hard! I've just been out for a couple of hours with the kids and pup in the pouring rain. The kids would have been fine staying in but I couldn't stand the thought of an evening in with the dog if he hadn't had a walk!

histinyhandsarefrozen · 16/04/2017 17:18

With my babies, i worried, I cared, I researched, I feared the worst, i hoped, I dreamt, I felt guilt- and of course that tremendous petrifying love. I want to be the best I can for them.

With the puppy? Nah, just need to make sure he's walked. It's so piss easy compared to the mind-fuck of child rearing, I find even the comparison perculiar.

GinIsIn · 16/04/2017 17:24

histinyhands if you did zero research and didn't care about getting a puppy, you really aren't cut out to own a dog. Hmm

histinyhandsarefrozen · 16/04/2017 17:25

Ooooh. Grin

ToothTrauma · 16/04/2017 17:28

I think having a puppy is probably MORE like having a newborn than some other baby animals. But - I don't have DC - I'm not sure I think one is really much like the other at all.

isthistoonosy · 16/04/2017 17:29

We had dc1, 8 months later got a puppy, 8 months after that had dc2.
Barely remember the puppy being any bother at all tbh. A couple of weeks sleeping downstairs with it and waking to let it out at night and that was it really.
If only babies were that east.

justdontevenfuckingstart · 16/04/2017 17:32

Our little Boo nearly broke our relationship. When we got Sam he was even worse (was ignored because it was his dog) They are now 4 and 2. They were definitely harder than kids.
It's no defence, we are way softer with the dogs than children so totally our fault.
I also don't agree with what hist said but we're all different and that's just my feeling.

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